| - 一些省份被证实叛变了;支持篡位者的变节者。
some provinces had proved recreant; renegade supporters of the usurper. - 那个懦弱的家伙转头逃跑了;一个要树白旗的、懦弱的建议;懦弱的骑士——斯宾塞。
the craven fellow turned and ran; a craven proposal to raise the white flag; this recreant knight- Spenser. - 然而当这座城市的领导人意识到推倒所有的古旧房屋将会使旅游业受到影响时,他们便展开了一项恢复历史传统的运动。
But when the city's hands-on leaders realized tourism would drop if they tore down all the old buildings, they launched a campaign to recreate the past. - 我像一个钢琴师,首先一个乐句一个乐句地、已领神会乐曲的佳妙,接着操练一番,尽可能想把作曲家要表达的思想感情挖掘出来,并且惟妙惟肖地使它重新再现。
I was like a pianist studying a piece of music, phrase by phrase, rehearsing it, trying to discover and recreate exactly what the composer was trying to convey. - 如果你一直随时保存,你可能会丢失半页或一页;如果不随时保存,你会将29页都丢掉。从记忆中恢复丢失的半页、一页要比恢复29页容易得多。
If you've been saving all along,you've lost half a page,maybe a page,both of which are a lot easier to recreate from memory than the 29 pages you would have lost if you hadn't been saving at all. - 经过四十多年的努力,西藏人民的生活水平普遍有了显著提高,绝大部分农牧民的温饱问题已基本解决,一部分农牧民已经富裕起来,1991年全区农牧民人均纯收入为455元,扣除物价上涨因素,比1979年的159元增长1.6倍。
Due to efforts made in the past 40-odd years the living standards of the Tibetan people have improved markedly. Most farmers and herdsmen have adequate food and clothing and some have attained relative affluence. In 1991, the average net income of farmers and herdsmen in the region was 455 yuan. Allowing for price increases, the figure was 2.6 times higher than the 159 yuan of 1979. - 分布式处理程序设计执行程序/数据库和事务管理系统(dppx/dtms)中的一种数据集,它含有某一数据库目标数据集记录的一个副本,该副本可用作再建该数据库的主输入源
In DPPX/DTMS, a data set that contains a copy of the target data set records of a data base. The copy can be used as a primary source of input for recreating the data base. - 后来,他对塞尚所分析的艺术家的世界作了再创造的试验,“你必然会在自然界看到圆柱体、圆体、锥体”——像有一位艺术家所说的”小立方体”。
Later, he experimented in recreating the artist's world as Cezanne had analyzed it, “You must see in nature the cylinder, the sphere, the cone, the little Cubes,” as one artist called them. - 游戏伙伴一起游戏或消遣的伙伴
A companion in play or recreation. - 新加坡已经晋升发达国家行列,在经济和其他领域的成就,也使我们成为他国效仿的对象。然而,在教育和文化修养上,要向西方国家,日本,或者中国大陆和台湾等看齐,我们还要走一段漫漫长路。
Even though the Republic is now a First World country, with economic affluence and other praiseworthy achievements that others envy, the fact remains that it still has some way to go before its educational and cultural sophistication is on par with the advanced Western countries and Japan, or with that of mainland China and Taiwan. - 一个公共机构中用来娱乐的地方。
a recreation room in an institution. - 有些影片把教育同娱乐融合在一起。
Some films combine education with recreation. - 看电视是他唯一的消遣。
Watching television is his only recreation. - 购物不是一件琐事,而是休闲。
Shopping isn't a chore, it's recreation. - 暂时地居住在一个帐篷或山间小屋里来消遣娱乐地人。
someone living temporarily in a tent or lodge for recreation. - 现在,这个边缘群体--最引人注目的那个边缘一一就是保守派评论员戴维·弗罗姆所说的"有史以来第一个上层群体",其数目之多如其财富之丰一样令人咋舌。
Now the outlying group--the fringe that commands the greatest attention, anyway--is what the conservative commentator David Frum has called "history's first mass upper class," and its numbers are as startling as its affluence. - 运动和娱乐活动一直是大学生活的一部分。
Sport and recreation have always been part of university life. - 运动和娱乐活动一直是大学生活的一部分。
Sport and recreation have always is part of university life. - 他们对我们的富裕有着深刻的印象。对我们拥有一个廉洁和高效率的政府、一个安全和翠绿的环境、和一个值得其他国家仿效的多元种族和谐社会,更是赞不绝口。
They are impressed by our palpable affluence and heap accolades upon us for having an incorruptible and highly efficient government, a safe and green environment and a harmonious multiracial society that is worthy of emulation by others. - 换句话说,我们最好工作后,消遣消遣来轻松一下。
In other words, we had better take sufficient recreation to relax after work. - 游泳是在海中或室内、室外游泳池进行的一项娱乐活动。
Swimming is a recreation practised in the sea or in indoor and outdoor swimming pools. - 目前,我国的经济发展已上了轨道,人民的生活比起从前更为富裕,在这种情况下,自然希望能够进一步提高生活素质,而体育在这方面,绝对能够作出贡献。
With the economy on track and Singaporeans enjoying more affluence, the desire to have a better quality of life is understandable. Sports no doubt will have a role to play in this aspect. - 为某一特殊目地而划出的一块土地,如墓地或娱乐场。
a tract of land cleared for some special purposes (recreation or burial etc.). - 单就这一点,便对丰衣足食、少有机会经历天灾的新加坡人有深重意义。
This is something that Singaporeans who have grown used to affluence and have little experiences with natural calamities should ponder about. - 在一开始时,就应该确定团员可能得到多少的报酬,如此一来,必将大大地减少日后发生争执的可能性。
Determine at the outset what rewards you are offering in return for the work of others,and there will be little room for later recriminations. - 他们征召了一名新兵。
They enlisted a recruit. - 一个没有经验和未经训练的新入伍。
an inexperienced and untrained recruit. - 在另一方面,在接收党员的工作中,也有过关门主义的错误,例如,某一个时期曾经没有着重在产业工人中发展党员,另一个时期又曾经忽视在革命的知识分子中发展党员,在某些农村中曾经不注意吸收青年积极分子和妇女积极分子入党,等等。
At the same time, the mistake of "closed-doorism" was also made in admitting new members. At one time the Party failed to attach importance to recruiting new members from among industrial workers; at another time it neglected to recruit new members from among revolutionary intellectuals; in certain rural areas the Party organizations neglected to recruit activists among youth and women. - 我不喜欢别人对我大喊大叫,好像我是一名新兵蛋子一样。
I dislike being roared at as though I were a recruit. - 如果因为问题比较多,人不够,可以再加一些人。
Should they have more cases than they can handle, they may recruit more staff. - 这个教练军士一开始就给全体新兵一个下马威。
The drill sergeant begins by putting the fear of God up every new recruit. - 要从战士入伍第一天起就注意这个问题。
Attention should be paid to this question from a recruit's first day in the ranks.