  • 新精神使夏布兰德的散文和拉马丁的诗获得生气,但只是精神如此,这两位作家使用的形式仍保留旧传统的许重要特点,成了旧瓶装新酒。
    The new spirit had animated the prose of Chateaubraind and the poetry of Lamartine; but it was the spirit only; the form of both these writers retained mast of the important characteristics of the old tradition. It was new wine in old bottles.
  • 我们从他脸上的神气就能看出他么兴奋。
    We could see how excited he was by the animation in his face.
  • 媒体环境中,我们可以同时拥有图形和文本,也可以增加图片、动画、高质量的音响和全动录像。
    In the multimedia environment, we have graphics and text at the same time, we can also add the photograph, animation, good-quality sound, and full motion video.
  • 她比你们俩人加在一起还要活跃得
    She had more animation in her little finger than you two put together.
  • 我们从他脸上的神气就能看出他么兴奋。
    We can see how excited he is by the animation in his face.
  • 虽然目前activex在web上最流行的用途是给web页面增加动画,但它对各公司的web站点是有用的——数访问者喜好站点的简洁性。
    Although the most popular Web use for ActiveX controls right now is to add animation to Web pages, this is marginally useful for corporate Web sites -- many visitors prefer simplicity on a site.
  • 这一天,动画片创始人汉纳-巴伯拉影视公司的联合主席和共同创办人--威廉·汉纳在好莱坞北部家中辞世,终年90岁。汉纳一生中创作出了众著名的动画形象,如汤姆和杰瑞、小猎狗、瑜珈熊、弗林斯通以及杰特森一家。
    Cartoon pioneer William Hanna,co chairman and co-founder of Hanna-Barbera Studios,passed away on March 22 at his home in North Hollywood.He was 90.Hanna was responsible for such famous animation icons as Tom and Jerry,Huckleberry Hound,Yogi Bear,The Flintstones and The Jetsons.
  • 媒体环境中,我们可以同时拥有图形和文本,也可以增加图片、动画、高质量的音响和全动录像,这些技术使得计算机使用起来更有趣也更容易。例如,一个媒体程序可以播放一段电影:一只小猫正在玩线团,发出“喵喵”的声音……
    In the multimedia environment,we have graphics and text at the same time,we can also add the photograph, animation,good-quality sound, and full motion video. All of the technologies make computers more interesting and much easier to use. For example, a multimedia program can play a segment of movie: a cat was playing a reel of thread, with "mewing…
  • 克林顿:美越年仇恨已过去。
    Years of U.S.-Vietnam animosity over: Clinton.
  • 塔西佗,普布留斯·科内利乌斯古罗官员和历史学家,他的两部最伟大的著作,历史和编年史,记述了从奥古斯都之死(公元14年)到米西安之死(96年)这期间的史实
    Roman public official and historian whose two greatest works, Histories and Annals, concern the period from the death of Augustus( a.d.14) to the death of Domitian(96).
  • 几千年来,特别是五四运动以后的半个世纪来,他们满怀信心,艰苦奋斗,排除一切阻力,一次又一次地写下了我国历史上光辉灿烂的篇章。
    For thousands of years, and especially in the half century since the May 4th Movement, they have struggled arduously and confidently, overcoming all obstacles in their way and writing many brilliant chapters in our annals.
  • 中华人民共和国成立五十年来,新疆各民族人民团结协作,努力开拓,共同书写了开发、建设、保卫边疆的辉煌篇章,新疆的社会面貌发生了翻天覆地的变化。
    In the more than 50 years since the People’s Republic of China was founded, the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, with concerted and pioneering efforts, have jointly written brilliant pages in the annals of its development, construction and frontier defense, causing earth-shaking changes in the social outlook of the region.
  • 我们的好朋友都来: 如安妮、 肯、 乔治等.
    Lots of our friends are coming: Anne, Ken and George, to name but a few.
  • 演员:安妮-海瑟薇茱莉-安德鲁斯哈克特-埃利桑海瑟-马托拉佐
    Starring: Anne Hathaway, Julie Andrews, Hector Elizondo, Heather Matarazzo
  • 安今天感觉身体好了。她说她觉得身体差不完全康复了。
    Anne's much better today and says she's almost herself again.
