  • 万条垂下绿丝绦。
    A thousand branches droop like fringes made of jade.
  • 下垂的水仙花;垂柳下垂的枝;长着下垂花序的芬芳的丁香花。
    nodding daffodils; the pendulous branches of a weeping willow; lilacs with drooping panicles of fragrant flowers.
  • 给我留了张便条
    Drop me a note.
  • 新的运河正在该省开凿。
    A new canal is being dub in that province.
  • 有一条输气管堵塞了.
    One of the air-ducts has become blocked.
  • internet犹如一传送带,它有亮的一面,也有暗的一面,你需要了解这种差异以避免被卷进去。
    The Internet is like duct tape: It has a light side and a dark side, and you need to know the difference to avoid getting stuck in it.
  • 去年他们挖了三水渠。
    Last year they dug three channels.
  • 从雪中挖出一条路
    Dug my way out of the snow.
  • 新的运河正在该省开凿。
    A new canal is being dug in that province.
  • 市场萧越来越严重,买方空空,不可能有早日复苏迹象。
    Dullness deepens totally buyer 's early recovery is impossible
  • 他不敢把令人不快的真情告诉他们。他是哑吧狗。
    He is afraid to tell them the unpalatable truths. He is a dumb dog.
  • 第三十二 禁止向水体排放、倾倒工业废渣、城市垃圾和其他废弃物。
    Article 32 It is forbidden to discharge or dump industry waste residues, urban refuse or other wastes into any water body.
  • 第三十四 禁止向水体排放或者倾倒放射性固体废弃物或者含有高放射性和中放射性物质的废水。
    Article 34 It is forbidden to discharge or dump radioactive solid wastes or waste water containing any high-or medium-level radioactive substances into any water body.
  • 获准倾倒废弃物的单位,应当按许可证注明的期限及件,到指定的区域进行倾倒。
    Units that have obtained permits for dumping wastes shall dump wastes at the designated place, within the time limit and in accordance with the conditions specified in the permit.
  • 第二十四 禁止中国境外的固体废物进境倾倒、堆放、处置。
    Article 24 It is forbidden for solid waste from abroad to be dumped, piled up or treated in the territory of China.
  • 第六十六 违反本法规定,将中国境外的固体废物进境倾倒、堆放、处置,或者未经国务院有关主管部门许可擅自进口固体废物用作原料的,由海关责令退运该固体废物,可以并处十万元以上一百万元以下的罚款。
    Article 66 Whoever, in violation of this Law, has solid waste from abroad dumped, piled up, or treated within the territory of China, or imports solid waste as raw material without permission of the competent administrative department under the State Council, shall be ordered by the Customs to transport such solid waste back to where it is dispatched and may also be imposed with a penalty of not less than 100,000 yuan but not more than 1,000,000 yuan.
  • 环保署根据《海上倾倒物料例》管制海上倾卸废物活动,同时也依照《海上倾卸物料伦敦公约》的国际规定进行监管。
    The EPD controls dumping under the Dumping at Sea Ordinance. The department also follows the international requirements of the London Convention on marine dumping.
  • 本港主要有6管制污染的法例,即《废物处置例》、《水污染管制例》、《空气污染管制例》、《噪音管制例》、《保护臭氧层例》及《海上倾倒物料例》。
    Hong Kong has six main laws to control pollution. They are the Waste Disposal Ordinance, the Water Pollution Control Ordinance, the Air Pollution Control Ordinance, the Noise Control Ordinance, the Ozone Layer Protection Ordinance and the Dumping At Sea Ordinance.
  • 这么说戴维不得不开始自食其力了?事实上,我们每个人迟早都会走这路的。
    So David has got to start earning his own living? In fact, we each have to come to it sooner or later.
  • 我太太会爱死这镶玉的项链,还有给我女儿的珊瑚耳环真是漂亮。
    My wife will love this jade necklace. And these coral earrings my daughter are so pretty.
  • 在陶罐里烘焙的奇特的肉
    a pate or fancy meatloaf baked in an earthenware casserole.
  • 细颈大坛用玻璃或泥土制成的一种大的细颈瓶子,经常用柳包装
    A large, narrow-necked bottle made of glass or earthenware, usually encased in wickerwork.
  • 母鸡扒出了一蚯蚓。
    The hen raked up an earthworm.
  • 放宽贷款件;降低入学标准
    Ease credit terms; eased the entrance requirements.
  • 6.为了纾解民困,以及为经济复苏提供必要件,特区政府经过周详分析,考虑到整个经济和社会环境后,决定利用储备推出多项措施。
    6. The Government, after a thorough analysis of the overall economic and social situation, has used our reserves to put forward a number of measures aimed at easing pressure on the public and creating the conditions necessary for economic and social stability.
  • 内布拉斯加州的一河流,东流成为密苏里河的一支流。
    a river in Nebraska that flows eastward to become a tributary of the Missouri River.
  • 堪萨斯州东北的一河流;东流成为密苏里河的一支流。
    a river in northeastern Kansas; flows eastward to become a tributary of the Missouri River.
  • 我们沿着这航线行驶到下午时分,然后向东驶。
    We followed the course until well into the afternoon, then we bore off to the eastward.
  • 泰恩河英格兰北部的一河,流程约129公里(80)公里,向东流入北海
    A river, about129 km(80 mi) long, of northern England flowing eastward to the North Sea.
  • 特威德河苏格兰东南部的一河,流约156公里(97英里),形成苏格兰与英格兰边界的一个部分。它向东流注入北海,富产大马哈鱼
    A river,156 km(97 mi) long, of southeast Scotland forming part of the Scottish-English border. It flows eastward to the North Sea and has rich salmon fisheries.
  • 发源于科罗拉多州北部的一河流,向北流入怀俄明州,而后向东流经内布拉斯加州,于此汇入南普拉特河。
    a river that rises in northern Colorado and flows northward into Wyoming and then eastward and southeastward through Nebraska where it joins the South Platte to form the Platte River.
  • 要坚决执行领导班子年轻化的方针,但步子要稳妥,也不是只讲年龄这一,还要德才兼备,并且要有经验丰富熟悉情况的同志参加,形成梯级结构。
    We must firmly carry out the policy of promoting younger leading cadres, but we must be cautious. And we should not regard youth as the only criterion for promoting cadres. They should have political integrity and professional competence, broad experience and familiarity with conditions, so that they will form an echelon of leaders of different ages.