  • 请你确信是锁上房间后才开的。
    Please make sure that the house is locked before you leave.
  • 最近有关婚的电视剧太多了。
    There has been a surfeit of plays about divorce on the TV recently.
  • 最近有关婚的电视剧过多。
    There has been a surfeit of play about divorce on the television recently.
  • 最近有关婚的电视剧过多
    There have been a surfeit of plays about divorce on the television recently
  • 网络空间打破地域与国界的隔,中国大陆、台湾(台湾网民今年将达到500万人)、港澳和海外华人携手合力,也将是华文称雄网络世界的关键。
    In Taiwan alone, Net-surfers will be totalling 5 million this year. As the Internet knows no borders or boundaries, the Chinese all over the world will be working together to boost the use of their language.
  • 肯定地说,最合理的做法就是远这个箱子。
    Surly the most sensible thing would be to stay away from the case.
  • 他从前的朋友正以令人吃惊的速度开他。
    His former friends are moving away from him with surprising speed.
  • 不要进入他们大炮的射程以内,要隔一段距包围住敌营。
    Don't get within range of their big guns; surround the camp from a distance.
  • 如鱼水的,感到生疏对自己所处的环境或所干的事完全不熟悉的
    Completely unfamiliar with one's surroundings or activity.
  • 开水後活得时间很短。
    Fish can survive for only a short time out of water.
  • 用地球引力强行分悬浮粒子的设备。
    uses centrifugal force to separate particles from a suspension.
  • 化学术语,从溶液中把悬浮的固体颗粒分出来。
    separate from solution as a fine suspension of solid particles, in chemistry.
  • 他游泳开了那艘船。
    He swam away from the ship.
  • 她们游泳开下沉的大船,但是黑女孩不擅长游泳,她抓住梅米的脚才死里逃生。
    They swam from the sinking ship, but because the black girl could not swim well, she kept herself from drowning by holding on to Memmie's foot.
  • 铃声一响,孩子蜂拥而出开了学校。
    When the bell rang , the children swarmed out of the school.
  • 开了医院,腿仍裹在绷带中。
    He came out of hospital with his leg still swathed in bandages.
  • 我想我看到她开的,但我不敢确定。
    I thought I saw her leaving, but I couldn't swear by it.
  • 只要让我开这第三级的特别囚房,我可以在任何你喜欢的东西上签字。
    Just let me out of this third-degree sweatbox and I'll sign anything you like.
  • 在彻底反省过整个情况之后,我决定开他!
    Going through a sweeping reflection of the whole situation, I decided to leave him!
  • 转向方向的转变;转向,偏方向
    A change in direction; a swerve.
  • 他从不背离职守。
    He never swerves from his duty.
  • 她是一名擅长长距游泳的选手。
    She excels as a long-distance swimmer.
  • 该泅渡者在向对岸作长距泅渡之前,在水中保持着踩水姿势。
    The swimmer trod water before beginning the long swim to the shore.
  • 他们发誓永不分离。
    They swore never to be separated.
  • 就我所知,西尔维娅已同马克婚。
    As far as I can tell Sylvia has split up with Mark.
  • 独立的,分的在句法上与句子其它部分相分的一个单词、词组或结构,如:裁判最终到了在裁判终于到了,比赛开始了之中
    Of, relating to, or being a word, phrase, or construction that is isolated syntactically from the rest of a sentence, as the referee having finally arrived in The referee having finally arrived, the game began.
  • 不过,问题总不开费用——到头来那些国家付帐。
    Still, the question remains as to how much it will cost—and which nations will wind up with the tab.
  • (足球)对方线很近的争球员。
    (football) an offensive end who lines up close to the tackle.
  • 战争目的,是战争的基本原则,一切技术的、战术的、战役的、战略的原理原则,一点也不开它。
    The object of war is the underlying principle of war, and no technical, tactical, or strategic concepts or principles can in any way depart from it.
  • 台湾从祖国分出去是绝对不行的。
    seeking complete political separateness for Taiwan.
  • 然而在动身前两周,他却乘飞机开了。
    Then two weeks before takeoff, he took off.
  • 从渡江作战到我开上海,约三个月的时间,接收工作大体告一段落。一般说来工作做得还好。
    From the day we started to cross the river to the day I left Shanghai, a period of about 3 months, the takeover was, by and large, complete and, generally speaking, things went fairly well.