  • 你的作文错误太,重新写。
    Your composition contains too many mistakes; write anew.
  • 帕梅拉·弗德,是一位20岁的女孩儿,有着一张天使般聪慧的脸。
    Pamela Ford was in her twenties, with the face of an intelligent angel.
  • 他说了许关于弗里达的谎话,但是安吉拉不晓得他在撒谎,他也知道她不晓得。
    He was lying out of the whole cloth about Frieda, but Angela didn't know and he knew she didn't know.
  • 我们注视着嬉戏的孩子,安吉拉说:“她长得米尼克啊,是吧?
    "She looks so much like Dominic, doesn't she?" Angela says as we watch her play.
  • 女子既能料理家务同时又外出工作——譬如安杰拉,就是个例子。
    A lot of women manage to bring up families and go out to work at the same timetake Angela, for example.
  • 女子既能料理家务同时又外出工作--譬如安杰拉,就是个例子。
    A lot of women manage to bring up families and go out to work at the same time take Angela, for example.
  • 我很快地看了下手表,问安吉拉:“他马上就到了,我们今天在这里呆会儿好吗?
    I quickly glance at my watch. "He'll be there soon, Do you mind if we stay a bit longer today?" I ask Angela.
  • 布林迪斯地方考古博物馆的馆长安吉拉·玛里拉佐认为她可能是福斯蒂娜,马可·奥勒利乌斯的妻子。奥勒利乌斯是国王也是斯葛派哲学家。
    She may be Faustina, wife of the emperor and Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius, according to Angela Marinazzo, director of the Provincial Archaeological Museum in Brindisi.
  • 李尔王在瑞根和高纳里尔残酷虐待下神志错乱,在荒野上,他怒斤狂风暴雨,挥舞双拳,咒骂天宇的冷酷无情、麻木不仁,正像飞虫捉弄顽童一般,天神也在戏弄虚弱不堪的老人。第四幕第七场描写的是李尔发疯后被带到佛苏醒时的情景。他睁开双眼,还以为看见了天使般的灵魂——他的女儿考狄莉亚。
    This is where Lear, brought to Dover after having gone mad from the Cruelties of Regan and Goneril and having raged at the howling storm on the heath, shaking his fist at the cruel indifference of the cosmos that toys with weak old men like flies to wanton boys, awakens to what he at first thinks is an angelic apparition- his daughter Cordelia.
  • 血管造影照片用血管造影术给一个或个血管拍出的x射线照片,用于诊断心血管系统的病理状况
    An x-ray of one or more blood vessels produced by angiography and used in diagnosing pathological conditions of the cardiovascular system.
  • 产于北美或亚洲的一个灌木或乔木属,叶完全常绿或落叶性;包括在大数古代被子属中。
    shrubs or trees of North America or Asia having entire evergreen or deciduous leaves; among most ancient of angiosperm genera.
  • 面体角的两个边所形成的角。
    the angle formed by two edges of a polyhedral angle.
  • 等角边形各角都相等的边形
    A polygon whose angles are equal.
  • 成直角的具有一个或个直角的
    Having one or more right angles.
  • 有十条边和十个角的边形。
    a polygon with 10 sides and 10 angles.
  • 八边形,八角形有八条边和八个角的边形
    A polygon with eight sides and eight angles.
  • 十边形有十个角和十条边的边形
    A polygon with ten angles and ten sides.
  • 有一个或个角的形状。
    a shape having one or more sharp angles.
  • 五边形有五条边和五个内角的边形
    A polygon having five sides and five interior angles.
  • 等边等角的具有等边等角的。用于边形
    Having equal sides and equal angles. Used of polygons.
  • 罗安达岛安哥拉的首都和最大城市,位于这个国家靠大西洋沿岸的西北部。1575年由葡萄牙人建立,有一天然良港,种工业。人口1,200,000
    The capital and largest city of Angola, in the northwest part of the country on the Atlantic Ocean. Founded by the Portuguese in1575, it has a fine natural harbor and diversified industries. Population,1, 200, 000.
  • 在安哥拉冲突中,有很职业部队都是雇佣兵。
    Many of the professional troops in the Angolan conflict were soldiers of fortune.
  • 看他多恼火!
    How angry he looks!
  • 越来越的流血让我感到深深的痛苦和焦虑。
    Its growing bloodshed has caused me the deepest anguish and anxiety.
  • 问君能有几愁?恰似一江春水向东流。
    Should I be ask how much anguish I have found, Strange! It is like flowing water, eastward bound.
  • 有角性,多角状态
    The quality or condition of being angular.
  • 产于西太平洋和印度洋的沙水域的鱼,生有能够在沙中挖洞的三角形口鼻。
    fish of sandy areas of western Pacific and Indian oceans having an angular snout for burrowing into sand.
  • 成为角的动作(有许角)。
    the act of making angulate (having corners).
  • "你认为我应该回去和安格斯重归于好吗?""你可以试试。改过不嫌晚嘛,再说,这次一段时间的分手也会使他明白许道理。
    "Do you think I should go back and live with Angus again? ""You can try. It's never too late to mend and the breakup may have made him see sense."
  • “你认为我应该回去和安格斯重归于好吗?”“你可以试试。改过不嫌晚嘛,再说,这次一段时间的分手也会使他明白许道理。
    "Do you think I should go back and live with Angus again?" "You can try. It's never too late to mend and the breakup may have made him see sense."
  • 他准备付2500英镑买这辆汽车, 我想他不会再付了.
    He's prepared to pay 2500 for the car but I don't think he'll go any higher.
  • 我可以付给你50英镑, 不能再了.
    I can offer you 50, but I can't go any further than that.