  • 约翰还没有做少工作,可是安妮已经做完了。
    John hasn't done much work yet, but Anne has already finished.
  • 在1939年大战爆发的前几年,希特勒没开一抢而成功地把欧洲许地区并吞为德国领土。
    In the years immediately preceding the outbreak of war in1939, Hitler succeeded in annexing various parts of Europe to Germany without firing a shot.
  •  二00七年以后香港特别行政区立法会的产生办法和法案、议案的表决程序,如需对本附件的规定进行修改,须经立法会全体议员三分之二数通过,行政长官同意,并报全国人民代表大会常务委员会备案。
    With regard to the method for forming the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and its procedures for voting on bills and motions after 2007, if there is a need to amend the provisions of this Annex, such amendments must be made with the endorsement of a two-thirds majority of all the members of the Council and the consent of the Chief Executive, and they shall be reported to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for the record.
  • 现冒昧寄上本年度葡萄酒出口价格表一份,请关照。
    We take the liberty of annexe our export price of wine for the current year, and solicit the favour of your patronage.
  • 领导者们畏敌如虎,处处设防,节节抵御,不敢举行本来有利的向敌人后方打去的进攻,也不敢大胆放手诱敌深入,聚而歼之,结果丧失了整个根据地,使红军做了一万二千公里的长征。
    The leaders feared the enemy as if he were a tiger, set up defences everywhere, fought defensive actions at every step and did not dare to advance to the enemy's rear and attack him there, which would have been to our advantage, or boldly to lure the enemy troops in deep so as to herd them together and annihilate them. As a result, the whole base area was lost and the Red Army had to undertake the Long March of over 12,000 kilometres.
  • 五是包围多歼灭少。
    Fifth, encirclement of large, but annihilation of small numbers.
  • 因而最高限度的歼灭,例如全部或大部俘获的事,在许场合特别是在平原地带的战斗中,是困难的。
    Therefore, it is often difficult to achieve the maximum in annihilation, such as capturing the whole or the greater part of an enemy force, especially when hghting on the plains.
  • 反攻阶段中,问题是很的,主要的如反攻开始问题、集中兵力问题、运动战问题、速决战问题、歼灭战问题等。
    In the stage of counter-offensive, there are many problems, the chief of which are the starting of the counter-offensive, the concentration of troops, mobile warfare, war of quick decision and war of annihilation.
  • 20年来,萨达姆用语言和行动追逐着自己的野心,企图独霸伊拉克和广大的中东地区。他使用他仅知的威胁、强迫和灭绝手段来对付那些可能挡他道路的人。
    For more than 20 years, by word and by deed Saddam Hussein has pursued his ambition to dominate Iraq and the broader Middle East using the only means he knows, intimidation, coercion and annihilation of all those who might stand in his way.
  • 我经常想,用这种方式宣布是么有趣啊!
    I always thought it was such a sweet way to announce it.
  • 学生宣布对于比赛他们已准备就绪。
    A number of student announce their readiness to engage in the contest.
  • 通过200媒体计算机提供登记、查询、交易撮合等各种服务,在室内外大型显示屏播放公告、广告及当日国内外重要新闻。
    More than 200 multi-media computers will provide registration, consulting, and business matching services. Huge display screens will show announcements, advertisements and major international and domestic news in and out of the Exhibition Hall.
  • 年内,委员会举办了项活动,向市民宣传公民教育各项主题,其中包括各类型宣传运动,例如电台宣传声带和电视宣传短片、电视节目、资讯聆热线故事、《基本法》研讨会及类型的广告制作。
    Major activities organised during the year included a wide range of publicity campaigns involving Announcements in the Public Interest, television programmes, telephone hotline stories, seminars on the Basic Law and advertisements to promote various civic education themes.
  • 有许烦恼或者痛苦的;受折磨的
    Full of annoyance or distress; harassed.
  • 讨厌,我把钱包落在家里了。
    How annoying, I've left my wallet at home!
  • 观赏植物都是一年生的。
    Many garden plants are annuals.
  • 他的年薪是多少?
    How much is his annual salary?