  • 航发言人卡米拉-莱在接受美国广播公司新闻在线采访时说:"对时装业而言,性感是魅力的表现。魅力是神奇的:如果空姐每天工作时感觉非常自信的话,她们就一定会给乘客提供最好的服务。
    "In the world of fashion sexy is actually glamorous," Spokeswoman Camilla Wrey told ABCNEWS.com. "Glamorous is great and if the staff feel confident every day they come to work then they are able to offer the best level of customer service.
  • 商人随便看了一眼,告诉他这张油画值五镑。
    Glancing at it briefly, the dealer told him that it was worth $ 5.
  • 在这项刊登在国《观察家》报上的研究中,国斯特拉恩克莱德大学的政治研究科学家格伦·内韦得出结论说:在现代民主中,说谎是政治的一个重要组成部分。
    In a study described in Britain's Observer newspaper, Glen Newey, a political scientist at Britain's University ofStrathclyde, concluded that lying is an important part of politics in the modern democracy.
  • 新加坡动物园的野生蛇从33尺高的塔上飞到地面的录像和照片显示,它先悬挂在枝条上,并将身体弯成j字形,然后用力加速弹入空中,同时将身体铺平至正常宽度的近两倍。
    Videotapes and photographs of wild-caught snakes gliding from a 33-foot-high tower to the ground at the Singapore Zoological Gardens reveal that the animal first dangles from a branch and loops its body into the shape of a J. It then launches itself into the air by accelerating up and away from the branch, and flattens its body to nearly twice its normal width.
  • 蓝框档树一种澳大利亚树(杜属蓝框档树),有光滑的墨绿色叶子、微带有绿色的白花和光亮的蓝色球状核果
    An Australian tree(Elaeocarpus angustifolius) having dark glossy green leaves, greenish-white flowers, and globular, shiny, bright blue drupes.
  • 四年前,他们俩抢劫了格罗里亚·弗伊,一位国影星,劫走了价值五万磅的珠宝。
    About four years ago the pair of them robbed Gloria Faye, the British film star, of fifty thousand pounds' worth of jewelry.
  • 报纸称颂了他们的雄事迹。
    The newspapers glorified their heroic deeds.
  • 赞美孩子们的勇;赞美他(她)对象的厨艺。
    extol the virtues of one's children; glorify one's spouse's cooking.
  • 载有约11500条词条的《汉法律词汇》于一九九九年十二月出版。
    A Chinese-English Glossary of Legal Terms was published in December 1999. It contains about 11500 entries.
  • 印制《汉法律辞汇》的筹备工作现正进行。
    Preparation for the publication of a Chinese-English Glossary of Legal Terms is under way.
  • 他生动地描述了她的雄事迹
    He pictured her heroism in glowing language.
  • 国人的工商业在世贵上居于垄断地位,他们时常会发生他们叫作“生产过剩”的情况,据说是由于“存货积压过多”的原故。
    Through their position as the manufacturing and commercial monopolists of the world, their manufactories from time to time fall into the state which they call 'glut,' and which arises from what they call 'overtrading.'
  • 还有八英里(的路程)。
    There are eight miles to go.
  • 他将在历史上成为永垂不朽的雄。
    He will go down in history as a hero.
  • 这次比赛中真正的雄是我们的守门员。
    The real hero of the match was our goalkeeper.
  • 被仙女和俊的王子从继母和异母姐妹那里救出来的少女。
    a young girl who is saved from her stepmother and stepsisters by her fairy godmother and a handsome prince.
  • 该公司违背了按单价1。50镑供货的协议。
    The company goes back on its agreement to supply at1.50 a unit.
  • 他是一个身高尺的人。
    he is a six-footer or the golfer sank a 40-footer or his yacht is a 60-footer.
  • 这位德国高尔夫选手在国和美国公开锦标赛上赢得了胜利,最有希望在欧洲杯锦标赛上取得三连冠的成绩。
    Having won in the British and American Open Championships, the German golfer was favourite to make his trick in the European Cup.
  • 这商店上星期做了50000镑的生意.
    The shop took (ie sold goods worth a total of)50000 last week.
  • 绸缎尼绒类货品,国指粮食类
    Dry - goods line
  • 他为商店的商业信誉付了10,000镑,为存货付了4,000镑。
    He pays £10, 000 for the goodwill of the shop and £4, 000 for the stock.
  • 小鹅英文叫gosling。
    A young goose is a gosling.
  • 准确地说,每分钟就有超过1.3亿加仑的水流倾泻到320多尺之下的峡谷深处。
    To be exact,every minute more than 130 million gallons of water plunge to the bottom of the gorge over 320 feet down.
  • 日前,一位国的外科医生为一只患有先天眼疾的大猩猩进行了一次白内障摘除手术,开创了眼科治疗领域的先河。
    A British surgeon has carried out a pioneering operation to restore the sight of a gorilla who was born blind.
  • 流行于都铎时代的一种国哥特式建筑:特点是屋子一半是用木料。
    a style of English-Gothic architecture popular during the Tudor period; characterized by half-timbered houses.
  • 哥特式的与14和15世纪国哥特式建筑风格的,或与之有关的,以强调垂直部分为特点
    Of or relating to a style of English Gothic architecture of the14th and15th centuries, characterized by emphasis of the vertical element.
  • 我只有10镑, 要熬到发薪那天了!
    I've only got 10 to see me through until pay-day!
  • 这家博物馆的导游词是用语、第十一届德语和日语3种语言写的。
    The guidebook to the museum is written in three languages English, Gourmand Japanese.
  • 国受权代管德国在东非的前殖民地.
    Britain was mandated to govern the former colony of German East Africa.
  • 国受权代管德国在东非的前殖民地。
    Britain is mandated to govern the former colony of German East Africa.
  • 两国在贸易,经济体制改革,完善全球化治理制度以及扶贫工作全球化方面都有共同的利益。
    We share a common interest in trade,in economic reform, in improving systems for global governance, and in making globalisation work for the poor.