  • 她可不胆小--任何场合都为自己说话。
    Shrinking violet always ready to speak up for herself.
  • 他警告说:“如果受教育程度上存在的差别继续以现在的速度发展下去,大学毕业的妇女找到相应学历的男子结婚的人数会越来越少。
    "If the educational attainment differences continue to grow at the rate they are, a shrinking number of college-educated women are going to find college-educated men to marry," he cautions.
  • 为什么你总是在联欢会时怕见生人呢?你不可永远避开他们。
    Why do you always seem to shrivel up when we meet new people at parties? You can't avoid them for ever.
  • 我们的津贴方案,恐怕要搁置到目前这经济萧条结束之后才实施。
    I'm afraid that our new pension scheme will have to go into abeyance until the present depression is over.
  • 在桅杆平台上的一个口,通过此口,海员可以不必用桅杆的左右支索就自动上升。
    hole in a platform on a mast through which a sailor can climb without going out on the shrouds.
  • 第二天彬格莱小姐跟达西两人在矮树林里散步,彬格莱小姐说:“我希望将来有一天好事如愿的时候,你得委婉地奉劝你那位岳母出言吐语要谨慎些,还有你那几位小姨子,要是你力办得到,最好也得把她们那种醉心追求军官的毛病医治好。
    "I hope," said she, as they were walking together in the shrubbery the next day, "you will give your mother-in-law a few hints, when this desirable event takes place, as to the advantage of holding her tongue; and if you can compass it, do cure the younger girls of running after the officers.
  • 具有一个纠正失误的金属板因此够看到天空中更广阔的地方。
    has plate that corrects for aberration so that a wide area of sky can be photographed.
  • 我很佩服她对错误的批评意见不予理会。
    I admire the way she is able to shrug off unfair criticism.
  • 我早晨要花好长时间才消除睡意。
    It takes me a long time in the morning to shrug off sleep.
  • 当我们够从大局看清楚问题,那些用来突出“不公平制度”的间接证明,便成为不足为虑的小事。
    When we see the bigger picture, we can shrug off the petty incidences, which have been put forward as circumstantial evidence meant to highlight the “injustices of the system”.
  • 汤姆耸人耸肩向玛丽青不无为力。
    Tom signaled his helplessness to Mary by shrugging.
  • 十五岁时,他开始有充裕的时间在多伦多一家著名的喜剧俱乐部“亚克亚克斯”进行表演,在那儿他得以完善自己的特殊才
    At 15 though,he had enough time to start performing at Yuk Yuks,a famous Toronto comedy club where he began to perfect his shtick.
  • 有些专家认为,扩展已安装的rdbms的最好方法是增加对复杂数据类型的支持,建立万服务器——一种让用户访问复杂的数据类型(包括与特殊数据有关的功)和支持开放的、可扩展的用户定义数据类型的rdbms。
    Aberdeen Grup believes the best way to extend installed RDBMSs is to add support for complex data types, creating a Universal Server -- an RDBMS that allows users to access complex data types (including functions related to particular data types) and to support open, extensible user-defined data types.
  • 我想到可发生的事而战栗。
    I shudder to think what might happen.
  • 但他知道自己既催人落泪和颤抖,也逗人发笑。
    But he knew himself able to evoke laughter as well as tears and shudders.
  • 狡猾地摆脱困境。
    He is able to shuffle out of the difficulty.
  • 他们狡猾地投机取巧,俾逃过去法网。
    They have shuffle their card so cunningly as to is out of the reach of the law.
  • 他一向总是狡猾地摆脱任何困难,我们不知道他这回又要耍什么花招。
    He's always been able to shuffle out of any difficulty. We don't know how he will do this time.
  • 对酒类消费的厌恶感使她避开所有可卖酒的社交活动场所
    Her aversion to alcohol consumption caused her to shun all social gatherings where such beverages would be served.
  • 绝不以为我们有军队和政权在手,一切都要无条件地照我们的决定去做,因而不注意去努力说服非党人士同意我们的意见,并心悦诚服地执行。
    We must never think that because we hold military and political power we can force unconditional compliance with our decisions, and on that account shun the effort to win the non-Party people over to our views so that they carry them out gladly and whole-heartedly.
  • 你不把责任推到妈妈身上。
    You can't shunt the blame onto your mother.
  • 子系统支持服务系统参数表中的一种开关。当该开关合上时,表示发生了严重故障(如无力对子系统库进行存取,或发生其它类型的输入输出错误),而且该子系统支持服务正在被关闭。
    A switch in the Subsystem Support Services system parameter table that, when on, indicates that a serious error has occurred(such as inability to obtain access to the sub system library or another type of I/O error), and that Subsystem Support Services is being shutdown.
  • 你按快门开启按钮时,不猛按照相机。
    You mustn't jerk the camera when you press the shutter release button.
  • 你按快门开启按钮时,不猛按照相机。
    You must not jerk the camera when you press the shutter release button.
  • 我上礼拜在你们那儿买了一架佳自动相机,可是现在快门坏了。
    I bought a Canon Auto-Focus camera from you last week, and now the shutter isn't working.
  • 够在固定的时间内推迟照相机快门以便使摄影师够出现在相片中的自动机器。
    a mechanism that automatically delays the release of a camera shutter for a fixed period of time so that the photographer can appear in the picture.
  • 在两个偏振媒体之间的带有两个电极的透明电池;只有当两个偏振位面平行时光线才通过。
    a transparent cell with two electrodes between two polarizing media; passes light only if the two planes of polarization are parallel; used as a high-speed shutter or to modulate a laser beam.
  • 能够挡雨的百叶窗
    Shutters that are fast against the rain.
  • 那些窗户上的百叶窗只是为了装装门面,它们装在墙上,而且也不完全关上。
    The shutters by those windows are just for show-they're fixed to the wall and close properly.
  • 在航天飞机上,对每一种可出现的电气故障都作好了排除的准备。
    In the space shuttle every possible electrical failure has been provided for.
  • "哥伦比亚"号航天飞机的机组人员虽未平安地返回地球,但我们祈祷他们均已安息。
    The crew of the shuttle Columbia did not return safely to Earth;yet we can pray that all are safely home.
  • 贾第虫病由原生动物引起的肠道感染(贾第虫)。人得了这种病经常是无症状的但可产生腹部痉挛、腹泻和呕吐
    Intestinal infection with the protozoan Giardia lamblia. It is usually asymptomatic in human beings but may produce abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and nausea.