  • 除了近几年中的几个短暂时段外,通用电器一直是世界上市场资本总额最高的公司。
    Except for a few brief periods in recent years, General Electric has had the highest market capitalization of any company in the world.
  • 事实上,香港也经历过艰难的日子,汲取过惨痛的教训,特别是一九八七年香港股票市场的资本总额一夜之减少一半。
    If it is any consolation, we have had some hard times in Hong Kong too, and have had to learn some painful lessons, particularly in 1987 when the capitalization of our stock market halved almost overnight.
  • 危险是在中国居然有些动摇分子正在准备去上敌人的钓钩,汉奸卖国贼从而穿插其,散布种种谣言,企图使中国投降日寇。
    The danger is that there are certain vacillating elements in China who are ready to succumb to the enemy's wiles and that the traitors and collaborators are manoeuvring among them and spreading all kinds of rumours in their efforts to make China capitulate to the Japanese aggressors.
  • 出租:单、套、房屋、篷车。联系单位:斯温德尔及克鲁克股份有限公司。
    To let: rooms, flats, houses, caravan. Contact Swindle and Crook Co Ltd.
  • 乌兰巴托蒙古共和国的首都和最大的城市,位于这个国家的中北部。于1649年因建一个寺庙城镇而繁荣起来。是俄罗斯和中国之许多商路上的一个长期的商业中心。人口488,200
    The capital and largest city of Mongolia, in the north-central part of the country. It was founded as a monastery town in1649 and was long a trading center on various caravan routes between Russia and China. Population,488, 200.
  • 美国一直就有最荒唐地采用好主意的传统。多年以来,这些权利经过各种各样的解释,发展成为发表制造原子弹详细说明的权利,为宗教目的而牺牲小鸡的权利,为支持纳粹主义进行政治示威的权利,在押期看电视的权利,通过邮购来买曼利彻—卡凯诺卡宾枪的权利。
    In the longstanding American tradition of taking a good idea to its most absurd extreme, these rights have been variously interpreted over the years as the right to publish detailed instructions for building an atomic bomb, the right to sacrifice chickens for reli-gious purposes, the right to stage a political demon-stration in support of Nazism, the right to watch tele-vision while incarcerated, and the right to order a Mannlicher-Carcano carbine through a mail-order catalogue.
  • 甘油醛一种甜的,无色结晶固体,c3h6o3,是糖代谢的中复合物
    A sweet, colorless, crystalline solid, C3H6O3, that is an intermediate compound in carbohydrate metabolism.
  • 我打(时间)卡。
    I punch my time card.
  • 工人和干部都没有单独的房
    Either workers or carder has not a separate room.
  • 如果从市区过来的话,我建议你从卡迪夫搭地下铁到丹伯利,然后从丹伯利搭计程车来机场只要一个钟头。只要你十二点出来,时一定来得及。
    From downtown, I suggest that you take the subway from Cardiff to Danbury, and then take a taxi from Danbury to the airport. It only takes an hour to get to the airport, so you'll have plenty of time if you leave at 12 o'clock.
  • 玛丽·安妮已经从勇新的另一封电子邮件知道,那要等好长时,因为北京只有一家心血管病专科医院能做外科手术。
    That, Many Anne already knew from one of Yongkin's e-mai1s, was a long shot. The only hospital in Beijing that specialized in cardiovascular surgery had a long waiting list.
  • 职业发展和职位晋升阶梯,升职空
    career ladder
  • 威廉在汤姆和乔治中
    William is between Tom and George.
  • 比尔博姆,亨利·马克西米连1872-1956英国漫画家、作家和才子。他于1896年发表了二十五个绅士漫画像,晚年大部分时在意大利度过
    British caricaturist, writer, and wit whose Caricatures of Twenty-five Gentlemen appeared in1896. He spent most of his later years in Italy.
  • 一个人照看五个孩子使她忙得没有时社交
    Caring for five children single- hand leave her no time for socialize.
  • 卡尔因工作忙,没有时参加社交往来。
    Carl was busy with his work and hasn't time to chase around.
