  • 拌嘴大声吵,尤指为小事;口角
    To quarrel noisily, especially over a small matter; wrangle.
  • 进行喧哗的争论
    To have a noisy argument.
  • 在人群中的吵杂斗。
    a noisy fight in a crowd.
  • 吵愤怒的、吵闹的论或辩论
    An angry, noisy argument or dispute.
  • 中立国战中不与任何一方结盟的国家
    A nation nonaligned with either side in a war.
  • 她从容不迫地击败求职的所有竞者。
    She defeat all her rival for the job with nonchalant ease.
  • 今年要在已有工作基础上,以增强国际竞力为核心,重点抓好以下几个方面:一是按照法制统一、非歧视、公开透明的原则,抓紧完善既符合世贸组织规则,又符合我国国情的涉外经济法律法规体系,确保执法公正与效率。
    This year we need to concentrate on increasing our international competitiveness and fulfilling the following tasks on the basis of what has been achieved. First, following the principles of the uniformity of law, nondiscrimination, and openness and transparency, we need to quickly improve the system of foreign-related economic laws and statutes so that they are suitable to domestic conditions and the WTO rules and able to guarantee fair and efficient law enforcement.
  • 我没有和任何人过。
    I strove with none.
  • 传记作品《亚伯拉罕・林肯:战年代》1940年获普利策历史奖。
    His nonfiction book Abraham Lincoln: the War Years was awarded the Pulitzer prize for history in1940.
  • 放宽国内民间资本的市场准入领域,在投融资、税收、土地使用和对外贸易等方面采取措施,实现公平竞
    We should expand the areas for the market access of domestic nongovernmental capital and adopt measures with regard to investment, financing, taxation, land use, foreign trade and other aspects to carry out fair competition.
  • 中立保持中立的状态或中立政策,尤指不参加战
    The state or policy of being neutral, especially nonparticipation in war.
  • 他参与?quot;开始进攻日"的登陆,到过诺曼底的战前沿,并曾随加拿大军队横渡莱茵河。
    He was involved in the D-Day landings,on the battlefronts of Normandy,and in crossing the Rhine with the Canadians.
  • 提尔挪威的战神,雯丁的儿子
    A Norse god of war, son of Odin.
  • 铜头蛇美国南北战期间同情南方的北方人
    A Northerner who sympathized with the South during the Civil War.
  • 北方人认为这就是南方在南北战中失败的原因。
    Northerners think they're the reason the South lost the Civil War.
  • 因豪绅间战未起,湘边酃县、茶陵、攸县尚有大敌,主力北向,必为所乘。
    Since fighting had not broken out among the landlords and since formidable enemy forces were still in Pinghsiang, Chaling and Yuhsien on the Hunan border, we would have been giving the enemy his chance if we had moved our main forces northward.
  • 巴郎拉德(挪威)和瓦塞牛斯二人你我赶地滑了四千米,然后巴郎拉德才开始渐渐领先,抛开了瓦塞牛斯。
    Ballangrud (Norway) and Vasenius, paired together, raced neck and neck for 4000 meters before the Norwegian began to pull away.
  • 廉政建设和反腐败斗力度加大,成绩显著。
    Efforts were intensified to build a clean and honest government and fight corruption, yielding notable results.
  • 大力提高竞技体育水平,造就一批国家级优秀教练员和科研人员,培养一批具有国际水准的优势运动项目群体和竞技运动拔尖人才,力北京竞技体育总体水平位居全国前列,力北京运动员获得奥运金牌总数有新的较大的突破,综合实力明显增强,使北京竞技体育在展示城市形象,和市民精神风貌方面发挥重要作用。
    Make great efforts to raise the level of the competition sports, bring up a number of national outstanding coaches and scientific research personnel, train outstanding groups and top-notch athletes in a number of sports and events with good winning chances at world class tournaments, strive to rank Beijing’ overall competition sports level among the top places in the country, strive to ensure that Beijing’s athletes will win more Olympic gold medals than ever before and its overall sports strength will increase notably so that Beijing’s competition sports will play an important role in displaying the city’s image and the citizen’s mental outlook.
  • 日本曾经侵略过亚洲许多邻国,在战期间有过非常残忍的不人道行径,并最终导致这些邻国的发展进程长期滞后。
    Japan had invaded its many Asian neighbours and its military was notorious for its wartime atrocities. These countries have lagged behind in development for a long time as a result of the suffering brought upon them.
  • 哈利法克斯加拿大诺瓦斯克提亚的首府和最大的城市,位于濒临大西洋的这个省的南部中心位置,建于1749年,当时是作为美国独立战的一个重要的海军基地,后又在1812年战及以后两次世界大战中起过重要作用。人口114,594
    The capital and largest city of Nova Scotia, Canada, in the south-central part of the province on the Atlantic Ocean. Founded in1749, it served as an important naval base in the American Revolution, the War of1812, and both World Wars. Population,114, 594.
  • 这本小说把战美化了。
    This novel glorifies war.
  • 核战争;有核国家
    Nuclear war; nuclear nations.
  • 当他们问是否有人说法语时,简提醒过我,但是我不想卷入这一论之中。
    Jane nudged my arm when they asked if anybody spoke French but I didn't want to be involved in the argument.
  • 当他们问起是否有人会讲西班牙语时,玛丽碰我的手臂但我不愿意卷入这场论之中。
    Mary nudged my arm when they asked if anybody spoke Spanish but I didn't want to be involved in the argument.
  • 乔真是讨厌-他总是存心想吵。
    Joe is a nuisance – he's always spoiling for an argument.
  • 但是中国人民反对日本帝国主义的斗,以及其他帝国主义国家的干涉,使得经过那时的卖国头子袁世凯签了字的对日屈服投降的条约二十一条,不得不宣告无效。
    But the treaty surrendering China to Japan, the Twenty-one Demands signed by Yuan Shih-kai, the arch-traitor of that time, was inevitably rendered null and void as a result of the Chinese people's fight against Japanese imperialism and of the intervention by other imperialist powers.
  • 因为战的领导艺术和人的活跃性,临到像第一次世界大战的中期以后西欧地区那样的阵地战,就死了一大半。
    For the art of directing war and the active role of man are largely nullified in positional warfare such as that fought in Western Europe in the second half of World War I.
  • 历史中有在连战皆捷之后吃了一个败仗以至全功尽弃的,有在吃了许多败仗之后打了一个胜仗因而开展了新局面的。
    In the history of war, there are instances where defeat in a single battle nullified all the advantages of a series of victories, and there are also instances where victory in a single battle after many defeats opened up a new situation.
  • 要承认我们军队打现代化战的能力不够。要承认我们军队的人数虽然多,但是素质比较差。
    We must also admit that our army is not sufficiently capable of conducting modern warfare, and that although it is numerically strong, it is of relatively poor quality.
  • 在一场不义战中英雄式的战士与护士
    Soldiers and nurses who were heroes in an unpopular war.
  • 只有对个别顽固分子,才经过一番孤立工作之后,实行斗的方式。
    The struggle shall be waged only against a few obdurate landlords after they have been isolated.