  • 第三,华语与英语的相对地位如何,不十明确。
    Third, the status of Mandarin vis-a-vis that of English was ambiguous.
  • 他对他的儿子期望很大,觉得在当地的中学不能充发挥他的聪明才智。
    He was ambitious for his sons and felt that they were not being fully stretched.
  • 我们中的大部人在自我修养的努力中失败了,因为我们的计划过于宏大。
    Most of us fail in our efforts at self- improvement because our schemes are too ambitious.
  • 一种防御机制,简单地将你对其有矛盾心理的事物为两类:好的和坏的。
    a defense mechanism that splits something you are ambivalent about into two representations--one good and one bad.
  • 将这种两面子,和坚决的汉奸如汪精卫、王揖唐、石友三等,加以区别。
    We make a distinction between such ambivalent elements and the out-and-out traitors like Wang Ching-wei, Wang Yi-tang and Shih Yu-san.
  • 好的,先生,我知道了。你就在那边等着。救护车在10钟之内就会到。
    Ok, sir- just tight, and we'll have an ambulance there in about ten minutes.
  • 有人给911打了电话。几钟之后詹姆斯和黛比都上了救护车。
    Someone had called 911,and within minutes both James and Debbie were in an ambulance.
  • 今天仍然没有人确切知道她的飞机出了什么故障而她又是怎样度过飞行中的最后几钟的。
    Today no one knows exactly what went wrong with the plane and how Amelia spent her last minutes in flight.
  • 除了少数几个人外,大家都会十赞成他的建议。
    All but a few will say amen to his proposal.
  • 请更改83/19433号信用证,允许批装船。
    Please amend l.c. No.83/19433 partial shipment allow.
  • 请更改83/19433号信用证,允许批装船。
    Pls. amend l.c. no 83/19433 partial shipment allow
  • 我们已通知银行将该条款改为“允许批装船”。
    We advised the bank to amend the clause to read "partial shipments are permitted".
  • 我们已通知银行将该条款改为“允许批装船”。
    We advise the bank to amend the clause to read "partial shipment be permit".
  • 年内,城市规划委员会公布了两份新订区计划大纲图,并修订了107份法定图则。
    During the year, two new OZPs were published by the board. The board also amended 107 statutory plans.
  • 年内,城市规划委员会公布了四份新订区计划大纲图和两份新订土地发展公司发展计划图、修订了37份现有图则和两份土地发展公司发展计划图。
    In 1998, four new OZPs and two new Land Development Corporation (LDC) Development Scheme Plans were published and 37 existing OZPs and two LDC Development Scheme Plans were amended by the TPB.
  • 运动场和体育馆只是镇上的部康乐设施。
    Stadiums and gymnasia are just some of the town's local amenities.
  • 公园和游泳池只是城镇的部康乐设施。
    Parks and swimming baths are just some of the town's Iocal amenities.
  • 残疾人还包括聋哑人及部脑瘫智障患者。
    The handicapped also include deaf-mutes and some brain paralysis amentia.
  • 一家美国的大联合企业持有该公司的大部股份。
    An American conglomerate holds a major share in the company.
  • 布在华盛顿到英属哥伦比亚的美洲印第安语系的一个支。
    a family of Amerindian languages spoken in Washington and British Columbia.
  • 一个加利福尼亚内流域说的美洲印第安语系的支。
    a family of Amerindian language spoken in the great interior valley of California.
  • 在舞会上较成功的是和蔼可亲的彬格莱先生和伊丽莎白的秀美动人、性情温和的姐姐洁英。伊丽莎白十喜欢她。
    More successful at the ball are the amiable Mr. Bingley and Elizabeth's lovely, good-natured older sister, Jane, to whom Elizabeth is closely attached.
  • 一旦发生争议,我们应该通过友好协商消除我们之间的歧。
    In case of any dispute, we should try to out our differences through amicable negotiations.
  • 十月中,由于本地股票市场出现调整,引致部资金外流。
    There was some outflow from the Hong Kong dollar in October amid the local stock market correction.
  • 出现这个情况,部原因是存款利率持续下调,持有狭义货币的机会成本较低。
    This was in part associated with the lower opportunity cost of holding narrow money amid continued decreases in deposit rates.
  • 六位乘客可安置在船的中央部
    Six passengers can be berthed amidships.
  • 队在森林中行进,由向导在前面领路。
    The detachment marched amidst the forest with the guide going in front.
  • 上午11点30他在巨大的欢呼声中走下飞机。
    He stepped down from the plane at 11: 30 a.m. amidst a tremendous ovation.
  • 因为有了白色政权间的长期的裂和战争,便给了一种条件,使一小块或若干小块的共产党领导的红色区域,能够在四围白色政权包围的中间发生和坚持下来。
    The prolonged splits and wars within the White regime provide a condition for the emergence and persistence of one or more small Red areas under the leadership of the Communist Party amidst the encirclement of the White regime.
  • 一个子含有一个胺原子团(尤指一个神经传递素)。
    a molecule containing one amine group (especially one that is a neurotransmitter).
  • 转化酶任一种在从一种子到另一种子的转录过程中起催化作用的酶,如磷脂或胺
    Any of various enzymes that catalyze the transfer of a chemical group, such as a phosphate or an amine, from one molecule to another.
  • 组胺具生理活性的胺类,c5h9n3,发现于植物或动物组织内。作为过敏反应的一部由人体免疫系统细胞释放
    A physiologically active amine, C5H9N3, found in plant and animal tissue. It is released from cells of the immune system in human beings as part of an allergic reaction.