  • 我距那门有三大步远。
    I was three strides from the door.
  • 他气冲冲地大步去。
    He strode off in anger.
  • 竞走的特点为行走时一只脚之脚跟先着地,另一只脚之脚趾部才抬地面,如竞走比赛之情形
    Characterized by a stride in which the heel of one foot touches ground before the toe of the other foot is lifted, as in walking races.
  • 比赛中的马临近终点时拉开了距
    The horses were strung out towards the end of the race.
  • 比赛中的马临近终点时拉开了距
    The horse is stringing out towards the end of the race.
  • 燃料电池是一种自行充电的电池,它是靠把电子从氢中脱出来而产生电流来供电的。
    A sort of self-energized battery, fuel cells work by stripping the electrons off hydrogen and creating an electric current.
  • 他说完这些话便开了房间。
    W-these words he left the room.
  • 第二次反“围剿”时,我军开进到东固,仅因等待王金钰脱其富田巩固阵地,宁可冒犯走漏消息的危险,拒绝一切性急快打的建议,迫敌而居,等了二十五天之久,终于达到了要求。
    In our second counter-campaign our army advanced to Tungku where, for the sole purpose of waiting for Wang Chin-yu's men to leave their strongpoint at Futien, we encamped close to the enemy for twenty-five days even at the risk of leakage of information; we rejected all impatient suggestions for a quick attack and finally attained our aim.
  • 被他弄得身心疲惫,还要为抚养儿子而挣扎的艾丽西娅,在1963年与纳什婚。
    Exhausted and depressed, struggling to raise their son, Alicia obtained a divorce in 1963.
  • 高速公路上隔一段距就有一个示警牌。
    Warning notices were strung out along the motorway.
  • 在长途赛马临近终点时,马与马这间的距拉开了。
    The horses were strung out towards the end of a long race.
  • 他把信塞进门里就匆匆开了.
    He stuffed the letter through (the door) and hurried away.
  • "您不认为,"我结结巴巴地说,"过婚就像东西被用过一样吧?就像是受损的物品吧?"。
    “ Don't you think,” I stuttered,“ that being divorced is like being used?Like being damaged goods?
  • 孙:您说过您想看一看长城沉没在海里的那端,可那一头北京好远。
    You said you wanted to see the end of the Great Wall that's submerged in the sea, but it's far away from Beijing.
  • 超高速心器用于分胶质微粒和普通显微镜下看不出来的微粒的高速心器
    A high-velocity centrifuge used in the separation of colloidal or submicroscopic particles.
  • 在英国英语中称通常建在远商业中心的地方,并且水比原始港更深的一个辅助港口。
    (British) a subsidiary port built in deeper water than the original port (but usually farther from the center of trade).
  • 大一点的距会在不经意中营造一种体面和尊重的氛围,并且给双方留有充分的时间来交谈。
    This greater space subtly lends an air of dignity and respect, an amplitude of time.
  • 子化的过程;利用气体中的强电场从原子中增加或去除电子而将原子分子基分形成子的过程。
    the process of ionizing; the formation of ions by separating atoms or molecules or radicals or by adding or subtracting electrons from atoms by strong electric fields in a gas.
  • 这儿最近的地铁站在哪里?
    Where is the nearest subway station?
  • 那饭店地铁站远吗。
    Is the hotel from the subway station.
  • 革命力量的组织和革命事业的建设,开革命的知识分子的参加,是不能成功的。
    The revolutionary forces cannot be successfully organized and revolutionary work cannot be successfully conducted without the participation of revolutionary intellectuals.
  • 穆尔职后,皮尔逊被委为继任人。
    When Moore checked out, Pearson was appointed his successor.
  • 他突然离去。
    He took an abrupt departure.
  • 汤姆和休争吵是不是要婚呢?往下读吧...
    Will Tom and Sue's quarrel mean divorce? Now read on...
  • 她并不是申请婚,而是申请合法分居。
    She didn't sue for divorce but for a legal separation.
  • 本性不远或使人联想到本性的。
    not far removed from or suggestive of nature.
  • 适合或能达到很远距的。
    suitable for or reaching long distances.
  • 他昨天带着一群随员开了那家酒店。
    He left the hotel with his suites yesterday.
  • 父亲决定给儿子一大笔钱让他家自立。
    Father has decided to give his son a huge sum of money for his independence from the family.
  • 事故发生时他们峰顶只有100米远。
    They were only 100 metres off the summit when the accident happened.
  • 太阳落山只有几分钟了。
    It wanted a few minutes to sunset.
  • 这里最近的超级市场在哪儿?
    Where's the nearest supermarket?