  • 朗诵为练习演讲或才的朗诵
    A recitation delivered as an exercise in rhetoric or elocution.
  • 朗诵正式地朗诵,尤指为练习才或演讲
    To deliver a formal recitation, especially as an exercise in rhetoric or elocution.
  • 表情在一位演说家所有的才能中不过是表面的一种,并且是属于优伶的一种长处,然而竟会被抬得这样高,超出那些其他的长技,如独创,齿清晰等等;不特此也,简直好象这一种表面的才能是唯一无二的,是一切底一切似的,这真是怪事了。
    A strange thing, that that part of an orator, which is but superficial, and rather the virtue of a player, should be placed so high, above those other noble parts, of invention, elocution, and the rest: nay almost alone,as if it were all in all.
  • 我佩服他的口才。
    I admire him for his eloquence.
  • 她的才如此之好,连最优秀的演说家也会相形见绌。
    Her eloquence is so good that she cuts down the best orator.
  • 没有才地;以不善于表达的方式。
    without eloquence; in an inarticulate manner.
  • 总统的才感动了所有的人。
    The eloquence of the president moved all hearts.
  • 雄辩向公众发言时的雄辩才或语言技巧
    Eloquence or skill in making speeches to the public.
  • 他继承了他那个当基督教传教士的父亲的才。
    He inherit his eloquence from his father, a christian preacher.
  • 才好又幽默,他所说的一定能使我们高兴。
    He is eloquent and humorous as well. What he says never fails to please us.
  • 他个子高大,才流利,举止文雅。
    He is tall, eloquent and has fine manners.
  • 这样一个有才的人很容易把我们驳得无话说。
    Such an eloquent man will easily talk us down.
  • 3)网址的注册信息和与每种类型的服务访问入相关的网址(url)和email地址等注册信息;
    Answering the question “Where” involves registering information about the URL or email address (or other address) through which each type of service is accessed.
  • 我们的号是与鄂豫皖人民共存亡,解放中原,使鄂豫皖人民获得解放。
    Our vow is to live or die together with the people of Hubei, Henan and Anhui provinces, to liberate the Central Plains and to emancipate the people of these provinces.
  • 六千万就是西南地区人中百分之九十的基本群众,要把他们发动起来,搞土改闹翻身。
    The 60 million referred to the working masses, who accounted for 90 per cent of the population in the Southwest. We had to arouse them to carry out land reform and emancipate themselves.
  • 亚穆纳河涨水,洪水从河堤的一道决冲了出来。
    Flood waters poured through a gap in the embankment of the swollen Jumna River.
  • 涨水的珠玛河河堤打开了一道380英尺宽的缺,洪水从这里冲了来。
    Flood waters poured through a 380-foot gap in the embankment of the swollen Zhuma River.
  • 部长已经解除对火器出的贸易禁令。
    The minister has lifted the embargo on the export of firearms.
  • 这艘船在西班牙的一个港装载了乘客和食品。
    The ship embarked passengers and food at a Spanish port.
  • 这艘船在意大利一个港载客装货.
    The ship embarked passengers and cargo at an Italian port.
  • 她在大使馆门空等了好几个小时。
    She kicked her heels for hours at the gate of the Embassy.
  • 体现了正确路线的方针和政策,变成了群众的行动,得到了群众的拥护,经过抗日战争时期,党员从三万人发展到一百二十多万人,军队也从三万人发展到一百万人,解放区人达一亿多。
    Having won the support of the masses, the principles and policies that embody the correct line have been translated into action by the masses. After the War of Resistance Against Japan, the number of Party members jumped from 30,000 to over 1.2 million, the army from 30,000 to one million and the population in the liberated areas to over a hundred million.
  • 这使我更大胆地开请求更多的帮助。
    This emboldened me to ask for more help.
  • 胸前袋的上头被缝上鲜绿色的字做装饰——“我属于佩”。
    Emblazoned across the top of the breast pocket were the bright green newly embroidered words, "I BELONG TO PAT."
  • 问题在全球范围出现,成为许多国家和地区面临的严重挑战。
    The global emergence of the population question poses a serious challenge to many countries and regions.
  • 万维网的出现给最现实的应用程序一个漂亮的图形用户接
    The emergence of the World Wide Web has given even the most mundane of applications a spiffy GUI.
  • 海事处巡逻艇负责巡逻主要海港范围和进航道,利用无线电通讯与船只航行监察中心保持联络,以确保船舶航行及其他海事活动的安全,并在发生紧急事故时,立即应变。
    Marine Department launches, in continuous radio contact with the VTC,patrol the main harbour area and its approaches to ensure safety of navigation and other marine activities, as well as to respond to emergencies.
  • 这家百货公司有四个紧急出
    There are four emergency exits in the department store.
  • 第六条 国外发生重大动植物疫情并可能传入中国时,国务院应当采取紧急预防措施,必要时可以下令禁止来自动植物疫区的运输工具进境或者封锁有关岸;
    Article 6 In the event that a serious animal or plant epidemic occurs abroad and is liable to spread into the country, the State Council shall adopt emergent preventive measures and may, when necessary, issue orders to prohibit means of transport from animal or plant epidemic areas from entering the country or to blockade the relevant ports;
  • 有关国人移居海外的问题,似乎未受到各方面特别的关注,不过,随着人老化越来越显著,婴孩出生率又没有达到理想的目标,这将成为严重的问题。
    Apparently, the emigration of Singaporeans has yet to receive widespread attention. This will become a serious problem as the population is turning grey and the birth rate is falling below the replacement level.
  • 布哈拉中亚苏联南部,萨曼堪德以西的一个城市,是亚洲最古老的文化和贸易中心之一,从16世纪到19世纪是前布哈拉酋长国的首都。人209,000
    A city of southern Central Asian U.S.S.R. west of Samarkand. It is one of the oldest cultural and trade centers of Asia and was capital of the former emirate of Bukhara from the16th to the19th century. Population,209, 000.
  • 愤怒的妇女逗留在大门要求同使者对话。
    The angry women are hanging around the gate demanding to speak to the emissary.