  •  第十六条被授予专利权的单位应当对职务发明创造的发明人或者设计人予奖励;发明创造专利实施后,根据其推广应用的范围和取得的经济效益,对发明人或者设计人予合理的报酬。
    Article 16. The entity that is granted a patent right shall award to the inventor or creator of a service invention--creation a reward and, upon exploitation of the patented invention-creation, shall pay the inventor or creator a reasonable remuneration based on the extent of spreading and application and the economic benefits yielded.
  • 或者参照上述比例,发发明人或者设计人一次性报酬。
    The entity may, as an alternative, by making reference to the said percentage, award a lump sum of money to the inventor or creator as remuneration once and for all.
  • 您能将贵公司的证件送我们吗?
    Could you send us your credentials?
  • 予信任壮;像在教育机构中。
    grant credentials to; as of educational institutions.
  • 首相向全国人民发表演说,以抵制丑闻他们的荣誉造成损害
    The prime minister addressed the nation in an effort to counteract the damage the scandal had done to his credibility.
  • 这股民粹主义的思潮固然予台湾社会前所未有的思想言论自由,却也使旧有政治体制的精英权威性和法律公信力受到质疑,国家认同和民族认同产生混乱。
    True, the new changes helped to bring along unprecedented freedom of speech in Taiwanese society. Yet it also encouraged people to challenge the credibility of the original power structure and question the authority of law. Meanwhile, people got confused about their state and national identities.
  • 但也不能不指出,有的国家竟不顾国际信誉,违反与中华人民共和国建交时所作的承诺,同台湾发展官方关系,从而中国统一事业设置障碍。
    On the other hand, it should be pointed out that, in disregard of their international credibility, certain countries have breached the undertaking made at the time of the establishment of diplomatic ties with the People's Republic of China by evolving official relations with Taiwan, thereby putting a spoke in the wheel of China's reunification.
  • 银行拒绝再贷款该公司。
    The bank refused further credits to the company.
  • 每月帐户记入贷方。
    The account is credited monthly.
  • 尽管他没有将信及时交我,但他为此已尽了力,这一点是应该予以赞许的。
    Although he didn’t deliver the letter to me on time, he must be credited for having tried his best.
  • 美国运通公司香港分行您汇来了4千美元。您要不要把它记入您的帐上?
    We have a transfer of $4000 from American Express, Hongkong Branch for you.Would you like it credited to your account?
  • 美国支通公司香港分行您汇来了4千美元。您要不要记入您的帐上?
    We have a transfer of 4000 from American Express, Hongkong Branch for you. will you like it credited to your account?
  • 优先偿付予(债权人)优先权
    To give priority or precedence to(a creditor).
  • 予债权人优先权;多用在法律上。
    give preference to one creditor over another; in law.
  • 将一财产由债务人合法地转让债权人的协议
    Agreement which legally transfers a property from a debtor to a creditor
  • 债务转移将自己的债务人转移自己的债权人
    To appoint(one's debtor) as a debtor to one's creditor in place of oneself.
  • 但是,当教练在漆黑的夜晚她蒙上眼睛,带她到火葬场,并让她从焚烧炉中取骨头时,她差点儿拿不住骨头。
    But when coaches blindfolded her in the dead of night, took her to a crematorium and told her to fetch bones from the ovens, she almost lost it.
  • 他们把钱包装在月牙形“胯包”里,更突出了他们的臀围。他们还冰淇淋和奶糖小贩带来了好生意。
    They carry their wallets in crescent-shaped 'fanny packs' that only emphasise their girth, and patronise ice cream and fudge ven-dors.
  • 群众将那个发言人轰了下去。
    The crowd cried down the spokesman.
  • 指向罪犯供枪支的罪犯
    Criminal who supplies gun to other criminal
  • 把罪犯交给警察
    Delivered the criminal to the police.
  • 我向那些乞丐丢了一枚10便士的硬币。那“瞎子”首先看到,可是那个“跛子”比他迅速,居然他抢到了。
    I threw out a "tenpenny" in the midst. The "blind" fellow saw it first, but the "lame cripple" had to foot of him.
  • 第三十八条 对因参加扑救火灾受伤、致残或者死亡的人员,按照国家有关规定予医疗、抚恤。
    Article 38 Personnel suffering injury, cripple and death as a result of taking part of fire fighting and rescue work, shall be given medical treatment and compensation.
  • 但我们的政策也有错误,把工商业搞垮了,自己自己筑一道长城。
    We, on our part, made policy mistakes which crippled industry and commerce and erected a barrier against ourselves.
  • 实行的结果,打击了敌人利用法币的阴谋,缩小了伪钞的市场,强化了对敌经济斗争的阵容,了根据地经济建设以有力的保障。
    This has crippled the enemy's scheme of making use of the legal currency, restrained the market for the puppet currency, reinforced our position in the economic struggle with the enemy, and has fully guaranteed economic development in the base areas.
  • 残忍的敌人;无情的批评;了他无情的打击。
    the merciless enemy; a merciless critic; gave him a merciless beating.
  • 学习我们的历史遗产,用马克思主义的方法以批判的总结,是我们学习的另一任务。
    Another of our tasks is to study our historical heritage and use the Marxist method to sum it up critically.
  • 你能拿些手钩针编织品我看看吗?
    Can you show me some hand crochet article, please?
  • 给我来个牛角卷。
    Can I have a croissant.
  •  第四、废除朋党资本主义,因为它人一种假相,认为这些公司都是稳健、具竞争力和享有盈余的公司。
    Fourth, abolish the phenomenon of crony capitalism because it creates the illusion of strong, competitive and profitable companies;
  • 导游:谢谢,这里是花港观鱼,在那边你能看到大片的荷花随着微风起舞特别在日落时,余辉云彩勾出金边就更美了,我们因此称它为曲院风荷。
    Thank you . Here is Fish Wonder at Huagang Crook and over there you can see miles of lotus flowers dance in the breeze as sunset glow fringes the clouds. So we call it lotus in the Breeze near Quyuan Garden.
  • 供给交叉价格弹性
    cross-price elasticity of supply