  • 南亚其他金融市场最近出现的波动中,各位可以清楚看到现时香港的金融状况和理财政策是何等稳健。
    "During the turbulent days recently in other Southeast Asian financial markets, you saw how solid our finances and our fiscal policy are today.
  • 朱顶雀半球的一种雀科鸣鸟(金翅属美洲家朱雀),有棕色羽毛
    A small Old World finch(Carduelis cannabina) having brownish plumage.
  • 半球的一种雀科鸣鸟,其雄鸟的胸部和前额为红色。
    small Old World finch whose male has a red breast and forehead.
  • 我想你的房不会提出起诉的。不过也不敢肯定,因为我对法律的细节不甚了解。
    I don’t think your landlord could prosecute, but I’m not well enough versed in the finer point of the law to be certain.
  • 他将它打开之后,爱惜地瞧着那套在部最出色的盗窃工具。
    He opened it and looked fondly at the finest set of burglar’s tools in the East.
  • 你夜里一定要将西放好,这里的一些人是要偷西的。
    Make sure you put your thing away at night; some people round here are light-fingered.
  • 当你进入一个站点时,留下的是他/她的ip地址--这是一种类似数字指纹的西--而不是你的。
    When you go to a site, his or her IP address -- a kind of digital fingerprint -- is the one that gets left behind, not yours.
  • 先把你盘子里的西吃掉。
    Finish everything on your plate first.
  • 把桌上的西统统吃掉
    Finish off everything on the table
  • 居住在俄国部的农村芬兰人的一支。
    a member of a rural Finnish people living in E Russia.
  • 居住在俄国乌拉尔地区北的一部分芬兰人。
    a member of a Finnish people living in the NW Urals in Russia.
  • 芬兰-乌戈尔语的乌拉尔语系的一支,乌拉尔语系包括芬兰语、匈牙利语和欧及苏联西北部的其它几种语言
    A subfamily of the Uralic language family that includes Finnish, Hungarian, and other languages of eastern Europe and the northwest Soviet Union.
  • 哨子头类似管风琴内音栓一样的西
    An object similar to a fipple in an organ pipe.
  • 一对夫妇需要在日常生活中留出一些西以备不时之需。
    It is imperative that a couple should so live to set something aside fir a rainy day.
  • 枪可不是随便玩玩的西。
    A firearm is no toy to be bandied about.
  • 因为大家都没有火柴了,也就没有西来点放鞭炮了。
    Since no one had any more matches, there was nothing with which to set off the firecrackers.
  • 西在马鞍上扎牢了吗?
    Is it firmly fastened on to the saddle?
  • 现场工作在实地所做的工作或获得的第一手观察资料,与在可控环境下做的或观察到的西相对
    Work done or firsthand observations made in the field as opposed to that done or observed in a controlled environment.
  • 如果我们要跳舞的话,你们可以帮我准备一下。让我们先把房子中间的西推到一边去。
    If we are going to dance, some of you can give me a hand to clear the decks. Let's firstly shove the things out of the centre of the room.
  • “人文”是什么?按照方传统哲学,它包含两层意思:第一,它代表的是一种理想的人性,什么样的人是理想的人,什么样的人生是理想的人生,这是最根本的。
    Humanity has two meanings according to traditional oriental philosophy.Firstly and fundamentally, it represents an ideal state of human nature.
  • 5岁的洛特-皮卡德很为自己那粉色的网眼袜和系带小凉鞋得意,小姑娘觉得这些西很性感,而且喜欢自己看上去性感。
    Five-year-old Lotte Pickard loves her pink fishnet stockings her strappy sandals, which she says, are sexy. "I like to look sexy," the little girl explains.
  • 1994年黑人男青年在监狱里的人数竟比入大学读书的人还多。位于纳什维尔的菲斯克大学,71%是女生,该校的招生办公室主任安尼·琼斯说:“符合入学条件的黑人男青年越来越少了。
    "You've got fewer and fewer black males who are eligible for college," says Anthony Jones, director of admissions at Fisk University in Nashville, which is 71 percent female.
  • 我放了两个5元的硬币买可乐,不过没有西从机器里出来。
    I put in two fives for a coke, but nothing came out of the machine.
  • 他异常依恋那些使他回忆起童年生活的西。
    He is fixate on things that remind him of his childhood.
  • 固定或稳固的西固定或无法移动的西
    Something fixed or immovable.
  • 固定物牢固地安放在一个地方的西
    Something securely fixed in place.
  • 的确,在今天的大街上你看到的葡萄牙人越来越少,但是这儿的依然是欧洲风格与远传统文化不同寻常的融合点,这使得它具有独特的城市风格。
    Certainly, you see fewer Portuguese faces on the streets nowadays, but there remains the curious mixture of European flair and Far Eastern tradition that make the city so special.
  • 当你感到饥饿难挨时,找些西来吃。
    When you start flaking out, have something to eat.
  • 的糕点,由坚果和蜂蜜为馅做成的薄层糕点。
    rich Middle Eastern cake made of thin layers of flaky pastry filled with nuts and honey.
  • 美国部的一种高大的,具片状树皮的落叶栎树,叶裂片比其他白栎少;木材坚硬,用于建筑;易于在湿地生长。
    large flaky-barked deciduous oak of the eastern United States with leaves having fewer lobes than other white oaks; yields heavy strong wood used in construction; thrives in wet soil.
  • 从女性角度来看,最好的礼物是那些普通的小礼品,而不是什么花哨艳丽的西。
    The best gifts, from a woman's point of view, are those that are on going, rather than flamboyant.
  • 他们想支援翼力量的计划未能实现
    Their support on the eastern flank did not materialize.