  • 她完全明他不是小偷。
    That he was not a thief was as clear to her as the sun at noonday.
  • 乳蛋质一种通常存在于乳汁中的蛋
    A protein normally present in milk.
  • 1939年底,毛主席写下了《纪念求恩》一文。
    Chairman Mao wrote "In Memory of Norman Bethune" at the end of1939.
  • 〔1〕求恩即诺尔曼·求恩(一八九○——一九三九),加拿大共产党党员,著名的医生。
    [1] The distinguished surgeon Norman Bethune was a member of the Canadian Communist Party.
  • 求恩医生为中国人民的革命事业献出了自己的宝贵生命。
    Dr Norman Bethune laid down his precious life for the revolutionary cause of the Chinese People.
  • 诺曼说自己从上个月以来他没有喝过酒,不过如果对他合适,他是会颠倒黑的。
    Norman says he hasn't had a drink since last month, but he'd swear black is white if it suited him.
  • 第三种终点,同样例如上述江西第三次反“围剿”时,假如敌之主力不是向西而是向南,我们也许被迫着退到会昌、寻乌、安远地区(那里是色区域),引敌更向南进,然后红军由南而北向根据地内部打去,这时北面根据地内部的敌军当不是很多的了。
    Finally, an example of the third type. During that same third counter-campaign in Kiangsi, if the enemy's main force had headed south instead of west, we might have been compelled to withdraw to the Huichang-Hsunwu-Anyuan area (a White area), in order to induce the enemy to move further south; the Red Army could have then driven northward into the interior of the base area, by which time the enemy force in the north of the base area would not have been very large.
  • 自1993年12月发行以来,《变换的十字架》在全球赢得了21个金唱片奖和24个金唱片奖,在美国获得了2个金唱片的销量。
    Since its release in December,1993,The Cross Of Changes has notched 21 platinum and 24 gold awards worldwide,with double-platinum sales in the USA.
  • 我们的辛劳全都费了。
    We had all our trouble for nothing.
  • “多好吃的食物啊!”“我没有上烹饪班吧!”
    ‘What delicious food!’ ‘I didn't go to cookery classes for nothing!’
  • 他的头发与黑皮肤形成了鲜明的对比.
    His white hair was in sharp contrast to (ie was very noticeably different from) his dark skin.
  • 随着春天的到来,天也明显长了。
    With the approach of spring the days begin to draw out quite noticeably.
  • 你能明一点儿这是什麽意思吗?
    Do you have the slightest notion of what this means?
  • 他不明白我的意思。
    He has no notion of what I mean.
  • 他完全不明我的意思。
    He has no notion what I mean.
  • 先后取缔在全国有影响的盗版出版物大型集散地20余个,其中主要有河北沟、湖北武
    More than 20 markets of national notoriety have been closed, including distributing centers for pirate publications in Baigou of Hebei, Wusheng of Hubei, Huangnijie of Hunan, Yiwu of Zhejiang, Linfen of Shanxi, Yifa and Zoumagong of Guangdong, Xiliu of Liaoning and Lanxin of Gansu.
  • 他的头发变得花了。我是个从律师改业的小说家
    His hair turned gray. I am a lawyer turned novelist.
  • 11月来临时,昼开始变短。
    The days begin to draw in when November comes.
  • 你现在明白了吗?
    Do you understand now?
  • 核蛋在所有活细胞和病毒的核中都可以找到的物质,由蛋质和核酸构成
    Any of a group of substances found in the nuclei of all living cells and in viruses, composed of a protein and a nucleic acid.
  • 包裹病毒核酸的蛋质外壳。
    the outer covering of protein surrounding the nucleic acid of a virus.
  • 核壳体,病毒粒子病毒的基本结构,由有蛋质壳包围的核酸的核组成
    The basic structure of a virus, consisting of a core of nucleic acid enclosed in a protein coat.
  • 朊病毒(感染性蛋质)极微小的蛋质微粒,类似于病毒,但不含核酸,被认为是绵羊痒病和其他的一些神经系统变性疾病的传染介质
    A microscopic protein particle similar to a virus but lacking nucleic acid, thought to be the infectious agent responsible for scrapie and certain other degenerative diseases of the nervous system.
  • 无意义突变,无意义密码在一条包含有为无氨基酸指定遗传密码的核苷酸组的信使核糖核酸中的一部分,无意义密码在蛋质合成期间不能被读出,因此使肽链终止
    A section within a strand of messenger RNA containing a nucleotide triplet that codes for no amino acid. Nonsense cannot be read during protein synthesis and so terminates the polypeptide chain.
  • 我用肘轻轻推了他一下,他马上就明
    I gave him a nudge and he understood at once
  • 我用肘轻轻推了他一下,他马上就明
    I give him a nudge and he understand at once
  • 护士戴着口罩和帽子。
    The nurses wore masks and white caps.
  • 你用板手固定住下面螺母,同时用另外一把扳手拧开上面螺母,你明的意思吗?
    You hold the lower nut with one spanner while you undo the top nut with another one-do you see what I mean?
  • 山楂一种山楂属乔木或灌木,通常带刺,有色或粉色花簇和微红色内有一些单籽小核的果实
    Any of various usually thorny trees or shrubs of the genus Crataegus having clusters of white or pinkish flowers and reddish fruits containing a few one-seeded nutlets.
  • 一种无色晶状氨基酸,某些蛋质的水解产物中含有,人体营养的必需成分。
    a colorless crystalline amino acid that occurs in the hydrolysates of certain proteins; an essential component of human nutrition.
  • 一种带苦味的氨基酸,见于蛋质中,营养必须,食物中缺少会导致精子减少。
    a bitter tasting amino acid found in proteins and necessary for nutrition; its absence from the diet leads to a reduced production of spermatozoa.
  •  1984年以来,中国人均占有粮食相对稳定,但由于动物性食品增加较多,人民的营养水平明显改善,平均每人每天供给的热量达到2727大卡,蛋质和脂肪分别达到70克和52克,高于同等人均国民生产总值的国家,基本达到世界平均水平。
    Since 1984, though the per capita share of grain has been relatively stable, the nutritional status of the Chinese people has markedly improved because of the increased supply of food of animal origin. Food supply per person per day in terms of calories reaches 2,727 kilocalories, including those from 70 grams of protein and 52 grams of fat. This figure is higher than the figures for those other countries with per capita GNP comparable to China's. Therefore, it can be said that the food supply in China has basically reached the average world level.