  • 在不到两年的时里伯恩斯坦就发表了他的第一首交响乐,成功地创作了他们一个芭蕾舞剧(“自由遐想”),写了一部轰动一时的百老汇音乐剧(“在小镇里”),并在卡内基音乐厅首次指挥当今已成为传奇的纽约爱乐乐团。
    Within two years Bernstein had published his first symphony, written a successful ballet ("Fancy Free"), had a hit Broadway show ("In the Town") and made his now legendary New York Philharmonic conducting debut in Carnegie Hall.
  • 在不到两年的时里,伯恩斯坦发表了他的第一部交响乐作品,写了一出很成功的芭蕾舞剧(“自由的想像”),搞了一出轰动一时的百老汇音乐剧(“在小镇上寻欢作乐”)并在卡内基音乐厅首次指挥纽约爱乐乐团演出(今天这已成为传奇)。
    Within two years Bernstein had published his first symphony, written a successful ballet ( Fancy Free ), had a hit Broadway show ( On the Town ) and made his now legendary New York Philharmonic con- ducting debut in Carnegie Hall.
  • 委员会开会讨论今年狂欢节的组织问题,但是他们却花了大部分时去争论两点还是三点钟开始的枝节问题。
    The committee met to dicuss the organization of this year's carnival but they spent most of the time debating the side issue of whether to start it at two o'clock or three o'clock.
  • 每年一度的国际综艺合家欢,今年已是第十六届,于七、八月举行,节目合共20项,包括剪纸剧场、中国舞、芭蕾舞、木偶戏、音乐会和儿童话剧,由3个海外艺团和10个本地艺团演出。
    The annual International Arts Carnival entered its 16th year in 1997. It took place in July and August and had 20 performances of paper theatre, Chinese dance, ballet, puppetry, concerts and children's drama. The shows were staged by three visiting and 10 local groups.
  • 澳大利亚和塔斯马尼亚岛的小型夜活动的食肉有袋动物。
    small carnivorous nocturnal marsupials of Australia and Tasmania.
  • 卡罗,我的时很有限。
    Carol, I have very limited time.
  • 10:50飞机在北卡罗来纳州降落--离帕蒂必须在午夜之前赶到的最后期限还有好长的时
    10:50 The plane lands in North Carolina - in plenty of time for Patty to make her deadline.
  • 在伊丽莎白照料她姐姐期,达西更是对她大献殷勤,卡罗琳争风吃醋,大发脾气。
    While Elizabeth is nursing her sister, Darcy pays her more attention, and Caroline's jealousy rages.
  • 里用地毯覆盖地面。
    cover with a carpet, as of rooms.
  • 美国南北战争后政府由南下政客所操纵的那几年,南方各州黑人的投票产生了令人难以置信的灾祸。
    In the Southern States of the United States, Negro suffrage produced incredible mischief during the few years of carpetbag government which followed the Civil War.
  • 一组人被安置在零乱不堪,酷似库房这种极其简陋的房里,另一组人身处一个普通的房——整洁明亮的办公室里,第三组人则置身于设计优雅、并备有地毯及窗帘的起居室里。
    One group was in an ugly room that resembled a messy storeroom. Another group was in an average room a nice office. The third group was in a tastefully designed living-room with carpeting and drapes.
  • 别浪费时指摘他们懒惰—去和他们谈谈。
    Don't waste time carping about their laziness—go and speak to them.
  • 生理时的节奏是不可修改的,除非用某些根本性的方法进行干预——亚历克西斯·卡雷尔。
    the rhythm of physiological time is not modifiable except by interference with certain fundamental processes - Alexis Carrel.
  • 马站在大车车辕中
    The horse stood between the shafts of the carriage.
  • 非洲和亚洲南部夜活动象狗的哺乳动物,主要食腐肉。
    doglike nocturnal mammal of Africa and southern Asia that feeds chiefly on carrion.
  • 我三天前预定了房。我的名字叫鲁思・卡森。
    I made a reservation three day ago. My name is Ruth Carson.