  • 中国地域辽阔,人口众多,生产力不发达,在这种情况下,要在个时期实现同步富裕、同等富裕是不现实的,必然会有的先富起来,有的后富。
    China has a vast land area, a huge population and underdeveloped productive forces. Under such circumstances, it is impractical for all parts of the country to achieve common prosperity simultaneously. Some regions will become affluent earlier than others.
  • 他唯的求助对象是警察
    His only recourse was the police.
  • 最后,黄色似乎是唯的选择。
    At day's end, yellow seems to be the only recourse.
  • 他不依靠任何人的帮助而独立处理这难题。
    He tackled the knotty problem without recourse to any help.
  • 他唯的求助是警察。
    his only recourse was the police; took refuge in lying.
  • 某些社会学家对此不表赞同,因为他们认为任何种社会改良方案都不能解决贫富阶级之间的根本矛盾问题;
    Some sociologists don't see eye to eye with it because they believe that a social reform program of any kind could not at all solve the basic problems which arise between affluent and poor classes.
  • 她拿出笔记本,开始写着,这是让她解脱的唯办法。
    There was only one recourse. She took her notebook and began to write.
  • 香港的青年人没有经受过战乱,也没有经历过重大的社会动荡,直在稳定的、物质文明极之丰富的条件下成长和生活。因此,对现代物质有强烈的向往和追求。
    Without experiencing any wartime hardship and social upheavals, they were born and bred in a stable society that is materially and culturally affluent, hence their strong desire and aspiration for material gains.
  • 航行中,有引擎发生故障,因此,船长就利用帆航行。
    On the voyage, one of the engines was disabled and the captain had recourse to the sail.
  • 在中国各地,近年来运用法律武器解决知识产权纠纷的现象增多,从个侧面说明了全社会知识产权法律意识的增强和知识产权知识的普及。
    The fact that there has been an increasing number of cases involving intellectual property rights in recent years and that these cases have been remedied through recourse to law reflects the people's heightened awareness and the wide spread of intellectual property rights knowledge throughout society.
  • 我们镇基本上是个糖料种植场,种植场的经理和其他富裕的人,比如医生、商人、银行家都把孩子送进了这所学校,到六年级都有。
    The managers of the plantation and the other affluent people of the town, such as doctors, business owners, and bankers, sent their children to this school, grades 1 to 6.
  • 她站了会儿来缓口气。
    She stood a moment to recover breath.
  • 我差点倒下,但最後还是站稳了脚根。
    I nearly fell but managed to recover myself.
  • 我所以感到兴奋的是,我们国家领导人提出了要在二十世纪,将中国建设成为民富国强的、统的和民族振兴的国家。
    I am much delighted because our Chinese leaders have expressed their determination in building China into a strong, affluent and unified country in the next century.
  • 明年,另支研究队将被派往该地,收回紫外线测量仪板。
    Another expedition will recover the UV plates next year.
  • 年多以后我才恢复过来
    It took me better than a year to recover.
  • 付出代价或达到种条件就可重获。
    recoverable upon payment or fulfilling a condition.
  • 不久后,大量的文物毫无疑问的会落在富裕国家里些不择手段的私人收藏家和收藏机构手里。
    Before long, many of these would undoubtedly end up in unscrupulous private and public collections of the affluent nations.
  • 如果切顺利的话,他个星期就康复了。
    All being well, he will recover in a week.
  • 中国的中近程导弹、远程火箭、潜艇水下发射固体燃料火箭、返回式卫星、箭多星、地球静止轨道通信卫星都是在没有任何外国帮助下独自完成的。
    Without any foreign assistance, China has independently developed intermediate and short-range missiles, long-range rockets, submarine-launched solid-propellant rockets, recoverable satellites, the technology to launch multiple satellites atop a single rocket, and geostationary communication satellites.
  • 在美国等西方国家对中国实行全面封锁和禁运的情况下,1964年中国就已经研制成功了中近程导弹,1970年中国成功地发射了第颗人造地球卫星,1975年,中国又成功地发射了返回式卫星。
    Under the circumstances of all-round blockade and embargo imposed by the United States and other Western countries, China successfully developed intermediate and short-range missiles in 1964, and succeeded in launching its first man-made earth satellite in 1970, and a recoverable satellite in 1975.
  • 英国人对“海洋运输货物险”只理解为海运中的意外风险,诸如船舶碰撞、搁浅、起火、海水侵入船舱等,换句话说,投保“切海洋运输货物险”,其损失的赔偿只限于因海上灾难和海运意外事故所引起的损失。而保“切险”在全部承保期内的任何时间,不论海上或陆上所产生的意外事故,其全部损失都予以赔偿。在这个意义上,“切海洋运输货物险”比“切险”所承保的责任范围更为有限。
    The English understand by "marine risks" only risks incident to transport by sea, such as collision, stranding, fire, penetration of sea water into the holds of the ships, etc. in other words, under "all marine risks" recoverable loss will only be confined to those arising from perils of the sea and maritime accidents only. The "all risks" coverage will admit all losses occurring at any time throughout the whole currency of the coverage, irrespective of whether they are caused by accidents at sea or on land. In this sense, "all marine risks" provides a more limited cover than "all risks".
  • 这群人般上较为富裕,他们经常到国外度假。
    This group is generally more affluent. Part of the lifestyle usually includes taking regular vacations to exotic destinations.
  • 这群人般上较为富裕,他们经常到国外度假。
    This group is generally more affluent. Part of the lifestyle usually includes taking regular vacations overseas.
  • 他的复元是个奇迹。
    His recovery is a miracle.
  • 在差错恢复技术中,控制权沿预定路线从某个恢复例行程序传递给高级的恢复例行程序的过程或处理方法。
    In error recovery, the passing of control from a recovery routine to a higher-level recovery routine along a preestablished path.
  • 在差错恢复技术中,控制权沿预定路线从某个恢复例行程序传递给高级的恢复例行程序的过程或处理方法。
    In error recovery, the passing of control from a recovery routine to a higher level recovery routine along a preestablished path.
  • 个富足和生活质素优良的社会;
    - an affluent society with improved quality of life for all;
  • 个富裕的人;财政上处境比较好的人。
    an affluent person; a person who is financially well off.
  • 本显得很富裕的社会中些失业的不利情况
    Pockets of unemployment in an otherwise affluent society.
  • 我们生活在个富裕的社会中。
    We live in an affluent society.
  • 尽管他可能是富裕的,但他点不知道该付多少小费给看门人和清理卧室的女服务员。
    Affluent he may be, But he is by no means sure what to tip the doorman or the chambermaid.