  • 浮华的蝴蝶却相信是应该向它道谢的。
    The gaudy butterfly is sure that the flowers owe thanks to him.
  • 宋代花罗
    Patterned Gauze of the Song Dynasty
  • 西汉花罗
    Patterned Gauze of the Western Han Dynasty
  • 西汉印花敷彩纱
    Raised-and-painted Gauze of the Western Han Dynasty
  • 丝纱罗一种用丝或棉织成的薄而透明的纱布
    A thin, transparent gauze of silk or cotton muslin.
  • 难道说你了1500英镑买了那堆破铜烂铁!
    Do you mean to tell me you gave 1500 for that pile of scrap metal!
  • 亮丽的类似于雏菊冠的勋章菊属植物。
    any plant of the genus Gazania valued for their showy daisy flowers.
  • 她眼盯着那个瓶看。
    Her gaze fell on the vase.
  • 法国人喜欢口味纯正、少糖的巧克力,不喜欢添加了其他口味的色巧克力,而意大利人则喜欢纵情享受各种各样的巧克力,将其繁复精妙发挥到极致。
    The French prefer simplicity and purity of taste, without additional flavors and with little sugar, while Italian tastes are geared toward the more indulgent and sophisticated end of the market.
  • 哇,你每天这么多时间在路上!
    Gee, you spend so many hours everyday on the road!
  • 色肉冻尤指由肉汁和胶汁做的清的肉冻,可撒上糖粉或装饰物或做成肉类,鱼或蔬菜的形状
    A clear jelly typically made of stock and gelatin and used as a glaze or garnish or to make a mold of meat, fish, or vegetables.
  • 造型为玫瑰状的宝石
    A gem, especially a diamond, cut in this manner.
  • 要是你们准备去拜访我的父亲的话,你们最好熟悉一下有关玫瑰的知识——他是一名非常热爱园艺的人。
    You'd better gen up on roses if you're going to visit my father—he's a very keen gardener.
  • 霍伯森说47%的"新新女性"的信用卡处于透支状态。超过一半的美国单身年轻女士每个月工资支票里的薪水总是个精光,相比之下,只有42%的单身男士会这样做。
    Hobson says 47 percent of Gen-X women carry a credit card debt and more than half of the single young women in the U.S. are living paycheck to paycheck, compared to only 42 percent of single young men.
  • 一般来说,在《公子》上是穿得越少挣得越多。
    Generally, Playboy pays more for less clothing.
  • 你还记得使用那些古老的计算机,靠运行黄鼠工具程序,或者是一种名字意味着土拨鼠的某种数据库,要上半个小时的时间才能找到《大白鲨》这本小说吗?
    Do you recall using those ancient computers that ran with the Gopher program or some generic database whose name connoted a marmot that could take half an hour to find Moby Dick?
  • 他花钱大方。
    He is generous with his money.
  • 研究者解释说,这是因为毛的动物,它们皮毛的颜色不仅仅和遗传有关,还和后天成长发育过程中的其他因素有关。
    The researchers said this was because the appearance of multi-coloured animals depends not just on genetics, but on other factors during their development.
  • 毫无疑问,日内瓦为人留影最多的一个景点是钟。
    One of Geneva's most photographed sites is undoubtedly the flower clock.
  • 大喷泉和钟是每年游客观光日内瓦的主要游览项目。
    The Jet d'Eau (Water Fountain) together with the Flower Watch are the main attractions every year for the tourists visiting Geneva.
  • 地中海灌木的小属;一般分类在金雀属里。
    small genus of mediterranean shrubs; often included in genus Genista.
  • 金雀属或染料木属的灌木成员中的任何一种,具有细长的分枝和黄色总状序。
    any of various shrubs of the genera Cytisus or Genista or Spartium having long slender branches and racemes of yellow flowers.
  • 佛梅尔,简1632-1675荷兰画家,以其室内风俗画景而出名,在这种画中他惯于很好地掌握光和色彩。他的作品包括有边制作者(1664年)
    Dutch painter noted for his interior genre scenes, in which he used to great effect his mastery of lighting and color. His works include The Lacemaker(c.1664).
  • 欧亚的多年生龙胆,天蓝色、漏斗状,主要见于潮湿开阔的石南丛生的荒地上。
    perennial Eurasian gentian with sky-blue funnel-shaped flowers of damp open heaths.
  • 长有的特别象龙胆根的草本的属。
    genus of herbs with flowers that resemble gentian; in some classifications included in genus Gentiana.
  • 高大的广泛分布在北美东部的流苏龙胆,为紫罗兰色或白色,有流苏。
    tall widely distributed fringed gentian of eastern North America having violet-blue or white fringed flowers.
  • 北美东部的龙胆,管状、蓝色或白色,略开或不开。
    gentian of eastern North America having tubular blue or white flowers that open little if at all.
  • 龙胆根欧洲黄龙胆属植物的干地下根茎黄龙胆根,有时用作补药
    The dried rhizome and roots of a yellow-flowered European gentian, G. lutea, sometimes used as a tonic.
  • 美国西部(洛矶山脉)的、尤其是生长在黄石国家公园热泉周围的、一种小形、开蓝的流苏龙胆。
    small blue-flowered fringed gentian of western United States (Rocky Mountains) especially around hot springs in Yellowstone National Park.
  • 你也可以在不同的地理位置上建立分支机构,而不必在间接成本上钱。
    You also get to branch out geographically without spending money on overhead costs.
  • 职业生涯精彩部分:从孩提时代起就住在乔治亚州的磨房小镇,他靠养鸡来攒零钱。
    Resume highlights: As a kid, living in a Georgia mill town, he raised chickens for spending money.
  • 天竺葵是种开红、粉红或白色园植物。
    The geranium is a garden plant with red, pink or white flowers.