  • 他把我们的字登记下来了。
    He enrolled our names.
  • 我喜欢你们学院但我不想报去你院。
    I like your institute but I do not want to enrol.
  • 此外,为扩阔本地学生的国际视野,各院校可录取非本地本科生及修课课程研究生,人数可达批准收生额的4%;亦可录取非本地研究课程研究生,人数最多为批准收生额的三分之一。
    In addition, in order to enhance the global outlook of local students, the institutions may also enrol non-local undergraduates and taught postgraduates up to 4 per cent, and non-local research postgraduates up to one third, of their approved targets.
  • 社区体育会计划为运动爱好者提供定期练习及比赛机会。至本年为止,根据该计划成立的社区体育会有61个,体育项目包括14项之多,会员人数超过3000
    With the aim of providing regular training opportunities and frequent competition to those interested in sport, the Community Sports Clubs Programme had by this year established 61 clubs in 14 sports and had attracted some 3000 people to enrol in the clubs.
  • 将(一位陪审员)列入陪审员
    To enroll(a jury) upon a panel or list.
  • 最近该校招收了大约五百学生。
    About 500 students were newly enroll, enroled in the school.
  • 对不起,请你帮忙我好吗?我想报参加这烹饪课。
    Excuse me, could you help ne? I would like to enroll in thiss cooking class?
  • 首先,用户将他们的指纹、虹膜、面孔、签或声音印记扫描而进行“登记”。
    First, users "enroll" by having their fingerprints, irises, faces, signatures or voice prints scanned.
  • 他今年报参加汽车维修班的学习了吗?
    Has he enrolled in the car maintenance class this year?
  • 很多学生报学习这门课程。
    Many students have enrolled for this course.
  • 史密斯太太给孩子们报学习钢琴。
    Mrs Smith enrolled the children for piano lessons.
  • 二零零一年九月,本港共有156200幼童在784所幼稚园就读。
    In September 2001, 156 200 children were enrolled in 784 kindergartens.
  • 一九九九年九月,共有169130幼童在763所幼稚园就读,他们的年龄大部分介乎三至五岁。
    In September 1999, 169 130 children (mostly aged three to five) were enrolled in 763 kindergartens.
  • 参加一个班级或选修一门学科的人。
    a learner who enrolls in (or is enrolled in) a class or course of study.
  • 行为主体是一学者;研究某一门学科;在研究学院里工作。
    be a student; follow a course of study; be enrolled at an institute of learning.
  • 班里注册人数是27学生
    The class has an enrollment of27 students.
  • 托儿所报已满,所以院长把我们孩子的字登记在等待入所的单。
    The nursery school enrollment was complete, so the director put our child's name on the waiting list.
  • 1998年,全国举办民族预科班的高等院校达80余所,当年计划招生7142
    In 1998, more than 80 institutions of higher learning in China held such classes, with a planned enrollment of 7,142 students.
  • 在加州的逗留缘于她报参加了南加大电影系开办的一门影剧写作课。
    Her California sojourn was prompted by her enrollment in the screenwriting program at the University of Southern California Film School.
  • *在1999-2000学年,共有514,723外国学生在美国学习,约占美国大学和学院学生总数的3.8%。
    * During the 1999-2000 academic year, 514,723 foreign students studied in the United States, representing approximately 3.8 percent of total enrollment in U.S. colleges and universities.
  • 这所学校有800学生注册.
    This school has an enrolment of 800 pupils.
  • 今年的研究生考试报工作近日结束。
    This year's enrolment of the examination for Postgraduates has finished recently.
  • 一九九九年十一月,香港专业教育学院的全日制高级技术员及技术员程度课程共有18119学生,部分时间制课程有3910学生,而夜间制课程则有20229学生。
    In November, the enrolment of IVE at technician and higher-technician level was 18 119 full-time, 3 910 part-time day and 20 229 part-time evening.
  • 在一九九九年十一月,一九九九至二零零零年度全日制技工程度课程共有1640学生,部分时间制课程有8276学生,夜间制课程则有4397学生。
    The enrolment of craft-level students in IVE in November for 1999-2000 courses was 1 640 full-time, 8 276 part-time day and 4 397 part-time evening.
  • 截至十一月,二零零一至零二年度全日制技工程度课程共有1602学生,日间部分时间制课程有4619学生,夜间制课程则有3454学生。
    The enrolment of craft-level students in the IVE in November for 2001-02 courses was 1 602 full-time, 4 619 part-time day and 3 454 part-time evening.
  • 据悉,今年研究生报规模大幅增长达12万人。其中硕士生为9.5万人。
    It's reported that the scale of the enrolment has been increased to 120,000 people, among which 95,000 people apply for the Master degree.
  • 二零零一年十一月,香港专业教育学院二零零一至零二年度的全日制高级技术员及技术员程度课程共有22589学生,日间部分时间制课程有3233学生,而夜间制课程则有18604学生。
    In November 2001, the IVE's enrolment for 2001-02 at technician and higher-technician level was 22 589 full-time, 3 233 part-time day and 18 604 part-time evening.
  • 从2000年起,北京、上海、天津、南京、杭州、广州、深圳、大连、青岛、宁波、苏州、无锡等12个发达城市在所属的省级重点高中举办了新疆高中班,每年招收1540新疆民族学生,政府向这些在校学生提供财政补贴。
    Since 2000, the 12 better-developed cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Dalian, Qingdao, Ningbo, Suzhou and Wuxi have run special Xinjiang classes in their key provincial-level senior high schools, with an annual enrolment of 1,540 ethnic-minority students who enjoy local government subsidies.
  • 第一个节目是民乐合奏,包括《春江花月夜》这样的曲。
    The first item is Chinese Musical Instrument Ensemble, including such masterpieces as the Night of Spring Flowers, River, and Moon.
  • 洛扎县(藏戏、歌舞)、比如县(民间造型艺术)、贡嘎县昌果乡(民间舞蹈)、昂仁县窘日吾齐(藏戏)、江孜县(藏毯纺织)还被国家正式命为民间艺术之乡。国家投资260多万元在堆龙德庆县建成了国家级农村儿童文化园,并于1996年成立了西藏少年儿童艺术团。
    Lhozhag County, Biru County, Chenggo Township in Gonggar County, Jiongriwuqi Township in Ngamring County and Gyangze County, which are famous for their Tibetan opera, song and dance performances, folk plastic art, folk dances, Tibetan opera and Tibetan carpets, respectively, have received official recognition from the state, which invested over 2.6 million yuan to construct the state-level cultural garden for rural children in Doilungdeqen County and established the Tibet Children's Art Ensemble in 1996.
  • 她要进入牌大学学习的梦想实现了。
    Her dream to enter the famous university came true.
  • "每年我也报参加花园大赛,但我总是得全镇最差花园的小奖!"
    "Every year I enter for the garden competition too, and I always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town!"