Chinese English Sentence:
  • 牌坊—不管叫洋牌坊还是叫其他名字—的光辉在于它的名气,即它把我们培育成才的名气。
    The splendour of the Arch, then, whether called Nanyang or some other, lies in its standing for the time that brought us to where we are now.
  • 三十六岁,原籍卡罗来纳州哥伦比亚市的“沼泽之狐”飞行员安布罗斯说:“朝我们轰击的炮火非常猛烈-武器全部出笼,穿过云层射各我们。蛮有意思。”
    Swamp Fox pilot Capt. Thorne Ambrose, 36, of Columbia, S.C., said, "There was a lot of stuff being fired at us – just about everything and the kitchen sink was coming up through the clouds at us. It was pretty sporty."
  • “她们另外见了一次以后,希觉得戈尔巴乔夫太太是一个不折不扣的共产党,”一位友人回忆说,“她总要宣传教条。”
    "After their other meeting, Nancy felt that Mrs.Gorbachev was a Communist through and trough," a friend recalled, "and that she just wanted to spout doctrine."
  • 旧大陆的一年一生的攀爬植物,在美国部广泛种植,并被用作食物,草料和绿肥。
    sprawling Old World annual cultivated especially in southern United States for food and forage and green manure.
  • 接管公司几天后,他就视察了公司位于朝鲜半岛东部顶端的蔚山组装工厂。
    Days after he took over, Chung visited Hyundai's sprawling plant at Ulsan on the southeastern tip of the Korean peninsula.
  • 它靠近长江,东面一直顶到京、上海,西直迫汉口,是打过长江的重要跳板,敌人时时刻刻受到我们过江的威胁。
    Being close to the Yangtze River and leading directly to Nanjing and Shanghai in the east and Hankou in the southwest, they provide an important springboard for us to cross the Yangtze River, constituting a constant threat to the enemy.
  • 有些物种,比如非洲部的跳羚,也对生活在新的地方极不适应,估计它们将逐渐灭绝而不会迁移。
    Some species, such as the springbok of southern Africa, are also highly resistant to living in new areas and are expected to die out rather than move.
  • 这种稀释过程发生在半球9月和10月的春季。
    This thinning occurred during September and October springtime in the Southern Hemisphere.
  • 中国人民在中国共产党领导下被迫进行了三年多的人民解放战争,由于当时的国民党集团倒行逆施,已为全国各族人民所唾弃,中国人民终于推翻了京的“中华民国”政府。
    The Chinese people were compelled to respond with a people's liberation war which was to last more than three years under the leadership of the Communist Party. Since the Kuomintang clique had already been spurned by the people of all nationalities for its reign of terror, the government of the "Republic of China" in Nanjing was finally overthrown by the Chinese people.
  • 瓜植物的可食用的果实;当作蔬菜食用。
    edible fruit of a squash plant; eaten as a vegetable.
  • 瓜皮有疣的、细长颈的黄色瓜。
    yellow squash with a thin curved neck and somewhat warty skin.
  • 美国西部多岩地区的大型灰色地松鼠。
    large gray ground squirrel of rocky areas of the southwestern United States.
  • 产于北半球和非有直立或攀援的草本植物;荷包牡丹;兜荷包花牡丹;延胡索属植物;加拿大荷包牡丹。
    erect or climbing herbs of the northern hemisphere and southern Africa: bleeding heart; Dutchman's_breeches; fumitory; squirrel corn.
  • 分布在印度和斯里兰卡中部的一个大的语系分支。
    a large family of languages spoken in south and central India and Sri Lanka.
  • 对越自卫还击战,在军事上、政治上都得到了胜利,不仅对于稳定东亚局势,而且对于国际反霸斗争,已经起了重大的作用,将来还会起作用。
    Our self-defensive counter-attack on Viet Nam has brought us victories both military and political, and has been a major, long-term factor both in stabilizing the situation in Southeast Asia and in carrying on the worldwide struggle against hegemonism.
