  • 夫妇二人并不气馁,花两个星期的时间把办公室再改回来做卧室,然后向另外家申请贷款。可是估价员把房价定为18万——较预计低两万。坎培尔夫妇决定放弃。
    Undaunted, the couple spent two weeks reconverting the office into a bedroom and applied to another lender. But that appraiser set the property's value at $180,000-$20,000 less then expected. The Campbells decided to throw in the towel.
  • 西方些国家的重新犯罪率在20%—30%,有的高达50%以上。
    The reconviction rate in some Western countries stands between 20 and 30 percent, and sometimes as high as over 50 percent.
  • 要找到间付得起的公寓是件难事
    Finding an affordable apartment will be a difficult proposition.
  • 我在研究台新型录音机。(错:录音机的新型号)
    I'm examining a new type of recorder.
  • 请给卡式录音机换盘磁带。
    Put another cassette in the cassette recorder.
  • 对工作我点也不能疏忽大意。
    I can not afford to neglect my work.
  • 个雇主不能出钱雇用没有能力的工人。
    An employer cannot afford to hire incapable workers.
  • 我只能买得起般轿车。
    All I can afford is a standard sedan.
  • 咱们把录音机送到那里去修修。
    Let's send the recorder there to be repaired.
  • 他们要忘掉这事实是不行的。
    They cannot afford to forget this fact.
  • 我用台录音机把每句话都录了下来。
    I have got every word down with a tape recorder.
  • 她买不起件新衣服。
    She can not afford a new dress.
  • 竖笛,横笛种类似无簧片木管的乐器,例如直笛等
    Any of various similar reedless woodwind instruments, such as the recorder.
  • 我用不起一辆汽车。
    I can't afford to run a car.
  • 在字(词)处理技术中,从存储器或从某记录媒体把选定的记录文本复制到另记录媒体上。
    In word processing, the reproduction of selected recorded text from storage or from a recording medium to another recording medium.
  • 种自动的气压计;能够自动地记录大气压力的各种变化。
    a recording barometer; automatically records on paper the variations in atmospheric pressure.
  • 在字(词)处理技术中,个完整记录的文本从记录媒体的个单元到另个单元的复制过程。
    In word processing, the reproduction of the entire recorded text from one element of recording medium to another.
  • 在录音技术中,某些磁带录音机具有的种特殊功能,它不需从放音或录音设定位置作切换就可使磁带停止运动。
    In recording, a feature of some tape recorders that permits the tape movement to be stopped without switching from the play or record settings.
  • 口述记录设备上的种装置,当它接触或接近记录媒体时,就使话音或其它声音脉冲被记录下来。
    On dictation equipment, a device that, when brought into contact or near contact with the recording medium, causes voice or other sound impulses to is recorded.
  • 抽不出一小时吃午饭
    Can't afford an hour for lunch.
  • 有没有钱去度次假?
    Could we afford a holiday?
  • 唱片某录制品,尤指唱片中的首单选曲
    A single selection of music from a recording, especially a phonograph recording.
  • 在口述记录设备上,用来除去记录媒体上记录的种装置。
    On dictation equipment, a device for removing a recording from the recording medium.
  • 这笔买卖使他赚了大笔。
    The transaction afforded him a good profit.
  • 种录音带;从广播上录音。
    a recording; eg from broadcast to tape.
  • 他能买得起套住房。
    He can afford an apartment.
  • 只要达赖喇嘛放弃分裂主张,承认西藏是中国不可分割的部分,中央政府随时愿意与达赖喇嘛进行谈判,热诚欢迎达赖喇嘛早日回归祖国,为维护祖国统和民族团结,为西藏人民的富裕、幸福做些有益的事情。
    So long as the Dalai Lama can give up his divisive stand and admit that Tibet is an inalienable part of China, the central government is willing to hold talks at any time with him. The Dalai Lama is warmly welcome to return to the embrace of the motherland at an early date and do some work that is conducive to maintaining the motherland's unification, the national unity, as well as the affluent and happy lives of the Tibetan people.
  • 我们的经济正在破着个又个的记录,向前发展。
    Our economy is breaking records。
  • 她的100米自由泳记录直保持到1972年。
    Her 100m free records stood until 1972.
  • 只要达赖喇嘛放弃分裂主张,承认西藏是中国不可分割的部分,中央政府随时愿意与达赖喇嘛进行谈判,热诚欢迎达赖喇嘛早日回归祖国,为维护祖国统和民族团结,为西藏人民的富裕、幸福做些有益的事情。
    So long as the Dalai Lama can give up his divisive stand and admit that Tibet is an inalienable part of China, the central government is willing to hold talks at any time with him.The Dalai Lama is warmly welcome to return to the embrace of the motherland at an early date and do some work that is conducive to maintaining the motherland's unification, the national unity, as well as the affluent and happy lives of the Tibetan people.
  • 在下回中,为了扳回损失,她孤注掷,把赌注加大了倍。
    At the next throw he doubled his stakes in a neck-or-nothing bid to recoup his losses.
  • 气候、生态系统和社会在经历恶劣条件的重压后能够得以恢复,但是必须在没有长期置于挑战和个又个破坏的情况下。
    Climate, ecological systems and society can all recoup after stress, but only if they are not exposed to prolonged challenge or to one disruption after another.