  • 备的行为或被备的状态
    The act of equipping or the state of being equipped.
  • 圣饼盒圣餐用的饼干的容器
    A container in which wafers for the Eucharist are kept.
  • 圣餐盒带给病人的圣餐的容器
    A container in which the Eucharist is carried to the sick.
  • 均匀的播撒草种和谷物到地里的置。
    a device that sows grass seed or grain evenly over the ground.
  • 均匀散射灯灯光置,例如磨砂灯泡,可均匀地散播光线
    A light fixture, such as a frosted globe, that spreads light evenly.
  • 两个饰工人干得很慢,以确保家俱上的油漆被均匀地涂上。
    The two decorators worked slowly to make mine that paint was plastered on the furniture evenly.
  • 约翰转而开始了十英里的行军,全副武,俨然象对珠穆朗玛峰发起进攻。
    John turned up for the ten-mile walk equipped for something more like an assault on Everest.
  • 鲜花饰了到处的桌子。
    Flowers adorned the tables everywhere.
  • 这回旅伴们谁也没帮助他。他们早匆匆把手表和钱包塞进了靴子,现在已假睡着了。
    not at all assisted by his fellow-passengers, who had expeditiously secreted their watches and purses in their boots, and were now making a general pretence of being asleep.
  • 图解提供解释性图画或饰(给出版物)
    To provide(a publication) with explanatory or decorative features.
  • 通过遥控置或定时置控制的在汽车内部的当汽车启动时爆炸的炸弹。
    a bomb placed in a car and wired to explode when the ignition is started or by remote control or by a timing device.
  • 坑探装岩运输
    loading and haulage in tunnel exploration
  • 载一人或两人的潜艇;适用于海军作业或水下勘测。
    one- or two-person submarine; for naval operations or underwater exploration.
  • 珠宝,首饰小巧精致的饰物
    A small, exquisitely wrought trinket.
  • 邓公祠是一座三进式建筑物,有两个宽敞的内院,整座宗祠饰精雅,有精致木刻、彩塑和中式吉祥图案等饰。
    It is a three-hall building with two spacious internal courtyards. The whole building is exquisitely decorated with fine wood carvings, polychrome plaster mouldings and murals of auspicious Chinese motifs.
  • 你方7日来电悉,6636号信用证已办妥展期,务请按期船。
    Yc 7 lc6636 extended plsship punctually.
  • 扑灭小火的手提式置。
    a hand device for extinguishing small fires.
  • 灭火器一种用化学药品灭火的便携式机械
    Any of various portable mechanical devices for spraying and extinguishing a fire with chemicals.
  • 它燃烧性能好,热效率达到85%,烟气中一氧化碳含量低于0.01%。此外它还配熄火自动安全保护置,一旦意外熄火,安全阀便会在规定时间内自动关闭燃气通路,避免燃气漏出产生危险。
    It has good combustion power. It's heating efficiency is 85%. Carbon monoxide power. It's heating efficiency is 85%. Carbon monoxide content is below 0.01%. Besides it s equipped with automatic flame extinguishing safety valves-in case of fire. The safety values will automatically shut off the gas passage within the shortest possible time to prevent gas leakage.
  • 一套经过夸张的剪裁的浮华的套
    a flashy suit of extreme cut.
  • "他在一次爆炸事故中失去了一只眼睛,现在了一只塑料眼睛。"
    "He lost an eye in an explosion accident, and now he has a plastic eye."
  • 珠宝商用的通常上目镜的小的放大镜。
    a small magnifying glass (usually set in an eyepiece) used by jewelers and horologists.
  • 他假很忙,其实纯属欺骗。
    He pretends to be busy, but it's all eyewash.
  • 主立面建筑正面,尤指有饰的正面
    A fa鏰de, especially an ornamental fa鏰de.
  • 埃斯特拉达政府为阿奎诺遭暗杀时负责保安事务的武部队总司令费维安·弗尔举行军队葬礼,也令李光耀感到费解。
    Lee is even puzzled that the late General Fabian Ver was given by the Estrada government military honors at his burial.
  • 汽车是从各不同工厂所制的零件配成的。
    Automobile is fabricated from parts made in different factories.
  • 宫殿装饰华丽的正面
    the ornate facade of the Palace
  • 她考试没及格,但她尽量作若无其事。
    She hadn't passed the exam but she tried to put a good face on it.
  • 小便处设有用于小便置的房间或地点
    A room or other place containing facilities for urinating.
  • 壁炉饰面在壁炉四周的饰表面
    An ornamental facing around a fireplace.
  • 当你的儿子要把头发蓄到肩膀或是你的女儿要尝试增白化妆品时,权且把这种扮当作无害的时髦。
    When your son lets his hair grow to his shoulders, or your daughter experiments with white makeup, accept the appearance as a harmless fad.
  • 新加坡人的“5分钟热度”是出了名的,然而,晚晴园不是吉蒂猫,不是电子宠物,更不是流行时,它应当有历久不衰的魅力。
    The memorial hall is no Hello Kitty, electronic pets or a passing fad - it should have an appeal that can stand the test of time.