  • 也许因为克林顿政权它的所有防止核扩散的“鸡蛋”都放到全面禁止核试验公约这一“篮子”里了,它并未充分意识到强有力地推行nld这种方法以阻止俄罗斯“分散的核弹”扩散的重要性。
    Perhaps because the Clinton Administration had placed all its nuclear proliferation prevention "eggs" in the Comprehensive Test Ban "basket." (Testimony of ACDA Director John Holum; Senate Committee on Governmental affairs [3/18/98] Holum testified in support of ratification that CTBT was both a Nonproliferation Treaty and an Arms Control Treaty. He also claimed that the Clinton Administration's oft repeated commitment to achieve a CTBT in 1996 was instrumental in achieving the indefinite and unconditional extension of the NPT in 1995. Holum warned about the consequences to NPT and whole Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime if the Senate delayed ratification of CTBT. He noted that in order to assuage the concerns of Congress, US adherence to the CTBT would be conditional on [among other things] our maintaining a science based stockpile Stewardship program.) it did not fully appreciate the importance of vigorously pursuing the NLD approach to preventing the proliferation of Russian "loose nukes."
  • 有助于提高公约及未来议定书的普遍性。
    These measures will be conducive to enhancing the universality of the Con-vention and the future Protocol.
  • 34.在这方面,政府会协助提供一个有利电影界长远发展的环境。
    34. Government's role in this process will be to help provide an environment conducive to long-term development.
  • 导体棒加热会增加其电阻率。
    Heating a conductor rod increases its resistively.
  • 水渠,压力水管一种水输往水轮机或涡轮机的管道
    A pipe or conduit used to carry water to a water wheel or turbine.
  • 如果客户机只与局域网相连,它们把nas用作管道,以访问san保存的信息。
    If clients are only LAN-connected, they will use the NAS as a conduit for SAN-maintained information.
  • …堆成圆锥形小山(禾秆或牧草)整理成像圆锥形状的堆
    To arrange(straw or hay) into piles shaped like cones.
  • 美国内战时,领导北部盟军的美国军。
    American general who led the Confederate armies in the American Civil War (1807-1870).
  • 布雷格,布拉克斯顿1817-1876美国内战时期南部联盟军,在查塔努加战役时被击败(1863年)
    American Confederate general in the Civil War who was defeated in the Chattanooga Campaign(1863).
  • 皮克特,乔治·爱德华1825-1875美国南方邦联军军,因在葛底斯堡战役(1863年)中领导了灾难性的“皮克特冲锋”而闻名,在此战斗中他丧失了其部队的四分之三
    American Confederate general known for leading the disastrous Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg(1863), in which three fourths of his troops were lost.
  • 图珀洛美国密西西比州东北一城市,位于哥伦比亚西北偏北。该市是南北战争一场战役(1864年7月14日)的旧址。在这场战役中,北方军队击败了内森·b·福雷斯特军指挥的南方邦联军。人口30,685
    A city of northeast Mississippi north-northwest of Columbus. It was the site of a Civil War battle(July14,1864) in which Union forces defeated the Confederate troops led by Gen. Nathan B. Forrest. Population,30, 685.
  •  如果包括一切国家在内的那样一个世界联盟的确存在,那时各国所处的地位同组成北美合众国的各州一样,过剩的人口、才能、技术和物质资本从英国流向欧洲大陆各国,情况就同相类的过剩人口、才能等从美国东部备州流向西部各州一样——假定大陆各国具有与英国同样的人身与财产安全,同样的宪法与一般法律,并且假定英国政府能够服从这个世界联盟的统一意志的话。
    If a confederation of all nations existed in reality, as is the case with the separate states constituting the Union of North America, the excess of population, talents, skilled abilities, and material capital would flow over from England to the Continental states, in a similar manner to that in which it travels from the eastern states of the American Union to the western, provided that in the Continental states the same security for persons and property, the same constitution and general laws prevailed, and that the English Government was made subject to the united will of the universal confederation.
  • 女王爵士头衔授予几位杰出人士。
    The Queen conferred knighthood on several distinguished men.
  • 这项发明有助于所有的残疾人。
    The invention will confer a benefit on all invalids.
