  • 你呆呆地注视窗外几分钟了,你在想什么?
    You've been staring blankly out of the window for several minutes; a penny for your thoughts.
  • 这一天,按习惯将在河滩⑥放焰火,在布拉克小教堂种植五月树⑦,在司法宫演出圣迹剧⑧。府尹大人的差役,穿华丽的紫红色驼毛布衬甲衣,胸前缀两个白色大十字,头一天晚上就在十字街头吹喇叭,高声吆喝过了。
    On this day there was invariably a bonfire on the Place de Gréve, a may-pole in front of the Chapelle de Braque, and a mystery-play at the Palais de Justice, as had been proclaimed with blare of trumpets on the preceding day in all the streets by Monsieur the Provost’s men, arrayed in tabards of violet camlet with great white crosses on the breast.
  • 当她对扩音器讲话时,她的声音嘟嘟响。
    She tended to blast when speaking into a microphone.
  • 演讲者扯着喉咙说话
    Speakers blasting at full volume.
  • 他过着独身生活。
    He is living in a state of single blessedness.
  • 梅格决定大权独揽,她不想出嫁……因此,她过独身生活,并且用伊丽莎白女王的专制统治,用高压手段统治一切。
    Determined to ride the fore-horse herself, Meg would admit no helpmate…and so, in single blessedness and with the despotism of Queen Bess herself, she ruled all matters with a high hand.
  • 飞行员被迫在雾中作盲目陆。
    The pilot had to make a blind landing in the mist. (喻)
  • 瞎子带瞎子,一起掉进——婚姻里。
    When the blind lead the blind, they both fall into matrimony.
  • 我闭着眼睛都能做。
    I can do it blindfold.
  • 一道耀眼的闪光,把人们的眼睛都照花了……紧接轰隆隆传来一声巨雷。
    And then there came a blinding flash?? and hard upon the heels of it, a great tow-row of thunder.
  • 好紧盯他离开了她,泪水蒙住了眼晴。
    She stared after him as he left her, tears blinding her eyes.
  • 一段楼梯火塌下来,烧瞎了他的双眼,还把一只胳膊严重砸伤,只好截去。
    A flaming staircase had fallen, blinding him and crushing one arm so badly it had to be amputated.
  • 一道耀眼的闪光,把人们的眼睛都照花了……紧接轰隆隆传来一声巨雷。
    And then there came a blinding flash… and hard upon the heels of it, a great tow-row of thunder.
  • 他在自己桌子四周摸索
    he felt around his desk blindly.
  • 随后,他来到山边,踉踉跄跄地沿山路盲目前行。听见他们的朗朗笑声,他轻轻地爬过去,看到两个身体紧紧地贴在一块。
    Then he was on the mountainside, stumbling blindly up the mountain path, hearing their laughter. Softly he crept up on them until he could see their bodies entwined.
  • 所谓独立自主就是不跟人家跑,对世界有自己的见解,对国际和地区争瑞有自己的原则,根据事件本身的是非曲直作出客观公正的判断。
    To be independent means not to blindly follow others, but to have our own point of view on world affairs and our own principles in viewing international or regional disputes to make objective and just judgements on particular issues .
  • 我们一般地对于新区的复杂情况既不知道,进入之后又不研究,凭老经验(而又忽视了最重要的抗日时期的经验)、老作风(而又抛弃了许多有用的好作风),盲目地乱干,这种恶劣的经验主义,使我们遭受了严重的损害。
    In general, we knew little about the complicated situation in new areas and did not analyze it after we entered. We acted blindly, employing prior experience (while ignoring the most important experience acquired during the anti-Japanese war) and out-dated work style (while forsaking many useful ways of doing things). This kind of destructive empiricism caused us to suffer a great deal.
  • 回家的路上,西尔夫妇谈想起来在过去几个月里,他们实际看到过特克斯怎样生活在失明状态中,现在他们终于明白了为什么它有时候撞上正在开启的门,或把鼻子撞在铁丝围栏上,为什么它出来进去总是沿石子道走;
    As they talked on their way home, the Seals realized that over the last few months, they had watched Tex cope with his blindness. Now they understood why Tex sometimes missed a gate opening or bumped his nose on the chain-link fence. And why he usually stayed on the gravel walkways traveling to and from the house.
  • 你能瞪看多长时间不眨眼?
    How long can you stare without blinking your eyes?
  • 灯光在地平线上闪烁
    The lights were blinking on the horizon.
  • 莱尔,注意看,你一看到前面的群山上出现太阳的闪光就叫我。
    Keep your eyes peeled, Lill, and tell me if you see a blink of sun on those hills ahead.
  • 他坐在那儿眨眼看炉子里的火焰。
    He sat there blinking at the fire in the stove.
  • 他抬眼盯她,在篝火的余光中眨眼睛。
    He stared up at her, blinking in the glow of the dying camp fire.
  • 爱情呀,当你手里拿点亮了的痛苦之灯走来时,我能够看见你的脸,而且以你为幸福。
    Love! When you come with the burning lamp of pain in your hand, I can see your face and know you as bliss.
  • 追随天赐之福,不是“如果你觉得对就做”(那是20世纪70年代的口号),而是追寻生命的河流中最激励你又富有挑战性的事,并沿一个能让你充分显示个性又得到完美满足的方向前进。
    " Follow your bliss. No, not "if it feels good, do it." That was the'70s. Follow your bliss means to follow a course in life that is most exciting and challenging for you and to follow a direction that brings you the greatest personal and professional satisfaction.
  • 本来,我憧憬和孩子们过一周田园般的生活,陪他们在客厅的地板上打闹,去公园散步,好好享受不用工作的自由。
    I had pictured a week of idyllic bliss with the boys, wrestling on the living room floor, walking around the parks, enjoying the freedom from work.
  • 她过幸福的婚姻生活。
    She lives in blissful wedding glory.
  • 酷暑,大卫·布莱克本和我的16人小组中的其他一些成员一步一步耐心地将这具保存完好的至尊鳄鱼骨骼挖了出来。
    Undeterred by the blistering heat, he and other members of my 16-person crew were closing in on beautifully preserved pieces of SuperCroc's skeleton.
  • “下雪天见过很多”我写道“但是,不知为什么,我总是记得那个刮暴风雪的平安夜。
    "I have seen many other snowfalls," I wrote, "but for some reason I always remember that night when the blizzard came on Christmas Eve.
  • 圣诞节前夜里刮了一场暴风雪,我蜷缩在羽毛褥床取暖,心理暗暗盼自己能得到哪怕一点点的圣诞节礼物。
    A blizzard had developed on Christmas Eve, and I had snuggled into a featherbed to keep warm, praying that I would get just a little something for Christmas.
  • 新中国在成立后的一段较长时间里,一直面临帝国主义、霸权主义的孤立、封锁、颠覆和破坏,因此,中国人民解放军经常处于临战的戒备状态。
    For a long period following the founding of the People's Republic, China was subject to isolation, blockade, subversion and sabotage by the imperialists and hegemonists, and, as a result, the PLA was often on a combat-ready alert.
  • 那辆被撞弯的卡车正堵塞道路
    A truck that had jackknifed was blocking the road.