  • 我得我不赞成逃税。
    I have to say I disapprove of tax avoidance.
  • 人们必须意识到不真话、谎话在过去没有,事实上,将来也永远不会变错误为正确。
    People must realize that avoidance and lying have never in the past and , in fact , never will right a wrong.
  • 伊壁鸠鲁学伊壁鸠鲁介导的哲学,认为欢乐、或者避免痛苦和感情上的困扰是最高的幸福
    A philosophy advanced by Epicurus that considered happiness, or the avoidance of pain and emotional disturbance, to be the highest good.
  • 通常雅芳要花至少3年的时间开发新产品,但研发部主管珍妮回忆,钟曾对她:“只能给你2年。
    Normally Avon spends at least three years developing new products, but Janice Teal, head of R&D, recalls Jung saying to her:" You've got two years.
  • 在男人破釜沉舟地正式坦白出他的痴心爱意之前,女人决不会承认她是已经堕入爱河的。
    Women never acknowledge that they have fallen in love until the man has formally avowed his delusion and so cut off his retreat.
  • 买方货物质量不高,准备提出索赔,并在等待我们提供的相对检验结果。
    Buyer states cargo unsound condition and prepares claiming is await result of our counter survey
  • 不过也许你所等待的这个人是靠不住的,即使他自己可靠,大海对他是否可靠可就难了。”
    but perhaps he whom you await is inconstant, or if he is not, the sea is so to him."
  • 的事引起了我们的兴趣.
    Her story awakened our interest.
  • 因此,他对玛特莱娜:“你将获得宽恕,因为你爱得多,”这种崇高的宽恕行为自然唤起了一种崇高的信仰。
    Thus he said to Mary Magdalene: ' Your sins, which are many, shall be forgiven, because you loved much' ?a sublime pardon which was to awaken a sublime faith.
  • 这个学企图毁灭人类的一种愿望,这种愿望是造化用来激励人们发挥身心力量、激起并支持人们高尚感情的最有效手段,人类所以有进步,主要就是由于这种愿望的存在。
    It seeks to destroy a desire which nature uses as the most active means for inciting men to exert body and mind, and to awaken and support their nobler feelings -- a desire to which humanity for the greater part owes its progress.
  • 毛泽东在这个演里揭露了蒋介石这种欺骗,将促进宪政变为启发人民觉悟,向蒋介石要求民主自由的一个武器。
    Comrade Mao Tse-tung here exposed Chiang Kai-shek's deceit, wrested the propaganda weapon of "constitutional government" from his hands and turned it into a weapon for awakening the people to demand freedom and democracy from Chiang Kai-shek.
  • 把演说者轰走
    Hoot away a speaker
  • 纽约是个令人惊奇的城市;大峡谷是个令人敬畏的壮景;宇宙令人敬畏的复杂性;温和、令人敬畏的涌动着的大海似乎有些隐藏在底下的灵魂在诉——梅尔维尔;威斯敏斯特教堂大厅是如此的庄严、雄伟,如此的大,如此的高,如此的安静。
    New York is an amazing city; the Grand Canyon is an awe-inspiring sight; the awesome complexity of the universe; this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath- Melville; Westminster Hall's awing majesty, so vast, so high, so silent.
  • 她最近的这部小真糟糕.
    Her last novel was truly awful.
  • 大家都说天气糟透了.
    Everyone said how awful the weather was.
  • 他的表现太糟糕,我得他。
    His conduct was awful. I'll talk to him.
  • 当谁都不知道什么时,陷入了尴尬的沉默。
    There was an awkward silence, when no one knew what to say.
  • 该 公司昨天又裁员三百五十名。
    It is said that another 350 jobs were axed by the company yesterday
  • 有人散布我们就要走了。
    Someone has been pushing about that we axe leaving soon.
  • 明某些量之间关系的图,绘制时参照一套轴线。
    a drawing illustrating the relations between certain quantities plotted with reference to a set of axes.
  • 陈腐的教;他的评论陈腐而平凡;陈腐之词;俗套的答案;重复无聊的笑话;模仿陈旧的公理;'象钉子一样坚硬'是古老的比喻。
    bromidic sermons; his remarks were trite and commonplace; hackneyed phrases; a stock answer; repeating threadbare jokes; parroting some timeworn axiom; the trite metaphor `hard as nails'.
  • 具有被视为公理的规则和原则的特征的,或与之相关的;如:经典共产主义学
    pertaining to or characteristic of a body of rules and principles accepted as axiomatic; e.g. canonist communism.
  • 唉!时迟,那时快,我们立刻就把凶手抓到了!
    Ay! We’ve not let grass grow under our feet in hunting out the man that did it!
  • "他真卑鄙,阿亚图拉真卑鄙,居然下了死刑令,"葛德华在市政府。"如果他[拉什迪]没有这一通广告,他的书一定会滞销。我听那本书非常枯燥。现在他会赚进数百万,不过我希望他能活着用这笔钱。"
    "He is so vile, the Ayatollah, vile to impose the death sentence, " said Koch at City Hall. "If he(Rushdie) hadn't gotten this advertising it would be on remainder, because I'm told it's such a dull book. Now he'll make multi-millions of dollars, but I hope he'll live to spend it."
  • “他真卑鄙,阿亚图拉真卑鄙,居然下了死刑令,”葛德华在市政府。“如果他[拉什迪]没有这一通广告,他的书一定会滞销。我听那本书非常枯燥。现在他会赚进数百万,不过我希望他能活着用这笔钱。”
    "He is so vile, the Ayatollah, vile to impose the death sentence," said Koch at City Hall. "If he (Rushdie) hadn't gotten this advertising it would be on remainder, because I'm told it's such a dull book. Now he'll make multi-millions of dollars, but I hope he'll live to spend it."
  • 如我们3月16日在亚速尔群岛会谈时所,我们将坚持承担我们的责任,帮助伊拉克人民建立一个完整、自由、实现内部和平并与邻国和平相处的国家。
    As we said at our March 16 meeting in the Azores, we will uphold our responsibility to help the people of Iraq build a nation that is whole, free and at peace with itself and its neighbors.
  • 一种阿茲特克人的纳瓦特尔语。
    the Uto-Aztecan language spoken by the Aztec people.
  • 一种纳瓦特尔人的纳瓦特尔语。
    the Uto-Aztecan language spoken by the Nahuatl people.
  • 一种皮玛人民的纳瓦特尔语。
    the Uto-Aztecan language spoken by the Pima people.
  • 那天傍晚,在我和父亲动身回家之前,霍但托特族的小牧童詹杰交给我一封信,他是那位英国老爷留给我的。
    Late that afternoon, Jantje, the little Hottentot herd boy, came up to me and handed me a letter , which he said the English baas had left for me.
  • 她一直在含糊不清地她去世的儿子。
    She babbled on about her dead son.
  • 他在高烧中不停地胡话。
    During his fever he babbled without stopping.