  • 哺乳动物分泌的色营养液体,用作人类的食品。
    a white nutritious liquid secreted by mammals and used as food by human beings.
  • 正是栎木里含的丹宁酸使兰地变芳醇了。
    It is the tannic acid contained in oak that ages the brandy.
  • 这些政策均按照以往编制的《社会福利皮书》以及每年行政长官发表《施政报告》时所发出的《施政方针》小册子所载目标而制定。
    It is based on the objectives set out in White Papers published in previous years and Policy Objective booklets issued annually at the time of the Chief Executive's Policy Address.
  • 纸黑字写下的东西是擦不掉的。
    What has been put down in black and white cannot be obliterated.
  • 找回睡觉后头脑一片空
    Sought the great oblivion of sleep.
  • 但言语有时是个障碍,而心灵比语言更明。"
    But words are sometimes an obstacle, and the heart is clearer than the tongue."
  • 说什么“专”,只要对中华人民共和国有好处,比闹派性、拉后腿的人好得多。
    But in China, they have been criticized for devoting themselves to scientific research alone. As long as they are working in the interest of the People's Republic of China, these people are much more valuable than those who are engaged in factionalism and thereby obstruct others from working.
  • 漂白度漂白的程度
    The degree of bleaching obtained.
  • 显然的;明明白白的
    Readily understood; clear or obvious.
  • 你不明这明显的事实吗?
    Can't you perceive this obvious truth?
  • 显然,他明他在谈论什么。
    Obviously,he knew what he was talking about.
  • 白天将偶有阵雨。
    There will be occasional showers during the day.
  • 前任总统;我们的前任总统依旧非常活跃;先前的宫居住者。
    the former president; our late President is still very active; the previous occupant of the White House.
  • 一种色无味的水晶状磺胺类药物;主要由磺胺药物制成的母体化合物。
    a white odorless crystalline sulfa drug; the parent compound of most of the sulfa drugs.
  • 各种漂亚麻纤维卷植物的叶子。
    leaves of any of various plants of Lactuca_sativa.
  • 上述条例附表所列出的罪行在一九九八年一月经获通过修订,加入在各行车隧道及青马管制区范围内所犯的“超速”及“横过双线”两类罪行。
    In January 1998, the scheduled offences of the Driving Offence Points System were expanded to include offences of 'speeding' and 'crossing double white lines' committed in road tunnels and the TMCA.
  • 和许多新加坡人一样,我不完全明什么是越位、不清楚一个本地职业球员可以赚多少钱、更不知道我们要多久才能在世界足球坛有所表现。
    No doubt, as one of the four million odd Singaporeans, I am of the majority who only knows roughly what offside is about, have no idea how much a local player can earn playing for a club and have zero idea how long it would take for us to make a mark in football.
  • 人和黑人结合而产生的后代。
    an offspring of a Black and a White parent.
  • 白蚁经常破坏树木。
    Termite often destroys wood.
  • 拟晶体任一种由蛋质构成的类似晶体的细微颗粒,发现于某些植物的细胞,尤其是在油料种籽中
    Any of various minute crystallike particles consisting of protein and found in certain plant cells, especially oily seeds.
  • 当他的案子呈上弗林特郡法庭时,法庭工作人员注意到了表格上的空项。
    When his case came up before Flintshire Magistrates the court clerk noticed the omission.
  • 他的是白色的。
    Here are the white ones.
  • 有两种棋子:色的和黑色的。
    There re two kinds of white ones and black ones.
  • 欧洲的一种葱,花色。
    European onion with white flowers.
  • 具有色至深红色外皮的葱;生长于加利福尼亚。
    onion with white to deep red tunic; California.
  • 嫩煎的碎洋葱、辣椒粉和奶油做成的汁沙司。
    veloute sauce with sauteed chopped onion and paprika and cream.
  • 同时买到青葱和葱是可能的。
    It is possible to buy both green and white onions.
  • 不管是岸外或岸上,最重要的是明和清楚你的投资,并耐心地等待赚取回报。
    Regardless of being "offshore" or "onshore", ultimately the key issue is to know and understand what are you investing in, and be patient for the returns.
  • 不管是岸外或岸上,最重要的是明和清楚你的投资,并耐心地等待赚取回报。
    Regardless of being "offshore" or "onshore", ultimately the key issue is to know and understand what it is you invest in, and be patient for the returns.
  • 1988年,它开始爬“升”社会经济阶层,针对“领工人”,1990年指向“高层执行员”,1991年开始则越来越着重受英文教育者与专业人士。
    Then in 1988, it began to move "up" the socio-economic scale to target "white collar workers", and in 1990, "senior executives". From 1991 onward, increasing emphasis has been given to English educated Chinese and professionals.
  • 花翳白陷
    corneal ulcer with scaly opacity
  • 石是乳色的宝石.
    Opals are milky gems.