  • 记入名单
    To enter in a list.
  • 到目前为止,已经有五个(国家和地区)报
    So far five have entered.
  • 他的字给写到会员册上了。
    He was entered among the members.
  • 有六条船报参加划船比赛。
    Six boars entered for the race.
  • 我已报参加跳高比赛。
    I've entered for the high jump.
  • 战后这些年来的情况使许多有进取心的人成为人。
    The condition of the postwar years brought many enterprising men to the fore.
  • 有进取心的外交政策;有望扬立万的、有魄力的年轻人。
    an enterprising foreign policy; an enterprising young man likely to go far.
  • 模仿人的娱乐节目表演者
    An entertainer who impersonates celebrities.
  • "我是一演艺人员,这是我的工作。
    " I' m an entertainer.This is my job.
  • 趣味模仿演员对人的声音和仪态的幽默的模仿
    A humorous imitation of the voice and mannerisms of a famous person done by an entertainer.
  •  在一次钢琴表演中,台湾艺人吴宗宪发现了他的才能。
    It was in a show that he was seen playing the piano by a major Taiwanese entertainer, Jacky Wu.
  • 赫尔德,安娜1865?-1918法裔美籍专业演员,以其奢侈豪华的衣着和参加大量由弗洛伦兹·齐格飞导演的轻歌剧及音乐喜剧而闻
    French-born American entertainer noted for her lavish costumes and her appearances in numerous vaudeville shows and musical comedies produced by Florenz Ziegfeld.
  • 如今他们却大办其夜学,之曰农民学校。
    Now the peasants are enthusiastically establishing evening classes, which they call peasant schools.
  • 妇女继续诱惑她,不知不觉地慢慢走开,脸上仍保持着微笑,装出一副博爱的样子。
    The woman continued to entice her, but moved imperceptibly away, still smiling and feigning generous love.
  • 这本新书叫《爱情故事》。
    The new book is entitled Love Story.
  • 他给这本书取为《野性的爱》.
    He entitled the book Savage Love'.
  • 该书的书名为jaws。
    The book was entitled"Jaws".
  • 他给这本书取为《野性的爱》.
    He entitled the book `Savage Love'.
  • 各少数民族都应当有适当额的代表。
    All the minority nationalities are entitled to appropriate representation.
  • 这首歌取为《穿过拉斯》。
    The song was entitled"Coming Through the Rge".
  • 不谦虚点说,这本书的字是《关于智慧》。
    the book was entitled, immodestly, `All about Wisdom'.
  • 没有确定字的实体。
    an entity that is not named specifically.
  • 帕奇,埃迪斯·马里恩1876-1954美国昆虫学家,因她的描述蚜虫的著作而闻,她在1930年成为美国昆虫学会的第一位女主席
    American entomologist known for her works characterizing the insect family Aphidae. In1930 she became the first woman president of the Entomological Association of America.
  • 过去数十年,香港在各方面都取得十分骄人的成就:香港按人口平均计算的本地生产总值为25,000美元,在亚洲列第二;
    Over the past decades, Hong Kong has achieved, in every respect, most enviable success. At US$25,000, our GDP per capita is the second highest in Asia.
  • 多年来,端赖医院管理局的辛勤努力,我们得以达到令人跜慕的健康指标:在每一千香港出生的婴儿当中,仅有四夭折,而香港人的平均寿命分别是男性76岁和女性82岁。
    As a result of these efforts, we have, over the years, been able to achieve enviable health indices - our infant mortality rate is 4 per one thousand live births and our average life expectancy stands at 76 years for males and 82 for females.
  • 他询问我的姓,我就告诉了他。然后我就离开了,他站在柜台旁,是那么高兴,我真有点羡慕他。
    He asked my name and I gave it to him. Then I left him standing by the counter so happy that I almost envied him.
  • 且从小的日常例子说起吧:瑞士全国以风景优美著,到处山湖交错、空气清新,人民都能自我克制,爱护环境,实现环保精神。
    Let us take an ordinary, everyday example. Switzerland is famed for its physical beauty, its mountains and lakes, its crisp, clean air. In the spirit of environmentalism, the people exercise self-discipline to maintain and care for their pristine surroundings.
  • 他仅参加了对希腊的一场比赛(他射进了漂亮的一球)及对尼日利亚的比赛,由于他被检查出服用了麻黄素(兴奋剂)而遭到除,这是一种国际足联禁止服用的物质。
    Maradona played only the games against Greece (where he scored a beautiful goal) and against Nigeria, because he was disqualified for using ephedrine, a substance which is not allowed by the FIFA.
  • 荷马的 “伊利亚特” 是著的史诗。
    Homer's Iliad is a famous epic.
  • 北美洲附生或岩生兰花的一个大属,美丽且价值高;模式兰花;多个品种知
    large and highly valued genus of beautiful tropical American epiphytic or lithophytic orchids; the typical orchids; known in many varieties.
  • 他的字从单中被除掉了。
    His name is expunged from the list.
  • 我的字是埃里克·米勒。
    My name is Eric Miller.