  • 它被秒为“一切游行之母”。主办间单位承诺投掷1200万磅彩色碎纸,100万条黄丝带,还有6000吨白色纸条[欢迎]自波斯湾战争归来的战士……。
    It was billed as"the mother of all parades." And the organizers had promised that12 million pounds of confetti, a million yellow ribbons and6, 000 tons of ticker tape would be dropped on the veterans returning from the Persian Gulf war??.
  • 它被秒为“一切游行之母”。主办间单位承诺投掷1200万磅彩色碎纸,100万条黄丝带,还有6000吨白色纸条[欢迎]自波斯湾战争归来的战士……。
    It was billed as "the mother of all parades." And the organizers had promised that 12 million pounds of confetti, a million yellow ribbons and 6,000 tons of ticker tape would be dropped on the veterans returning from the Persian Gulf war….
  • 他保证该事被保密。
    He gives his word that the matter will remain confidential.
  • 贵公司可以相信我们对贵方提供的情况严守秘密。
    You may rely on us to treat your information as strictly confidential.
  • 副官,侍从武官作为陆军或海军高级领的秘书和心腹的军官
    A military officer acting as secretary and confidential assistant to a superior officer of general or flag rank.
  • 我个人为此的奋斗才刚刚开始,我一如既往地倡导它们。
    My fight for those principles has just begun, I shall advocate them in the future as ardently and as confidently as I have in the past.
  • 如果atm公司能以今天atm产品相似或更低些的价格提供能互操作的、配置容易的mpoa设备,那么我们看到atm最终获得了它所需的发展动力。
    If ATM companies can deliver interoperable, easily configurable MPOA equipment at a similar or lower cost than today's ATM products, we see ATM finally getting the momentum it needs.
  • 对于某些远程系统,配置信息翻译成机器语言的过程。
    For some remote systems, the translation of configuration information into machine language.
  • 在windows配置中必须settop安装为一个调制解调器设备。
    The settop must be installed as a modem device in the window configuration.
  • 本章描述如何配置你的系统和用netmeeting其连接到一台pc。
    This chapter describe how to configure your system and connect it to a pc to use netmeeting.
  • 状态配置为正常(回送)cfr:apa,ds1b,extorcfr:apa,ds1b,norma=ap的逻辑号,和b=apds1号。
    CONFIGURE state Normal (LOOPBACK)CFR:AP A, DS1 B,EXT or CFR:AP A, DS1 B,NORM A = the AP's logical number, and B = the AP DS1 number.
  • apc监视/控制任务概述本课程描述apc监视和控制任务,执行这些任务可以观察、获得apc相关组件和/或应用程序的状态及告警状态,并对其进行退出、恢复、初始化、切换、恢复切换、重启、创建、诊断、配置和删除操作。使用所有可用的界面监视apc系统
    APC Monitoring /Controlling Tasks OverviewThis lesson describes the APC monitoring and controlling tasks that are performed to observe, obtain the status and alarm states of, remove, restore, initialize, switchover, switchback, restart, create, diagnose, configure, and delete APC-related components and/or applications.use all of the available interfaces to monitor the APC system
  • 任何用于这些导弹系统的该类引擎也被视为“禁止”。
    Any such engines configured for use in this missile system would also be proscribed.
  • 通过预防性地切断不必要的和潜在危险的协议和服务,好的防火墙最大程度地提高操作系统安全性,但是防火墙不能弥补安装和配置很差的操作系统或网络服务。
    A good firewall will maximize operating system security by proactively disabling unnecessary and potentially dangerous protocols and services.But no firewall can make up for a poorly installed and configured operating system or network service.
  • configured=当在rc/v数据库中已经定义了rcs但还未在ems上创建它,或在ems上创建了rcs而随后又在rc/v数据库中其删除时,出现的一个状态。
    CONFIGURED = the state that occurs when an RCS is defined in the RC/V database but was not yet created on the EMS, or was created on the EMS but subsequently deleted in the RC/V database.
  • 只限于谈论地理这门学科。
    I shall confine myself to the subject of geography.
  • 监禁…关在或象关在笼子或栏舍中
    To confine in or as if in a coop.
  • 鸟舍鸟关起来的大房舍
    A large enclosure for holding birds in confinement.