  • 爱因斯坦在引力方面作了重大贡献,他提出了一新的引力定律,他的结论在一次日食测试中被证明是正确的。
    Einstein make achievements on gravitation. He produced a new law of gravitation. In fact, his law was tested during an eclipse of the sun. This showed that Einstein was right.
  • 黄道带天球上,向黄道两边各延伸约8度的一带,代表主要的行星(月亮和太阳)的轨道
    A band of the celestial sphere extending about8= to either side of the ecliptic that represents the path of the principal planets, the moon, and the sun.
  • “建成一生态环境保护型铁路”,是青藏铁路在建设论证之初就已确定的目标。
    Making the Qinghai-Tibet Railway an ecology-friendly railway line was the goal set at the time the project was appraised.
  • 生态型生态种的最小划分单位,由适应某一特定环境件的群体组成。这些群体与其他同种异型的物种不能杂交
    The smallest taxonomic subdivision of an ecospecies, consisting of populations adapted to a particular set of environmental conditions. The populations are infertile with other ecotypes of the same ecospecies.
  • 到2008年,在环京津地区整体生态状况明显改善的件下,全市大气污染物主要指标达到国家标准。
    By 2008, the main air pollutants should meet the national standards based on the remarkable regional ecosystem improvement.
  • 第二十六 各级人民政府应当依照《海洋环境保护法》和《水污染防治法》的规定,采取措施,保护和改善渔业水域的生态环境,防治污染,并追究污染渔业水域的单位和个人的责任。
    Article 26 In accordance with the Marine Environmental Protection Law and the Water Pollution Prevention Law, people's governments at all levels shall take measures to protect and improve the ecosystem of fishery waters, prevent pollution and investigate the responsibility of any unit or individual that pollutes the fishery waters.
  • 当局现正着手修订《渔业保护例》,以期提高这些罪行的最高罚款,并制订文,禁止或限制使用任何对渔业有害,或有损海洋生态系统的渔具。
    Action is in progress to amend the Fisheries Protection Ordinance with a view to increasing the maximum fine for such offences and providing for the prohibition or restriction of the use of any kind of apparatus for fishing which is detrimental to fisheries or has a harmful effect on the marine ecosystem.
  • 溪流在草地上冲出一水道。
    The stream channel(l)ed its way through the meadow.
  • 伊甸园中流过一河,河水可作灌溉之用。这河流出伊甸后分为四股。
    There was a river flowing from Eden to water the garden, and when it left the garden it branched into four streams.
  • 有花边或有彩色纹的。
    edged or streaked with color.
  • 穗(缘饰)一种装饰性的边缘有垂吊的线穗或布,常与单独的镶边连在一起
    A decorative border or edging of hanging threads, cords, or strips, often attached to a separate band.
  • 此外,任何一座建筑还应当与气候件相适应。
    An edifice ought to be, moreover, suitable to the climate.
  • 路连接伦敦与爱丁堡。
    The road connects London and Edinburgh.
  • 第三版收词约三万,于一九九八年九月出版。
    The third edition, containing about 30 000 entries, was published in September 1998.
  • 格罗斯,塞缪尔·戴维1805-1884美国外科医生、教育家。他制定了许多影响深远的医学例,如外科学系统(1859年)
    American surgeon and educator who wrote widely influential medical treatises, such as A System of Surgery(1859).
  • 白@@我指缝中一扭就滑走了。
    The eel wriggled out of my fingers.
  • 那条鳗鱼扭身滑走。
    The eel wriggled away.
  • 鳗鱼的肉;在欧洲和美洲淡水中发现的含脂肪多的长鱼;大鳗鱼通常烟熏或腌渍。
    flesh of eel; elongate fatty-fleshed fish found in fresh water in Europe and America; large eels usually smoked or pickled.
  • 捕鱼篓捕捉鳗鱼、其他鱼类或甲壳类动物用的捕具,常用柳筐、金属筐或金属笼组成
    A trap for eels, other fish, or crustaceans, typically consisting of a wicker or wire basket or cage.
  • 实验,试验在受控件下为演示一项已知真理、检验假说的正确性或确定以前未试用过的某物的效能而做的试验
    A test under controlled conditions that is made to demonstrate a known truth, examine the validity of a hypothesis, or determine the efficacy of something previously untried.
  • (工业方面的)限制性框框(妨碍有效利用劳动力、技术资源等阻碍提高生产效率的做法)
    And hamper efficient production
  • 工作很有理,办事效率高。
    Be highly organized and efficient.
  • 理且有效安排或运作的。
    methodical and efficient in arrangement or function.
  • 我方庞大而高效的组织机构能为贵方提供许多优惠件。
    Service: our large efficient organization offer you many advantage.
  • 警察把交通管得井井有
    The police handle the traffic very efficiently.
  • 如果你有有理地安排一下你的东西,工作起来效率会更高。
    If you organize all your things, you can work more efficiently.
  • 工厂放出的废水把这河弄得不能游泳了。
    The effluent from the factory makes the river unsafe for swimming.
  • 将纸莎草切成后压平制成的纸,尤其为古代埃及人、希腊人和罗马人使用。
    paper made from the papyrus plant by cutting it in strips and pressing it flat; used by ancient Egyptians and Greeks and Romans.
  • 关於eighteen和eighteenth的用法见five和fifth词中的示例
    For the use of eighteen and eighteenth see the examples at five and fifth
  • 就是总政治部颁布的《政治工作例(草案)》中指出的:“在抗日战争中,第十八集团军政治工作的基本内容是提高军队的战斗力,求得官兵一致,军民一致,团结友军,瓦解敌军,以争取抗日战争的最后胜利。”
    According to the "Regulations Concerning Political Work (Draft)" promulgated by the General Political Department of the Eighth Route Army, "During the War of Resistance Against Japan the basic tasks of political work for the Eighteenth Group Army are to increase the army's combat effectiveness, work for unity between officers and men and between armymen and civilians, unite with friendly forces and disintegrate the enemy, in order to achieve final victory in the war."
  • 关於eighty和eightieth的用法见fifty、five和fifth词中的示例
    For the use of eighty and eightieth see the examples at fifty, five and fifth
  • 火柴杆似的胳膊;火柴杆似的土豆
    Matchstick arms; matchstick slices of potato.