  • 试图用游击战取得爱尔兰岛的独立统一的爱尔兰民族主义者的好战的组织。
    a militant organization of Irish nationalists who use guerrilla warfare in an effort to achieve a united independent Ireland.
  • 极富斗精神的销售代表;在为工人取较高工资的斗中极富斗精神;他那无所不在的自信精神。
    highly competitive sales representative; militant in fighting for better wages for workers; his self-assertive and ubiquitous energy.
  • 激进主义,行动主义武断冲动的理论、主义或实践。常指激进行动,如大规模的示威或罢工,以作为反对或支持有议的事件、实体或人的手段
    The theory, doctrine, or practice of assertive, often militant action, such as mass demonstrations or strikes, used as a means of opposing or supporting a controversial issue, entity, or person.
  • 在今天,在第二次帝国主义战爆发之后,许多资本主义国家已经没有民主气息,已经转变或即将转变为资产阶级的血腥的军事专政了。
    Today, after the outbreak of the second imperialist war, there is hardly a trace of democracy in many of the capitalist countries, which have come or are coming under the bloody militarist dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.
  • 经过北伐战、土地革命战、抗日战和解放战,打败日本军国主义的侵略,推翻国民党反动统治,建立了中华人民共和国。
    We founded the People's Republic of China after defeating the Japanese militarist aggression and overthrowing the Kuomintang reactionary rule through the Northern Expedition(1926-1927 ), the Agrarian Revolutionary War (1927-1937 ), the War of Resistance Against Japan (1937-1945 ) and China's War of Liberation(1945-1949 ).
  • 半个世纪以前,日本军国主义在亚洲,德国法西斯在欧洲的残暴行径,半个世纪以后竟然在一个非战环境下的印尼重演。
    Half a century ago, Japanese militarists and German fascists commited all kinds of atrocities in Asia and Europe. Half a century later, the same tragedy was to occur in Indonesia, a country which was not at war.
  • 2.尽管两极军事对峙的历史已经结束,数十个有着独特历史的新的民族国家出人意料地出现了,它们每一个都在为确立自己的地位而进行竞
    2.While we as a planet withdraw from a bipolar militaristic stand off,we unexpectedly find ourselves joined by dozens of new nation-states filled with unique nation-state histories,each competing for its own identity.
  • 完善国防动员体制,加强民兵和预备役部队建设,发展高技术条件下人民战的战略战术。
    It is necessary to improve the mobilization system for national defense, strengthen the militia and reserves and develop strategies and tactics of the people's war under high-tech conditions.
  • 民兵是不脱离生产的群众武装组织,是人民解放军的后备力量,是进行现代条件下人民战的基础。
    The militia is an armed mass organization not released from production. It is a reserve force of the PLA and the basis for the prosecution of a people's war under modern conditions.
  • 美国革命战之前的美国民兵。
    an American militiaman prior to the Revolutionary War.
  • 小时候就喜欢跟兄弟们辩。
    During my youth, I had argued with my brother about everything under the Milky Way.
  • 到了二十年前,即第一次帝国主义世界大战的时期,由于欧美帝国主义国家忙于战,暂时放松了对于中国的压迫,中国的民族工业,主要是纺织业和面粉业,又得到了进一步的发展。
    Then about twenty years ago, during the first imperialist world war, China's national industry expanded, chiefly in textiles and flour milling, because the imperialist countries in Europe and America were preoccupied with the war and temporarily relaxed their oppression of China.
  • 如果我们否认民族资产阶级在大震动中有动摇及参加革命的可能性,那也就取消了至少也减轻了我们党对于取领导权的任务。
    To deny the possibility that the national bourgeoisie may vacillate and join the revolution during great upheavals amounts to abandoning, or at any rate to minimizing, our Party's task of contending for leadership.
  • 在党和政府的坚强领导下,广大军民团结奋战,取得了抗洪斗的伟大胜利,把灾害损失减到了最低限度,恢复生产和灾后重建的工作进展顺利。
    Under the strong leadership of the Party and the government, soldiers, who played an essential role, and civilians struggled together and won a great victory in the battle against the floods, thereby minimizing losses. The work of resuming production and rebuilding after the floods proceeded smoothly..
  • 顽固地论或辩论,尤其是小问题。
    dispute or argue stubbornly, esp. minor points.
