  • 我听到许多乱哄哄的话声。
    I heard the babble of many voices.
  • 一阵唧唧喳喳的话声。
    A babble of voices.
  • 这次,人们听到岛国将设立"演角落"的消息,各界议论纷纷。
    That is why people were excited with a babble of comments when they were told recently that there would be a Speakers' Corner in Singapore.
  • 别老是咿咿呀呀的, 慢点儿.
    Stop babbling and speak more slowly.
  • 唠叨愚蠢地闲聊或叨唠以出或表达…
    To utter or express by chattering foolishly or babbling.
  • 八道的疯子;胡八道的孩子;胡八道的主妇;胡八道的住院者。
    blithering (or blathering) idiot; jabbering children; gabbling housewives; a babbling hospital inmate.
  • 但是,1875年的《卡门》却被看作一种失败。一位批评界人士认为乐队的演奏“乱七八糟”;而另一位则评价,乐曲缺少“创新和个性”。
    And yet, in l875, Carmen was judged a flop, in one of music history's darkest nights for the critical profession: the man damned a "perpetually babbling" orchestra, and his colleague could barely contain his contempt for the work, referring distastefully to "the uterine agonies of Mlle Carmen" and, incredibly, attacking the music for a lack of novelty and distinction".
  • 人家对他什么他相信什么,他简直像个天真幼稚的娃娃。
    He believes anything he's told, just like a babe in arms.
  • 中,美国和加拿大北部森林中的伐木巨人;有一头名叫“宝贝”的蓝牛。
    a legendary giant lumberjack of the north woods of US and Canada; had a blue ox named Babe.
  • 这位滑稽演员的顺口溜中有许多含沙射影的讽刺话,但是爱丽丝十分单纯,不懂世故,她连一半也没听懂。
    There were a lot of innuendoes in the comedian's patter, but Alice, being as innocent as a new-born babe, didn't understand half of it.
  • 他也相信最早的人类语言是无人知晓的。这些观点也是左道邪,正统的观点是上帝一造人,就已经赋予了人类话的能力。在建造“通天塔”以前,全人类使用同一种语言。
    He also believed that no known language was the original human tongue. These views also were heretical. The orthodox view was that God has created man already endowed with language, and that, until the episode of the Tower of Babel, one language served us all.
  • “食物标签的巴比塔已倒塌,这是消费者之福,”健康服务部长沙利文在记者招待会上兴高采烈地。他宣布布什已打破该部与农林部这间为期数月的僵局。
    "The Tower of Babel in food labels has come down, and American consumers are the winners," a jubilant Healthe and Human Services Secretary Louis Sullivan said at a news conference to announce that Bush had broken a months-long deadlock between his agency and the Department of Agriculturn.
  • 当一群狒狒糟蹋庄稼,横穿公路或四处活动时,据都有一两只负责“放哨”,有危险时就发出警告。
    When a baboon group is raiding crops, crossing roads, or even simply moving across country, it is said to have one or more animals "posted" to give the alarm to the others of any approaching danger.
  • 那个孩子会话了吗?
    Can the baby talk yet?
  • 他们对他,哭是幼稚的。
    They told him it was babyish to cry.
  • 问题确切地,就是要找一个照看小孩的人。
    The problem, pure and simple, is finding a babysitter.
  • ”的确,给这些天才句公道话:棒辣妹的音乐可不是炒冷饭的巴哈。
    Indeed,we should give the prodigies their props.Bond's music is not warmed-over Bach.
  • “别开枪!” 他着往后退。
    ‘Don't shoot!’ he said and backed up.
  • 他是那种背后人坏话的人。
    He is the person who backbites.
  • 我不喜欢在那里工作,因为那里的人太爱背后别人坏话。
    I didn't enjoy working there--there was too much backbiting.
  • 乔尔因威廉在背后他坏话而要对他进行报复。
    Joel wanted to pay William off for backbiting him.
  • 乔尔因威康在背后他坏话而要施行报复。
    Joel wanted to pay Wailliam off for backbiting him.
  • 88.当有关西部铁路的服和规划工作终于完成后,真正艰难的任务还没有开始;即危险,吃力,需要伤筋动骨和吵吵嚷嚷的建造这些铁路的实际工作。
    88. When the persuading and the planning for the western railroads had finally been completed, the really challenging task remained: the dangerous, sweaty, backbreaking, brawling business of actually building the lines.
  • 本世纪初的一些重大事件为他的小提供了背景。
    The important events at the beginning of the century provided the backdrop for his novel.
  • 这种小食品的包装袋的独特之处就是上面的这位"卡通阿拉法特"。只见在巴勒斯坦旗帜背景下,阿拉法特身穿卡其布军装,头戴标志性的黑白方格头帕,张开着嘴,似乎在向人们着些什么。
    The bags feature a cartoon of an open-mouthed Arafat in khaki military dress and his trademark black-and-white checkered headscarf against the backdrop of a Palestinian flag.
  • 发球、截击空中球、反手和正手击落地球、高压球、挑高球、超身球等基本技术,她是这位运动员中最好的。
    When it comes to such basic skills as serving, volleying, backhand and forehand ground strokes, the smash, the lob and passing shots, she is the best among the four players.
  • 西方的教反而激起了亚洲人的自豪感,他们觉得亚洲人应该找到自己的道路,而不是照搬外国人的做法。
    Lecturing from the West stirred a backlash of Asian pride, a sense that Asians should find their own way instead of copying the foreigners.
  • 用来修饰明一种用于备份存储设备的技术,这种技术应用伯努里原理来防止读写头和旋转磁盘面之间的物理接触。
    Pertaining to a technology used for backup storage devices that applies the Bernoulli principle to prevent destructive physical contact between the read/ write head and a rotating disk.
  • 要人们安于贫困落后,什么宁要贫困的社会主义和共产主义,不要富裕的资本主义。
    For instance, people were told that they should be content with poverty and backwardness and that it was better to be poor under socialism and communism than to be rich under capitalism.
  • 只要有时间,他会鼎力相助的。
    He said he'd fall over backwards to help, if only he had the time.
  • 对于有些人来,冒险不过是在后院中的一顿野餐。”
    For some people, it's a picnic in the backyard."
  • 举例来,当家长和孩子一起外出打棒球或进行户外活动建立感情联系时,可以营造一种持久的充满关爱的气氛,这对将来可能发生冲突的后果能够起到缓解作用。
    While parents are establishing a bond with a child during baseball outings and backyard games,for example,they can set a tone of enduring love and affection that will mitigate the consequences of the occasional future eruption.