  • 派出之后,必须保持经常的联系(但不是随便来往),帮助其解决打入的困难,如活动费的可能帮助,法上的指导等,此时要预防其遇难而退的心理,鼓励其打入的决心。
    After our people are sent to enemy-occupied areas, we should keep in constant touch with them (which does not mean we can contact them anytime we like though) and give them any assistance they might need to overcome difficulties, including allocating funds for their activities and giving them guidance on working methods. At this moment we should see to it that they do not flinch from difficulties by bolstering up their resolve to infiltrate the enemy.
  • 她告诉我用我喜欢的任何式做那项工作。
    She told me to do the job anyway I wanted.
  • 不管怎么样,我们的向是对的。
    Anyway we're moving in the right direction.
  • 不管以何种式都得完成这项工作
    Get the job done anyway you can.
  • 你可以用任何你喜欢的式去做。
    You may do it anyway you like.
  • 不管怎么样,我们走的向是对的。
    Anyway we are moving in the right direction.
  • 他在任何面都愿意帮助你。
    He is willing to help you in anyway.
  • 你要到别的地去,就要告诉我。
    If you want to go anywhere else, let me know.
  • 那个人在任何地都能搜寻出新闻。
    That man can nose out a news story anywhere.
  • 你昨天去过什么地吗?
    Did you go anywhere yesterday?
  • 你可以去任何你喜欢的地
    You can go anywhere you like.
  • 交通方便。
    Convenient to go anywhere.
  • 你还去了别的什么地吗?
    Do you go anywhere else?
  • 我们可以在别的什么地买到它吗?
    Can we buy it anywhere else?
  • 我们可以把车停在什么地然后步行吗?
    Can we park anywhere and walk?
  • 随便放在什么地都行。
    Stick it down anywhere you like.
  • 这座城市欢迎来自任何地的来访客人。
    The city welcomes visitors from anywhere.
  • 我在什么地都见不到它。
    I can't see it anywhere.
  • 这一法没有让我获得什么成效。
    This method doesn't get me anywhere.
  • 在任何地我都会凭你的笑声认出你。
    I'd know you anywhere by your laugh.
  • 我可以在什么地找到他?
    Is there anywhere I can reach him?
  • 我们在任何地都没有遭遇到大的抵抗。
    We did not encounter fierce resistance anywhere.
  • 你不可能在任何别的什么地弄到这个。
    You can not get it anywhere else.
  • 你们和资时谈判有进展吗?
    Are your talks with the management getting anywhere?
  • 你暑假期间去过什麽地吗?
    Did you go anywhere during the summer vacation?
  • 无论从那个面讲鲍勃也决不是个好邻居。
    Nor is Bob anywise a good neighbor.
  • 如果认为你的热忱应该发生作用,而它却跟不上你在发挥其他原则面的进度时,你可以利用一些简单的练习来刺激你的热忱。
    If you think that your enthusiasm need work, that it hasn't been growing apace with your progress on the other principles, you can stimulate it with some simple exercises.
  • 120度相互位的两天体相距120度的占星术相互位的
    In astrology, situated120= apart.
  • 在社会经济学面,他们有很大差距。
    they are far apart socioeconomically.
  • 他的公寓占地200平米。
    His apartment covers 200m2.
  • 消极怠工以一种缺乏兴趣或低效率的式运作
    To function in an apathetic or ineffective manner.
  • 新加坡年轻华人华文程度低落,是各界无不关注的问题,也是华文媒体和文教团体想设法克服的课题。
    Apathy to Chinese-language publications?The appalling Chinese-language standards of young Singaporeans is a cause for concern. The Chinese media and educational and cultural groups, in particular, have been trying hard to halt the decline.