  • 埃里克布来尔以乔治奥韦尔为笔写作。
    Eric Blair wrote under the pseudonym of George Orwell.
  • 南蒂科克加拿大安大略东南一城市。位于伊利湖畔、汉密尔顿东南偏南,它处在胜地区。人口19,816
    A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, on Lake Erie south-southeast of Hamilton. It is in a resort region. Population,19, 816.
  • …湖用于湖的字中,一些湖的特定组成部分;如,伊利湖;卢斯米湖;伦蒙湖
    For the names of actual lakes, see the specific element of the name; for example, Erie, Lake; Lucerne, Lake of; Lomond, Loch.
  • 门罗美国密歇根州东南部一城市,位于伊利湖湖畔,底特律西南部。1778年建立,现在是一个地区制造业和航运业中心,以动物养殖场闻。人口22,902
    A city of southeast Michigan on Lake Erie southwest of Detroit. It was settled c.1778 and today is a manufacturing and shipping center for an area noted for its nurseries. Population,22, 902.
  • 在文学史上,大鼎鼎的海明威曾著有《乞力马扎罗的雪》一书,从而让人们对这片土地心存一份特殊的情结,再加上一些古老的非洲传说,更是令这座山显得神秘而令人向往。
    The mountain is enshrined in literature, most notably Ernest Hemingway's "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" and some ancient beliefs in Africa hold the mountain to be a sacred place.
  • 警方正在追捕一越狱的逃犯。
    The police are pursuing an escaped prisoner.
  • 许多人,尤其是年轻人跟着这位影星让他签
    Many people esp. the young, flocked after the movie star to get his signature.
  • 哈兹利特,威廉1778-1830因犀利的文学批评而闻的英国散文家,他的作品包括莎士比亚戏剧中的人物(1817年)
    British essayist noted for his trenchant literary criticism. His works include The Characters of Shakespeare's Plays(1817).
  • 他的第二部小说确立了他作家之
    His second novel established his fame as a writer.
  • 他们已为儿子预约报入伊顿公学.
    They've put their son down for Eton.
  • 尽管我儿子在伊顿公学中得过次,但当然还得取决于他的入学考试成绩。
    My son has a place at Eton, although of course it still hinges on the result of his entrance examination.
  •  第三次婚姻失败以后,1942年他遇识了一位年轻的女郎,她是美国著剧作家尤金·奥尼尔的女儿。
    After failure of the third marriage in 1942, He had met a young woman, the daughter of the great American playwright, Eugene O'Neill.
  • 第四股名伯拉河。
    The fourth river is the Euphrates.
  • 玛丽安·伊文思写文章使用笔乔治·艾略特。
    Marian Evans wrote under the name of George Eliot.
  • 参议员因逃避缴纳所得税而受到指责。
    The senate was censured for income tax evasion.
  • 前两参赛者比分相当——这真是半近八两,今天下午最后的决赛一定很精彩。
    The two leading competitions have an equal numbers of points - it's evens Stephens, and the final stages of the competition this afternoon should be very exciting.
  • 把每个人的字都记住是不可能的。
    It's impossible to remember everybody's name.
  • 单上包括了所有的人。
    The list takes in everybody.
  • 极坏的声或声誉
    Evil fame or reputation.
  • 经理究竞做些什么?
    What exactly does a manager?
  • 应考者有十名不及格.
    Ten of the examinees were failed.
  • "例如,伊利诺州就取于过去生活在这里的印第安人。"
    "For example, Illinols was named for the Indians who used to live in that part of the country."
  • 家,匠有特殊高超技艺的艺术家表演者
    An artist or a performer of great and exemplary skill.
  • 有近五十参展者为画展提供了展品.
    Nearly fifty exhibitors have provided pictures for the display.
  • 我们第一次跳伞感到兴奋莫.
    Our first parachute jump was an exhilarating experience.
  • 工厂的扩展意味著将增雇六十工人.
    The expansion of the factory will mean the employment of sixty extra workers.
  • 甲:这位著歌手在晚会上要表演节目的吧?乙:我想是吧。
    A: Is the famous singer going to give any performance at the evening party? B: I expect so.
  • ,退学因考试成绩不合格而从学校或该门课程中除掉或被除掉学习资格
    To expel or be expelled from a school or course because of work that does not meet required standards.
  • 间谍被驱逐出境。
    The spy was expelled from the realm.
  • 他是知的金融专家。
    He is an well-known expert in finance.
  • 同位,并列,并置一词或一词词组作为解释性成分与另一个放在一起,这两个成分与句子中的其他成分有相同的关系;如科普利与painter(画家)在画家科普利出生于波士顿句子中
    A construction in which a noun or noun phrase is placed with another as an explanatory equivalent, both having the same syntactic relation to the other elements in the sentence; for example, Copley and the painter in The painter Copley was born in Boston.
  • 著名英雄的丰功伟绩
    the exploits of the famous heroes