  • 驯养用来打斗的鸡。
    a cock bred and trained for fighting.
  • 布鲁梅尔,乔治·布赖恩1778-1840英国的花花子,其剪裁朴素的衣裤代替西装、领带而成为男士的流行服装。他嗜赌如命,穷困潦倒,死于法国一家精神病医院
    British dandy who popularized new men's fashions, including simply cut clothing, trousers rather than breeches, and elaborate neckwear. An inveterate gambler, he died in poverty in an insane asylum in France.
  • 社会不正──革命的根源
    Social injustice梐 breeder of revolutions.
  • 繁殖种群;留下几头牛育种。
    the breeding population; retained a few bulls for breeding purposes.
  • 引起猪的性欲来杂交育种
    Sex up the male pig for cross breeding
  • 虽然园位于市区内,但却是成功的繁殖中心。
    Despite its urban environment, it is a successful breeding centre.
  • 明登德国东北部一城市,位于不来梅以南的威悉河畔。罗马帝国时代有人定居,元800年查里曼大帝将其建为主教营区。13世纪明登加入汉萨同盟,1814年转由普鲁士管辖。人口75,419
    A city of northwest Germany on the Weser River south of Bremen. Settled in Roman times, it was founded c.800 as a bishopric by Charlemagne. Minden joined the Hanseatic League in the13th century and passed to Prussia in1814. Population,75, 419.
  • 在办室里布兰达的确是个能干而有进取心的人。
    Brenda sure be a go- getter at the office.
  • 在办室里布兰达的确是个能干而有进取心的人。
    Brenda sure is a go - getter at the office.
  • 要不是办像酿酒厂或保险司这样的副业,他们没有多少人只靠艺术就能过的舒舒服服。
    Few of them managed to make a good living out of their art alone, without running a sideline such as a brewery or an insurance office.
  • 中法葡萄酒酿造公司
    Sino-French grape wine brewing corporation
  • 布赖恩·布尔德先生,一位共关系顾问,正在策划这些活动。正如他们在共关系事务中所说,他身兼多职。
    Mr Brian Baird, a public relations consultant, is masterminding the proceedings. He, as they say in the PR business, is wearing a lot of hats.
  • “从我在1987年第一次到这家司面试起,迈克尔就清楚地告诉我们,我们的目标是被客户谈起,就象对康柏和ibm一样。”戴尔最早的一百个职员之一,brianfawkes说,“这个观点从来就没有动摇过。
    "From the first day I interviewed with the company in 1987, Michael made it clear that our goal was to be mentioned by customers in the same sentence with IBM and Compaq," says Brian Fawkes, one of Dell's first hundred employees. "This focus has never wavered.
  • 那家大司企图贿赂新闻界把这篇报道压下来。
    That big corporation tried to bribe the press to sit on the story.
  • 警察受贿案开之後,引起极大的余波。
    There is a lot of fallout after the police bribe is make public.
  • 警察受贿案开之后,引起极大的余波。
    There is a lot of fallout after the police bribe was made public.
  • 在中东,你必须在共场合赠送礼品以证明那不是贿赂,但是在亚洲,私下送礼是一个好方式。
    You have to give your present in public in the Middle East to show it's not a bribe,but it's good manners to give your present in private in Asia.
  • 因为一个人自己实行的节操是约束自己和仆役的,而宣扬出去的节操,再加上开的对贿赂的厌恨,则是约束他人的。
    For integrity used doth the one; but integrity professed, and with a manifest detestation of bribery,doth the other.
  • 局长指控路承建人受贿,包工说他是五十步笑百步。
    When the commissioner accused the road builder of bribery, the contractor said the pot was calling the kettle black.
  • 水门事件包括共和党官员滥用权力、违背众信任、贿赂、蔑视国会及企图防碍司法的丑闻
    A scandal involving abuse of power by public officials, violation of the public trust, bribery, contempt of Congress, and attempted obstruction of justice.
  • 执行处接受并调查多类市民的举报,包括违反《防止贿赂条例》的怀疑贪污罪行、违反《舞弊及非法行为条例》的选举舞弊行为,以及违反《廉政署条例》所载与贪污有关的罪行。
    The Operations Department receives and investigates reports of suspected corruption under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance, election malpractices under the Corrupt and Illegal Practices Ordinance, and corruption-related offences under the ICAC Ordinance.
  • 据统计,检察机关1996年共立案侦查贪污、贿赂、挪用款等犯罪大案34879件,渎职和侵犯民人身权利、民主权利犯罪大案4864件。
    Statistics reveal that in 1996, the procuratorial bodies put on record and investigated 34,879 major criminal cases that involved embezzlement, bribery and misappropriation of public funds, as well as 4,864 major cases of malfeasance and infringement of citizens' personal and democratic rights.
  • 155.香港被誉为世界上营商环境最开的城市之一,主要是因为本港廉政署肃贪倡廉的成绩卓越。对於利用行贿或贪污手法谋取不当利益的人,不论背景或者阶层,廉政署都会将他们绳之於法。
    155. That Hong Kong has a reputation as one of the most fair and open cities in the world in which to do business, is in large part due to the excellent work of the ICAC, which continues to bring to justice, regardless of background, those who use bribery and corruption to gain an unfair advantage.
  • 为了不破坏草地、湿地等自然环境,设计中大量采用了以桥代路的方法,仅在西藏自治区境内就为此专门设置了累计13里的桥梁。
    To prevent damage to grasslands and wetlands, the planners designed many special bridges. The total length of bridges built for this railway line in Tibet alone would reach 13 km.
  • 路上将没有十字路口,而代之以过街桥和立交桥。
    Cross-roads will not exist on these new highways, but will be replaced by bridges and flyovers.
  • 一些建筑(如路、学校、桥梁或船坞等)它们是由政府拔款建的,是为了共的利益。
    structures (such as highways or schools or bridges or docks) constructed at government expense for public use.
  • 工程学中有关共工程如水坝和桥的设计与建造的分支。
    the branch of engineering concerned with the design and construction of such public works as dams or bridges.
  • 构造、设计和维护共设施(道路、大桥或海港等)的工程师。
    an engineer trained to design and construct and maintain public works (roads or bridges or harbors etc.).
  • 当将平台独立性应用于封闭的司环境时,多个专有产品的复杂的网络路由连接和桥接等头疼的问题就迎刃而解了。
    When applying platform independence to a closed corporate environment, the headache of complex network routing and bridging multiple proprietary products is eliminated.
  • 虽说私人间的嫉妒有百害而无一利,但众的嫉妒却还有一点好处,因为它就像陶片放逐法,可除去那些位高专权者,所以它对其他大人物亦是一种制约,可使他们循规蹈矩。
    There is yet some good in public envy, whereas in private, there is none. For public envy, is as an ostracism, that eclipseth men, when they grow too great. And therefore it is a bridle also to great ones, to keep them within bounds.
  • 司已将案件委托给最好的律师进行辩护。
    The company has briefed a top lawyer to defend it.
  • 外交备忘录简明的未经签署的外交
    A brief, unsigned diplomatic communication.