  • 罗克斯普林斯美国怀俄明州西部一城市,位于美国犹他州边境以北。在19世纪60年代是贸易站和俄勒冈小道上的马车驿站。人口19,050
    A city of southwest Wyoming north of the Utah border. It was a trading post and stagecoach station on the Oregon Trail in the1860's. Population,19, 050.
  • 万寿果树产于美国东部和东部的一种落叶树(泡泡属巴婆果),有三叶片、三花瓣和多雄蕊的花,果实多肉,可食
    A deciduous tree(Asimina triloba) of the eastern and southeast United States, having flowers with three sepals, three petals, and numerous stamens and fleshy, edible fruit.
  • 腾格拉尔的眼睛一直随着爱德蒙和美塞苔丝,直到他们消失在圣·尼古拉堡的一个拐角处才回过头来仔细地观察弗尔多,弗尔多已经倒在椅子里,脸色苍白,浑身发抖,卡德鲁斯正在一边含糊地唱歌一边喝酒。
    DANGLARS followed Edmond and Mercédès with his eyes until the two lovers disappeared behind one of the angles of Fort Saint Nicolas, then turning round, he perceived Fernand, who had fallen, pale and trembling, into his chair, while Caderousse stammered out the words of a drinking-song."
  • 周三希·里根正在形容资本主义与共产主义生活方式互不相容时,她宣称“不分胜负”。
    Nancy Reagan was describing the conflict between capitalist and communist lifestyles Wednesday when she (Raisa) declared "a Mexican standoff".
  • 非本地产的可食用的块茎;爱尔兰的主要食物。
    an edible tuber native to South America; a staple food of Ireland.
  • 茜·凯勒是我最喜欢的影星。
    She is my favorite star.
  • 八哥一种东亚星椋鸟,长有黑蓝色或棕黑色的项圈和黄色的嘴,某些品种,尤其是山八哥(鹩哥科鹩哥),以模仿人类语言而闻名
    Any of various starlings of southeast Asia, having bluish-black or dark brown coloration and yellow bills. Certain species, especially the hill myna(Gracula religiosa), are known for mimicry of human speech.
  • 这里不仅是亚、东亚地区的“江河源”和“生态源”,还是中国乃至东半球气候的“启动器”和“调节区”。
    It is not only the “source of rivers” and the “ecological source” for the areas in South and Southeast Asia, but is also the “starter” and “regulating area” of the climate of China and indeed of the Eastern Hemisphere as a whole.
  • 美国中部的一个州。
    a state in south central United States.
  • 美国东部的州;最初的十三个殖民地之一。
    a state in southeastern United States; one of the original 13 colonies.
  • 美国第二大州;位于美国西部墨西哥湾上。
    the second largest state; located in southwestern United States on the Gulf of Mexico.
  • 小黑人居住在马来西亚、菲律宾和东亚部分地区各民族中身材矮小的人
    A member of any of various peoples of short stature inhabiting parts of Malaysia, the Philippines, and southeast Asia.
  • 客轮于星期三中午12点启航。登船专列8点钟由维多利亚车站始发,开往安普顿港。
    The steamer sails at 00 noon on Wednesday, and the boat train leaves Victoria Station for Southampton at 00.
  • 欧洲部的多年生,星形的,多毛的杂草;花小呈黄色。
    perennial stellate and hairy herb with small yellow flowers of mountains of southern Europe; sometimes placed in genus Sisymbrium.
  • 茎细弱并常外倾地面上而枝端向上、冬季结荚果的一种豆;原产于地中海地区,但作为一个归化种而在美国部长期栽种,最近又作为覆盖作物和牧草而栽培。
    week-stemmed winter annual native to Mediterranean region for long established in southern United States; cultivated as a cover and pasture crop.
  • “日本退后了,英日向着平衡,京更动摇了。”
    "Japan is stepping back, Britain and Japan are virtually inclined to strike a balance, and Nanking is wavering more than ever."
  • 现成的任何肉和任何蔬菜一起做成的稠的、有香味的炖菜;美国部的炖菜。
    thick spicy stew of whatever meat and whatever vegetables are available; southern United States.