  • 他料到对会提出这样一个问题。
    He has anticipated that the other side will ask such a question.
  • 预先感谢你友好的合作。
    Thank you in anticipation of( for) your kind cooperation.
  • 对你提供的信息在此先表谢意。
    Thank you in anticipation for any information you may be able to give us.
  • 监督某人或某地。
    surveillance of some place or some person by the police (as in anticipation of a crime).
  • 预辩法预料和应答对可能提出的反对或辩论
    The anticipation and answering of an objection or argument before one's opponent has put it forward.
  • 对此次厚谊,让我表示谢意。今后无论何时,贵如有吩咐,我们将同样为贵公司服务。
    We thank you in anticipation of your kindness, and always at your disposal for similar service.
  • 逆时针方向转动钥匙.
    Turn the key anticlockwise/in an,anticlockwise direction.
  • 逆时针方向转动钥匙.
    Turn the key anti'clockwise/in an,anticlockwise di'rection.
  • 繁忙的工作是防止为非作歹的最好法。
    Hard work is the best antidote to mischief.
  • 用荧光显微镜间接地检测抗原的法。
    a method of using fluorescence microscopy to detect the presence of an antigen indirectly.
  • 在最初几年里,国际禁雷运动主要是在北——杀伤性地雷的主要生产国发展的。
    In its first years, the International Campaign developed primarily in the North -- in the countries which had been significant producers of antipersonnel landmines.
  • 利用它的抗感染特性,可将榨好的纯生蒜汁涂抹到唇边泡疹、擦伤、疮疹或真菌生长的地如香港脚。
    To benefit from its antiseptic properties, rub the neat juice from a crushed clove on cold sores, scratches, spots or fungal growths such as athlete’s foot.
  • 他和我的讲话式完全相反.
    The style of his speech was in complete antithesis to mine.
  • 他和我的讲话式完全相反
    The style of his speech is in complete antithesis to mine
  • 而与此相反的反科学的反马克思列宁主义的主观主义的法,则“是共产党的大敌,是工人阶级的大敌,是人民的大敌,是民族的大敌,是党性不纯的一种表现”。
    Antithetical to this attitude is the subjectivist method which, being contrary to science and Marxism-Leninism, "is a formidable enemy of the Communist Party, the working class, the people and the nation;it is a manifestation of impurity in Party spirit".
  • 随着越来越多的人使用因特网和其他环球网络,现有的反毒式将不再有效。
    As more and more people use the Internet and other global networks, existing antivirus methods won't be able to keep up.
  • 克尔维尔美国得克萨斯州西南部城市,位于圣安东尼奥西北。1846年始有人在此定居,是一个疗养和度假胜地。人口17,384
    A city of southwest Texas northwest of San Antonio. Settled in1846, it is a health and vacation resort. Population,17, 384.
  • 梁振英先生会为我提供有关房屋面的意见,梁锦松先生会在教育事宜协助我制订长远策略,谭耀宗先生会帮我研究老人政策面的未来路向。
    They are Mr Leung Chun Ying, who will look into housing; Mr Antony Leung Kam Chung, who will be looking at education; and Mr Tam Yiu Chung, who will be considering services for the elderly.
  • 柄凿一种与铁砧的孔相吻合的形柄凿
    A square-shanked chisel that fits into a square hole in an anvil.
  • 王宫庄严的钟乐从四面八不懈地抛出明亮的颤音,恰好圣母院钟楼低沉而略微间歇的钟声均匀地落在这颤音上面,仿佛铁锤敲打着铁砧,火花四溅。
    The royal chime of the palace scatters on all sides, and without relaxation, resplendent trills, upon which fall, at regular intervals, the heavy strokes from the belfry of Notre-Dame,which makes them sparkle like the anvil under the hammer.
  • 此外,尽管几十年来,法国政府对人口率的下降很焦虑,也采取了措施,但是,法国的人口出生率如同西的其他国家一样,仍旧一直在下滑。
    Moreover,for several decades,although French goverments anxiously reacted in population growth, the French birth-date has been falling steadily as in other Western countries.
  • 随便什么时间;任何地
    any old time; any old place.
  • 见到这一事故的人应打电话通知警.
    Anybody who saw the accident should phone the police.
  • 我将按你喜欢的任何法来烹制它。他们是以各种式来的--乘船、乘火车或乘飞机
    I'll cook it anyhow you like. They came anyhow they could梑y boat, train, or plane.
  • 今年你准备去什么地吗?
    Are you going to go anyplace this year?
  • 不过他们已经知道怎么生火,可以在需要的任何地燃起篝火。
    But they know how to make a fire.So they can make it anyplace they need it."
  • 为了过上富裕的日子他什么都愿意干。;他千百计要过富裕的生活。
    He will do anything for a rich life.
  • 不难,香功不同于其他气功的就是它很容易学,你几乎可以在任何地、任何时间练习香功。
    No, unlike other qigong exercises, it's very easy to start. You can start practice anywhere and anytime.
  • 这将使用户用一个因特网传真地址在任何地、任何时间接收传真,而此传真地址对用户电子邮件地址是一个补充。
    This would enable users to receive faxes anywhere, anytime with an Internet fax address that complements their e-mail address.
  • 尽管这种化学物质不会在短期内取代个人计算机,但是科学家组成的两个研究小组上个月已经向人们演示了这些满载信息的分子也许可以通过怎样的式在未来的计算机中执行计算任务。
    Although the chemistry set won't be replacing your PC anytime soon, two groups of scientists demonstrated last month how these information-laden molecules might perform calculations in future computers.
  • 到2008年,基本实现任何人、在任何时间、任何场所都能够安全、便、快捷、高效地获取可支付得起的、丰富的、无语言障碍的、个性化的信息服务,保证北京奥运会的出色承办,向世界充分展示中国的信息化水平和成就。
    By 2008, information services will be inexpensive, rich in content, free of language barrier, and personalized and available for anyone, at anytime and anywhere. This will not only contribute greatly to the success of an excellent Olympic Games, but also display to the world the level and achievements of China's IT.
  • 在厦门,这样的庆贺式被称为“拜正”、“拜春”或“走春”,从新年一直到正月结束。
    In Xiamen, this customary action of paying respects and offering felicitations is called "bai zheng" (paying obeisance to the first month), "bai chun"(paying obeisance to the spring), or "zou chun" (walking around spring), and can take place anytime between the Chinese New Year and the Lantern Festival.