  • 这家司的奖金是非常慷慨的。
    The reward of this company is extremely bountiful.
  • 担心狼群会危及家畜,政府在20世纪初开始奖赏猎手,杀死黄石园一头灰狼赏15美元。
    Afraid of the threat wolves would pose to their livestock,government bounty hunters in the early 1900's,killed Yellowstone' s grey wolves for the price of fifteen dollars a head.
  • 战后时期,该国经济快车高速前进。自首相以降,每个人都跳上列车,分享“日本司”成功的果实。
    As the country's economic express has picked up steam in the postwar era, everyone from the prime minister on down has jumped aboard and shared in the bounty of Japan Inc.'s success.
  • 但是,你们共产党人是要实行妻制的啊,----整个资产阶级异口同声地向我们这样叫喊。
    But you Communists would introduce community of women, screams the whole bourgeoisie in chorus.
  • 大约30公里。
    It's a bout thirty kilometres.
  • 中国的陆地面积大约有960万平方里。
    The land area of China is a bout 9.6 million square kilometres.
  • 当艾森豪威尔将军在欧洲战区统领美国军队时,看见了希特勒的高速路,他自言自语道:“用这种方式在全国范围内运输军需品多好啊。
    When General Eisen-bower was commanding the U.S. forces in the Euro-pean theatre, he saw Hitler's autobahns and said to himself, "What a nifty way to move military equip-ment around the country.
  • 他认识到这样一种危险,即:如果迫于压力,进行超出本司自己所作的可行性研究范围内的业务扩大,结果会本末倒置,作茧自缚。
    The danger he realizes is that in bowing to pressure to widen the operation beyond the scope of his company's own feasibility study, “One could end up being a dog that is wagged by its own tail.”
  • 但是反对者主张,国会仅仅是屈服于强大的传媒司的压力,如迪斯尼,该司设计的早期米老鼠的形象的著作权本该在1998年到期并进入有领域。
    But opponents say Congress merely was bowing to pressure from powerful media groups like Disney, which was fighting to keep early versions of its Mickey Mouse character from entering the public domain in 1998, when its existing copyright was scheduled to expire.
  • 各种车辆在平坦的高速路上疾驶。
    Various vehicles bowl along over the smooth highway.
  • 老夫人的儿子的司宣布破产的消息使她完全不知所措。
    The old lady was completely bowled over by the news of the announcement of the bankrupcy of her son's company.
  • 我们以每小时七十英里的速度(在高速路上)飞驰.
    We were bowling along (the motorway) at seventy miles per hour.
  • 她讨厌整天关在办室里。
    She hates being boxed up in an office all day.
  • 婚后布莱克太太住在那套小寓里感到局促压抑。
    After marriage Mrs Black felt boxed in living in that small flat.
  • 这只箱子重五公斤。
    This box weighs five kilogrammes.
  • 那拳击手体重为 90 斤.
    The boxer scaled 90 kilos.
  • 现有的共电话亭明年就不再使用了。
    The present phone boxes will go out of use next year.
  • 司间的联合抵制可能会有一定作用,为了要求更短的保护期限,也许并不需要签订协议。
    A boycott of companies that do not sign on to a pledge to endorse a shorter term could work.
  • 他们要求该市的美国黑人居民步行和自己驾车来抵制汽车司。
    The African-American residents of the city were asked to boycott the bus company by walking and driving instead.
  • 园里,她紧紧地依偎着男朋友。
    She snuggled up to her boyfriend in the park.
  • 全球范围内,我非常尊重bp司的约翰·布朗。
    Globally, I have a lot of respect for John Browne at BP.
  • 关于1992年5月15日第bp1742号合同项下30台缝纫机,贵司已于3个月前交运我方。
    We refer to our Contract No. BP 1752 dated May 15, 1992, for30 sets of sewing machines shipped to us three months ago.
  • 哈考特-布雷斯-朱万诺维奇出版
    Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers
  • 别因为我们为同一个司工作,就把我和他相提并论。
    Do not bracket me with him just because we work for the same company.
  • 养殖淡水鱼和咸淡水鱼的鱼塘占地约1060顷,主要集中在新界西北部,成为具存护价值的湿地系统的一部分。
    Freshwater and brackish water fish are cultured in fish ponds covering some 1060 hectares, most of which are located in the north-western New Territories where they form part of the wetland system of conservation interest.
  • 怀特先生夸耀他创设这司的已故父亲。
    Mr. White brag of his late father who establish the firm.
  • 15岁时,布拉姆斯便开始开演奏钢琴,但是仍继续他的学业,既学习作曲,也学习演奏。
    At the age of 15, Brahms began to play the PIANO in public, but went on with his studies, learning to compose, as well as to play.
  • 他是该公司的智囊。
    He is the brains of the company.
  • 人脑每立方分有一亿多个细胞
    Human brains have more than 100 million cells per cubic centimeter
  • 艾里克·诺克斯英俊、智慧,是诺克斯科技司的创始人。他刚刚在自己的办室被人绑架。
    Eric Knox,the handsome,brainy founder of Knox Technologies,has just been kidnapped from his own office.
  • 车倒到与其他车太靠近时,它就发出嘟嘟的鸣叫声而且越来越刺耳。梅塞得斯司3月份推出一种新型超级轿车,他们得意地宣称车上装有“奇妙”的行驶(车速)控制系统,该系统可设定最近的跟车距离(英尺),并能启动半刹车功能以保持适合的车距。
    The new Mercedes S-Class sedan arriving in March boasts a "smart" cruise control system -- set the minimum number of feet to be behind any vehicle, and the system will apply partial braking to keep the proper distance.
  • 关于贵司所询麦麸一事,现可提供该货20吨。
    In answer to your inquiry for bran, we offer you 20 tons of the same.