  • 真相已经大白。
    The mystery has been cleared up.
  • 该翻译有一种神秘感,叫人弄不明
    The translation was wrapped in mystery.
  • 我大惑不解,就是不明他是怎麽做到的.
    I'm mystified; I just can't see how he did it.
  • 我从不想让她明说出她打算做的任何事情。
    I never nail her down to anything.
  • 看不见的解说员的声音或电影、电视屏幕上看不见其在说话的人物的声音
    The voice of an unseen narrator, or of an on-screen character not seen speaking, in a movie or a television broadcast.
  • 这些都需要有良好的机械常识,对蓝领工人来说,这就像使用微软办公系统对于领阶层一样重要。
    All these situations require an all-around mechanical common sense that is as important to the blue-collar worker as the ability to navigate Microsoft Office is to the white-collar one.
  • 加里来自海军事家,历史清
    Gary came out of the navy with a clean sheet.
  • 有资料表明在最富有的和受教育程度最高的人群中,计算机的拥有量和上网的情况就增加的越快。基本上是,拥有高中和大学文化程度的富裕的人和来自稳定的双亲家庭的人员要多一些。
    The data indicates that computer ownership a nd online access is growing more rapidly among the most prosperous and well educ ated: essentially, wealthy white people with high school and college diplomas and who are part of stable, two?parent households.
  • 北海黑色、短颈、蹼足的潜水鸟。
    black-and-white short-necked web-footed diving bird of northern seas.
  • 脓,脓液通常是粘性的,黄色的,由受感染的肌体组织形成的液体,由血球,细胞碎片和坏死的组织
    A generally viscous, yellowish-white fluid formed in infected tissue, consisting of white blood cells, cellular debris, and necrotic tissue.
  • 医生以自己对种病人只会给以额外照顾,而不会照顾不周的态度,来说明医疗过程没有失误的立场。
    The doctor was giving a testimony to prove that he and his colleagues were not guilty of negligence. In treating a Caucasian patient, he pleaded, the doctors could only have worked with extra care rather than commit any negligence.
  • 有无数特性不显著的黑人每年被当作人而加入占优势的人社会。
    Numerous persons with only a few Negroid traits annually "pass over" and are absorbed into the dominant Caucasoid population.
  • 在邻居心目中,她的名声清无暇。
    She stood fair in the opinion of the neighbourhood.
  • 胎蛋正常情况下存在于胎儿体内的任何抗原,若存在于成人体内则会由于某种赘生物或肝病而造成体内有不正常的反应
    Any of several antigens normally present in a fetus and occurring abnormally in adults as a result of certain neoplastic conditions or diseases of the liver.
  • 就在那一刻,我们紧张的心情消失了,心里明一切都会称心如意的。
    In that moment, our nervousness disappeared, and we knew everything would be just fine.
  • 我不明他们为什么对这笔基金投入几镑钱而如此在乎。
    I don't see why they should be niggling over paying a few pounds into the fund.
  • 在月球上,天和黑夜都是漫长的,月球上的一个天相当于地球两个星期,一个黑夜也相当于地球上两个星期。
    Days and nights on the moon are very long. One day on the moon is as long as two weeks on the earth. One night is also as long as two weeks on the earth.
  • 假日里我们天踏勘农村,晚上几乎天天都去夜总会——我们实在劳累过度。
    On holiday we explored the countryside during the day and went to nightclubs for most the might-we really burned the candle at both ends.
  • 天,昼黎明和黄昏之间有光的一段时间;从日出到日落的间隔
    The period of light between dawn and nightfall; the interval from sunrise to sunset.
  • 他们天睡觉晚上工作。
    They sleep days and work nights.
  • 产于尼罗河河谷地域的大型似鹤鸟,宽嘴形似木鞋子。
    large stork-like bird of the valley of the White Nile with a broad bill suggesting a wooden shoe.
  • 要是我明了这意思,那就是说英国人不善于学习语言。
    If I have get the picture, then English people is nit good at learning language.
  • 脲,尿素可溶水的化合物,co(nh2)2,是蛋质新陈代谢的主要氮成品,并且是哺乳动物和其他生物尿液中的主要含氮成分
    A water-soluble compound, CO(NH2)2, that is the major nitrogenous end product of protein metabolism and is the chief nitrogenous component of the urine in mammals and other organisms.
  • 夜行性动物是在夜间活动的;夜间植物有晚上开放、天关闭的花朵。
    nocturnal animals are active at night; nocturnal plants have flowers that open at night and close by day.
  • 北美洲灰色羽毛夜间活动的夜鹰。
    American nocturnal goatsucker with gray-and-white plumage.
  • 他点头表示他明了。
    He nodded to show that he understood.
  • 欧亚一种只开一次下垂的带香味的花的草本植物。
    Eurasian herb with solitary nodding fragrant white flowers.
  • 每年落叶的灌木,在美国东部的沿岸草原,有低垂的粉色的花;对树干有毒。
    deciduous shrub of coastal plain of the eastern United States having nodding pinkish-white flowers; poisonous to stock.
  • 但是有一样东西是必不可少的,那就是eggedosis,那是一种搀了兰地的挪威蛋奶酒,里面放了打过的蛋使酒变得很稠,稠得只能用勺吃才行。
    Also,no celebration is complete without eggedosis,the brandy-spiked Norwegian nog whose beaten egg whites make it so thick that it must be eaten with a spoon.
  • (正式)任何一个非欧洲人非人人种。
    (formal) any non-European non-White person.
  • 他还是和以前一样的不明
    He came away none the wiser.
  • 她完全明吉姆不是骗子。
    That Jim was not a cheat was clear to he as noonday.