  • 报告说有百之四十二的校友响应了捐款
    The report states that42 percent of the alumni contributed to the endowment.
  • 很抱歉,我大部下午的时间都不在。
    I am sorry. I am out most afternoon.
  • 因而,在你说:“阿曼达和史蒂夫手了”时,你会认为一句话就足够了。
    So when you say: "Amanda and Steve are splitting up," you think that's enough.
  • 而女人在聊起这件事时,会谈到他们为什么手,此前是否有人预料过这件事会发生,到底是谁的错,阿曼达是否打算卖掉房子,史蒂夫是否继续留在原来的公司工作,以及阿曼达最终会和谁一起生儿育女等等,等等。
    A woman's version of the news would involve a discussion of why they split up, whether anyone could have predicted it was about to happen, who was actually at fault, whether Amanda will sell the flat, whether Steve will carry on working in the same office, and who Amanda might eventually have children with.
  • 由球茎生长而成有花茎的类似孤挺花属植物的小型植物的一个属;有时被划为石蒜科植物的一个科的一员;小金梅草属的一种植物。
    small plants that resemble Amaryllis and that grow from a corm and bear flowers on a leafless stalk; sometimes classified as member of the family Amaryllidaceae: star grass.
  • 在残疾儿童的保护方面,国家在较短的时间内还难以筹集到更多的经费,充满足保护残疾儿童的实际需要;
    As for the protection of disabled children, the state is not able to amass in a short period enough money to fully satisfy the actual needs in the protection of these children.
  • 增殖身体某一部的增生
    The amassing of physical particles.
  • 业余拳击运动员如何按体重级?
    What are the weight divisions in amateur boxing?
  • 黛比也为自己能爆发出那么大的力量而感到十惊异。
    Debbie too is amazed at the strength she managed to muster.
  • 他们惊奇的发现,这位女神竟是一位模样十时髦的女子。
    They amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very moden- looking woman.
  • 售货员对迈克尔对产品不可思议的广阔知识范围感到万惊奇,戴尔甚至了解硬件的一些低频干扰信号。
    The salesperson was amazed at Michael's incredible knowledge of products, even down to known glitches in hardware.
  • 他万惊讶地瞪视看我。
    He gaped at me in utter amazement.
  • 使他万惊讶的是里面应声的,却是一个女人。
    To his utter amazement is a woman's voice which answered his knock.
  • 他看了所有的画时,他表示十惊奇,一个人可以画这么多。
    When he saw all the pictures he expressed amazement that one man should have painted so many.
  • 金融风暴不断蔓延,导致通货紧缩,亚洲没有一个地方能够幸免;这场风暴仍未平息,由俄罗斯以至巴西等较远的市场,看在眼里,都不寒而栗,惊骇万
    No one has been immune from the deflation and contagion of this turmoil, and distant markets from Russia to Brazil watched with tremor and amazement how this drama is still unfolding.
  • 其结果你会发现是十令人惊奇的。
    What you'll discover is truly amazing".
  • "我会选择日本开设校,因为我在这里很受欢迎。
    "It's an option here because my popularity is amazing."
  • 例如,一份idc的报告称,amazon.com(亚马逊网上书店)大约花90美吸引一名客户到其web网站。
    IDC's research reports, for instance, that Amazon.com spends approximately 90 cents just to attract a customer to its Web site.
  • 亚马孙河流域南美洲北部宽广的亚马孙河盆地,大部地区仍无人居住且尚未被开发,特别是其内陆地区
    The vast basin of the Amazon River in northern South America. It remains largely unpopulated and undeveloped, especially in the interior.
  • ”因为圣文森特亚马逊鹦鹉属于我们所知的雌雄同形的鸟类,所以很难从外表区雌雄。
    Because St. Vincent Amazon parrots are what are known as sexually monomorphic, it is impossible to tell males from females just by looking at them.
  • 这种需求,再加上自然危害和圣文森特亚马逊鹦鹉的布范围较小,使得这一物种濒临灭绝。
    This demand, on top of natural hazards and the St. Vincent Amazon parrot's small range, has put the species at risk for extinction.
  • ”在一份详尽的金融析报告中,suria指出亚马逊无力“从其出售的每一件商品中获利”“并且将其资信程度评价为非常差且恶化”。
    " In a detailed financial analysis, Suria contends amazon has been unable "to make cash per unit sold" and describes its credit as "extremely weak and deteriorating.
  • 剩下的少数荒野地区包括阿拉斯加、加拿大和俄罗斯的北部森林,中国和蒙古的高原以及亚马孙河流域的大部地区。
    The few remaining wild areas include the northern forests of Alaska, Canada and Russia; the high plateaus of China and Mongolia; and much of the Amazon River Basin.
  • 要符合福赖斯的标准,它明年就得每股赢利约30美,而目前析师们估计,亚马逊网站明年每股将亏损30美
    It would have to produce earnings of about 30 cents a share next year to fit Friess, criteria. The problem is, analysts are currently estimating that Amazon will lose 30 cents a share next year.
  • 网站也在开发全新的方法让用户享和获得信息。例如,amazon.com提供“购买圈”,有相同嗜好的用户可以在那里联系在一起,讨论他们喜欢的书籍和音乐。
    And sites are creating whole new ways for users to share and gain information, Amazon.com, for example, offers "purchase circles" where users with similar tastes can hook up and discuss books and music they like.
  • 阿拉瓦克族生活在南美地区的一支广泛布的印第安人的一支,该地区包括哥伦比亚、委内瑞拉、圭亚纳,巴西亚马孙盆地,巴拉圭,玻利维亚,秘鲁的部区域,和早期大安的列斯群岛大部
    A member of a widespread group of Indian peoples living in an area of South America that includes parts of Colombia, Venezuela, Guiana, the Amazon basin of Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, and formerly most of the Greater Antilles.
  • 野生动物保护协会的乔治·阿马托和研究生迈克尔·罗素最早开始了研究圣文森特亚马逊鹦鹉的工作。当时岛上有一群鹦鹉爱好者问了他们一个看似非常简单的问题:“有没有简单的方法来辨鹦鹉的雌雄?
    George Amato of the Wildlife Conservation Society and a graduate student, Michael Russello, initially started working with the St. Vincent Amazon parrots when a consortium of parrot enthusiasts on the island approached them with a seemingly simple question: Is there an uncomplicated way to tell which birds are male and which are female?
  • 环境气氛十分良好。
    It has a very good ambiance.
  • 按照北京市文物局制定的《“古都奥运”文物保护计划》,加大文物保护力度,妥善保护北京古都景观和文物古迹,充展示北京的历史文化风貌,为2008年奥运会增添东方文化的神韵。
    Efforts will be strengthened to effectively protect the cultural relics and properly maintain the historical sites in Beijing in accordance with the “Cultural Relics Protection Plan for the Olympics in This Ancient Capital”, formulated by the Beijing Municipal Cultural Heritage Bureau. This shall be done to demonstrate Beijing’s history and traditional culture as well as to provide an Eastern ambience to the 2008 Olympic Games.
  • 城市环境质量有所改善;
    The urban ambient quality in some cities was improved to certain extent.
  • 一个词或短语被用来表达两个以上的不同的意思而产生歧。
    the ambiguity of an individual word or phrase that can be used (in different contexts) to express two or more different meanings.
  • 难以识别或类的;非驴非马的;不伦不类的
    Difficult to identify or classify; vague; ambiguous