  • “这篇课文有千多个字”;他们分发了市长讲话印好的。
    there were more than a thousand words of text; they handed out the printed text of the mayor's speech; he wants to reconstruct the original text.
  • 为了帮助伊拉克人民建立自己的政治制度和重建自己的国家,联盟军队在伊拉克需要留多久就留多久,但不会多留天。
    Coalition forces will remain in Iraq as long as necessary to help the Iraqi people to build their own political institutions and reconstruct their country, but no longer.
  • 围绕品种、质量、效益和扩大出口,用高新技术改造传统产业,重点搞批能代表行业水平,促进产业升级的标志性项目。
    Centering on variety, quality, benefit and export expansion, we shall use new and high-tech to reconstruct traditional industries, put the priority on a group of flagship programs that can represent the industrial level and boosting industrial upgrade.
  • 十二期<中国建设>已经合订成厚册。
    The twelve issues of China Reconstructs have been bound up into a thick volume.
  • 我们根据恐龙的些骨头重组恐龙的原貌.
    We reconstructed what the dinosaur looked like from a few of its bones.
  • 喉音化发音再现于古印欧语系并部分保存于小亚细亚的组近似于h的发音
    Any of a set of h-like sounds reconstructed for early Proto-Indo-European and partially preserved in Anatolian.
  • 临时国民大会开会之后,全国面目必为之新,政府机构的改造,军队的改造和人民的动员,就得着个必要的前提。
    The convening of this provisional national assembly will undoubtedly impart a new spirit to the whole country and provide the essential prerequisite for reconstructing the government apparatus and the army and for mobilizing the entire people.
  • 香港房屋协会(房协)是个独立机构,于九四八年成立,负责策划及兴建优质的房挝垃以负担得来的价格出租或售予本港些特定入息组别的人士。
    The Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) is an independent organisation established in 1948 which plans and builds affordable housing of high quality for rent or sale to specific target groups.
  • 去掉孤傲习气,善于和非党干部共事,真心诚意地帮助他们,用热烈的同志的态度对待他们,把他们的积极性组织到抗日和建国的伟大事业中去,这是每个共产党员的责任。
    The duty of every Communist is to rid himself of aloofness and arrogance and to work well with non-Party cadres, give them sincere help, have a warm, comradely attitude towards them and enlist their initiative in the great cause of resisting Japan and reconstructing the nation.
  • 1996年宪法宣布,享有充足的水是项人权,政府并为地方政府提供补贴,以确保平价水的基本供应。
    The 1996 constitution declared that access to sufficient water is a human right, and a subsidy was given to local governments to ensure affordable basic water supplies.
  • 次这样的机会都是对发展和重建伙伴关系的承诺。
    And each is a commitment to a partnership for development and reconstruction.
  • 他们迫切希望的是把中国社会来番彻底的改造。
    What they most desired was a thorough reconstruction of the Chiese society.
  • 看得再开点,灾后重建又是拉动经济增长的个因素。
    Moreover, large-scale reconstruction following the floods constitutes another factor to speed up economic growth.
  • 这种情况下,希腊人民对重建家园筹莫展。
    Under these circumstances, the peop1e of Greece cannot make progress in solving their problems of reconstruction.
  • 自体移植术,自体成形术用取自同身体的另部分对身体部分的外科修补或重塑
    Surgical repair or reconstruction of a body part using tissue taken from another part of the body.
  • 印度-欧洲语系的个绝迹的分支从些题词和原印度-欧洲语系的重要改建中可以得知。
    an extinct branch of the Indo-European family of languages known from inscriptions and important in the reconstruction of Proto-Indo_European.
  • 千四百年间,经过无数能工巧匠、善男信女的历代踵修,终于建成了庞大的佛教禅林和文化圣地。
    After 1,400 years of reconstruction and refurbishment by countless artisans and pilgrims, it finally became an enormous Buddhist temple and cultural Mecca.
  • 已经从个在受到外部封锁的状态下领导国家建设的党,成为在全面改革开放条件下领导国家建设的党。
    It has developed from one that led the national reconstruction under external blockade to one going for all-round reform and opening-up.
  • 机构将从开始就为伊拉克人提供参与自己国家的经济和政治重建的条件。
    It will provide a means for Iraqis to participate in the economic and political reconstruction of their country from the outset.
  • 特拉华大学可再生资源低成本合成材料项目研究员利用鸡毛研制出了种计算机处理器。
    Researchers in the University of Delaware's ACRES program Affordable Composites from Renewable Sources have developed a computer processor made from chicken feathers.
  • 通过计算机,希腊王子的头部和躯于被连接在起。这个粗糙的修复品证明两部分曾经是体的。
    Head and torso of the Hellenistic prince are united by computer in an approximate reconstruction that suggests the two pieces were once one.
  • 第十条 新建、扩建、改建向大气排放污染物的项目,必须遵守国家有关建设项目环境保护管理的规定。
    Article 11 New construction projects, expansion or reconstruction projects which discharge atmospheric pollutants shall be governed by the State regulations concerning environmental protection for such projects.
  • 今年夏天的洪水控制取得了明显的胜利,这并不能改变需要付出巨大的努力来完成重建工作这事实。
    The apparent success of this summer's flood control effort doesn't alter the fact a massive effort will be required to complete the reconstruction program.
  • 展望灾后重建,可以说,这次洪水是灾难,也是机遇,是次扩大内需的机遇,是次加快发展的机遇。
    Reconstruction in the wake of floods indicates that the floods, while causing disasters, have also brought opportunities, including those to expand domestic demand and expedite development.
  • 物业价格处于市民较能负担的水平,相对于九九七年十月市场高?期,楼价平均下降了大约54%。
    Properties were more affordable as average prices were about 54 per cent lower than those at the market peak in October 1997.
  • 夜间骑行的人美国南部夜间蒙面骑行的白人秘密组织的员,他们进行暴力活动以达到惩罚或恐怖目的,尤其在南北战争后的重建时期
    One of a secret band of mounted, usually masked white men who engaged in nocturnal terrorism for revenge or intimidation in the southern United States especially during Reconstruction.
  • 这就是我们记忆“推想”的种情形。
    This is one sense in which our memories are "reconstructive."
  • 乳房成形术为改变某个乳房或对乳房的大小或形状而进行的重新整形或美容整形外科手术
    Reconstructive or cosmetic plastic surgery to alter the size or shape of the breast or breasts.
  • 联络小组会在九九八年月召开会议,这是回归后首次举行会议,会议研究珠江三角洲的环境问题,特别是空气和水污染的问题。
    The Liaison Group will reconvene in January 1998, its first meeting since the Handover, to look at environmental matters in the Pearl River Delta Region, particularly the air and water pollution problems.
  • 二零零年四月,督导委员会再次召开会议,讨论多个工作小组推行更大型的金融服务网络、直通式交易程序和无纸化市场的工作进展。
    The Steering Committee reconvened in April to discuss the progress of its various working groups tasked with the implementation of the larger financial services network (FinNet), straight-through processing and a scripless market.
  • xdsl是像isdn(综合服务数字网),样的端到端数字技术因此不需要在数字与模拟方式之间来回转换信号。
    XDSL is an end-to-end digital technology like ISDN, so there is no converting and reconverting signals between digital and analog.
  • 影象传输用计算机(把照片或其它图画)转换成可以传替到远处的数字,再用另台计算机把数字还原成图画
    To translate(photographs or other pictures) by computer into numbers that can be transmitted to a remote location and then reconverted into pictures by another computer.