  • 在那个国家的少数民族的国籍问题上仍有论。
    The nationality of the minority groups in that country is still at issue.
  • 此外,也还有利用敌人的错觉和不意来取自己主动和逼敌处于被动的情形。
    In addition, there is the question of exploiting the enemy's misconceptions and unpreparedness in order to gain the initiative and force the enemy into passivity.
  • 这两件事——造成敌人的错觉和出以不意的攻击,即是以战的不确实性给予敌人,而给自己以尽可能大的确实性,用以取我之优势和主动,取我之胜利。
    These two points -- creating misconceptions among the enemy and springing surprise attacks on him -- mean transferring the uncertainties of war to the enemy while securing the greatest possible certainty for ourselves and thereby gaining superiority, the initiative and victory.
  • 苦难随着战争而来。
    Misery follows in the wake of war.
  • 所以,党要有意识地去发展民主政治的斗,首先要纠正某些同志中的武断不民主的错误,要使非党干部敢于讲话,讲所欲讲,敢于工作,不对我疑惧。
    Party organizations should, therefore, make a conscious effort to promote the struggle for democracy. First, they should help comrades abandon their arbitrary and undemocratic practices, so that non-Party cadres dare to speak out and do their work and entertain no misgivings about the Party.
  • 第二个特点和第三个特点,规定了中国红军的不可能很快发展和不可能很快战胜其敌人,即是规定了战的持久,而且如果弄得不好的话,还可能失败。
    It follows from the second and third characteristics that it is impossible for the Chinese Red Army to grow very rapidly or defeat its enemy quickly; in other words, the war will be protracted and may even be lost if it is mishandled.
  • 在这个给敌以错觉和给敌以不意以便战而胜之的战方法上,也就一定能起大的作用。
    Moreover, it will definitely play a big part in carrying out our tactics of defeating the enemy by misleading him and catching him unawares.
  • 一个官方使团被派去解决端。
    An official mission was sent to settle the dispute.
  • 既然这种文献在德国人手里已不再表现一个阶级反对另一个阶级的斗,于是德国人就认为:他们克服了“法国人的片面性”,他们不代表真实的要求,而代表真理的要求,不代表无产者的利益,而代表人的本质的利益,即一般人的利益,这种人不属于任何阶级,根本不存在于现实界,而只存在于云雾弥漫的哲学幻想的太空。
    And, since it ceased in the hands of the German to express the struggle of one class with the other, he felt conscious of having overcome "French one-sidedness" and of representing, not true requirements, but the requirements of truth; not the interests of the proletariat, but the interests of Human Nature, of Man in general, who belongs to no class, has no reality, who exists only in the misty realm of philosophical fantasy.
  • 许多执都是由于误会而产生的。
    Many a quarrel has come about through a misunderstanding.
  • 奇袭原则在所有战原则中是用的最多的和错用最多的-h.h.阿诺德&i.c.艾克。
    the principle of surprise is the most used and misused of all the principles of war- H.H.Arnold & I.C.Eaker.
  • 在现代战中,机动性和先进武器比人多势众更为重要。
    In modern warfare, mobility and sophisticated weapons are more important than weight of numbers.
  • 他对杰克竟与一个姑娘吵而感到气愤。
    He got mod at Jack for quarreling with a girl.
  • 那些希望日本资产阶级中和派出来停止战的,仅仅是一种幻想而已。
    Those who hope that the moderates among the Japanese bourgeoisie will come forward and stop the war are only harbouring illusions.
  • 有了这个基础,再取达到中等发达国家的水平是有希望的。
    With this fairly good foundation, it will be quite possible for us to proceed to reach the level of the moderately developed countries.
  • 布什的幕僚说总统最适合另外一种比较传统的形式,由三位主讲人及一位主持人提出问题。幕僚说如果只有一个主持人,就易于导致候选人双方直接辩。他们说过他们担心那样可能使克林顿受惠。他们认为克林顿先生反应可能比总统敏捷。
    Bush aides have said the President is best suited for another, more traditional format, in which three panelists and a moderator ask questions. But one moderator, the aides said, would encourage more sparring between the candidates. They have said they are concerned that that might benefit Mr. Clinton, who, they think, might be faster on his feet than the President.
  • 几天过去了,数周消逝了,妈妈继续和死神做斗
    Days turned into weeks and Mom continued to fight.