  • 都勒说:"尽管身为一训练有素的美国军医,只要想到我们要去的地方蔓延着出血热等疾病,我还是害怕得够呛。
    "For a U.S.-trained physician and soldier, the idea of going to a place where something like hemorrhagic fever is endemic scares the hell out of me," Doyle said.
  • 靠广告增进知度,促销等;在广告中认可一产品
    Promote; endorse a product
  • 签署(另一方的签),例如为贷款而签
    To endorse(another's signature), as for a loan.
  • 在(文件)上签署对…签,尤指签署(文件)
    To subscribe to, especially to sign or endorse(a document).
  • 票据签名没了。
    The endorsement was lost.
  • 请在标明签署的地方签
    Please sign your name in the space marked for endorsement.
  • 今年早些时候,netscape和大约40家公司一起发出了为crossware的倡仪,这是对一系列标准的认同,这些标准包括目录、安全和软件分发,它们将使用户能把他们的内部网应用延伸到他们的贸易伙伴那里。
    Netscape and about 40 vendors earlier this year launched the Crossware initiative, an endorsement of a series of standards, including directory, security, and software distribution, that will allow users to extend their intranet applications to trading partners.
  • 协会又与多位来自香港和世界各地的知人士(包括大提琴家马友友、电视人陈美龄和国际厨wolfgangpuck)合作,拍摄宣传短片,传达香港永远都是朝气勃勃、活力无穷的信息,并鼓励旅客来港亲身体验。
    The association joined forces with celebrities from Hong Kong and aroundthe world (including cellist Yo Yo Ma, TV personality Agnes Chan and chef Wolfgang Puck) to make endorsement videos spreading the messagethat Hong Kong was as dynamic and vibrant as ever and encouraging people to come and see for themselves.
  • 该会有公司会员超过3000,提供的服务包括签发产地来源证,举办研讨会、海外考察团、培训课程和参观工厂,推行香港优质产品标志计划,提供iso9000品质管理谘询服务和知识产权服务,以及举办英语评核试。
    It has more than 3000 member companies and its services include issuance of certificates of origin, organisation of seminars and overseas study missions, factory visits and training courses, promotion and endorsement of products with the Hong Kong Quality Mark, and the provision of ISO 9000 quality management consultancy, intellectual property services and English Language Skills Assessment Tests.
  • 真实存在只是缺少正式备忘录的非书面、未署的协议。
    an agreement that is not in writing and is not signed by the parties but is a real existing contract that lacks only the formal requirement of a memorandum to render it enforceable in litigation.
  • 他的梦想是将来成为一工程师。
    His dream is to become an engineer.
  • 他是一名火车司机。
    He is a locomotive engineer.
  • 我的朋友是一工程师。
    My friend is an engineer.
  • 我多么渴望成为一工程师!
    How I long to be an engineer!
  • 我格外想成为一工程师。
    I particularly wish to become an engineer.
  • 我想你会成为一优秀工程师的。
    I think you'll make a good engineer.
  • 我想你会成为一优秀工程师的。
    I think you 'll make a good engineer.
  • 英格兰的一种厕所称。
    a toilet in England.
  • 英国的一所有的大学。
    a university in England.
  • 珠宝匠将在戒指的内表面上刻上她的字。
    The jeweller will engrave the inside of the ring with her name.
  • 雕刻的雕刻的,关于雕刻的,尤指在贵的石头上
    Of or relating to engraving or carving, especially on precious stones.
  • 名誉胜过金钱。
    A good name is better than a good girdle.
  • 二零零一年,该中心为来自230所中学的800学生提供了约30项各种各样的增益课程。
    In 2001, some 30 multifarious enhancement programmes have been organised for 800 students from 230 secondary schools.
  • 李嘉诚专业进修学院也为超过15000学生开办合共约400项短期课程和专业课程,提供职业训练和进修机会。
    The latter also offers around 400 short courses and professional courses for more than 15000 students for vocational training and knowledge enhancement.
  • 香港公开大学的持续及社区教育中心也为超过7800学生开办合共100项短期课程,旨在提供职业训练及精修训练。
    The university's Centre for Continuing and Community Education also offered 100 short courses intended for vocational training and enhancement purposes to more than 7 800 students in 1998-99.
  • 使从事,投资于列出(一人或多个人)的单或向企业投(资本)
    To enlist(a person or persons) or invest(capital) in an enterprise.
  • 他几次报应征,但都不合标准,先是由于年纪太小,而后又由于长得太瘦。
    He tried several times to enlist, but first he was too young, then too thin, to make the grade.
  • 他们这种关系,别人既不知道真正的缘由,也不知道确切的动机,所以在巴黎引起了很大的轰动。因为公爵曾以他的万贯家财而著称,现在又以挥霍无度而闻了。
    This liaison, of which the true origin and true motive were known to no one, gave rise here to a great deal of talk, since the Duke, known hitherto as an enormously wealthy man, now began to acquire a name for the prodigality.
  • 经过比赛管事们的调查,3.15的成绩被宣布为并列次。
    After the stewards' enquiry, the result of the 3.15 declared a dead heat.
  • "他们和大鼎鼎的电影明星见面,欣喜若狂。"
    They were enraptured to meet the great film star.
  • 他们把诸如中国丝绸,瓷器和茶等奢侈品引进自己的国家,这些中国产品丰富了他们的文化生活。
    Their importations of Chinese luxury goods, such as silk, porcelain and tea, had enriched their life immeasurably.
  • 我报就读于维也纳大学。
    I enrolled at the University of Vienna.