  • 她的罩袍來自巴黎,可是她簡直把它們穿成了國式。
    Her frock came from Paris, but she wears them with a strong English accent.
  • 航海長度單位等於尺。
    a nautical unit of length (15 ft).
  • 這種插座盒有4至6尺長的電纜。
    These hubs have 4 to 6 ft. cables.
  • 峭壁高聳達五百尺。
    The cliffs soar 500 ft into the air.
  • 標準級硬性纖維板,1/8寸,每1000平方尺62。60美元。
    Hardboard standard grade 1/8' $62.60 per 1, 000 sq. ft.
  • 該旅遊勝地位於海拔1,000多尺的山區。
    The resort is in the mountain, over 1, 000 ft above sea level.
  • 埃倫山位於美國猶他州南部的一座海拔3,514。2米(11,522尺)的山峰
    A peak,3, 514.2 m(11, 522 ft) high, of southern Utah.
  • 洛子峰位於尼泊爾和西藏邊界的喜馬拉雅山脈中段的一座山峰。海拔8,506米(27,890尺)
    A peak,8, 506.5 m(27, 890 ft) high, of the central Himalaya Mountains on the Nepal-Tibet border.
  • 馬西夫峰位於科羅拉多州中部落磯山脈的薩瓦奇山的山峰,海拔4,398。4米(14,421尺)
    A peak,4, 398.4 m(14, 421 ft) high, in the Sawatch Range of the Rocky Mountains in central Colorado.
  • 德謨利萊特山美國科羅拉多中部的一座山峰,海拔4,315。1米(14,148尺),屬落基山脈
    A peak,4, 315.1 m(14, 148 ft) high, of central Colorado in the Park Range of the Rocky Mountains.
  • 茲嚮貴方報盤如下,但以我方確認為準:一級絶緣板,1/2寸,每1000平方尺40美元。
    It is our pleasure to offer you, subject to confirmation, as under:" al" insulate board1/2''$40.00 per1, 000 sq. ft.
  • 幹城章嘉峰印度-尼泊爾邊境的喜馬拉雅山脈的一座山峰,高8,603。4米(28,208尺)。該峰為世界上第三高峰
    A mountain,8, 603.4 m(28, 208 ft) high, in the Himalaya Mountains on the India-Nepal border. It is the third-highest mountain in the world.
  • 夜總會裏有一個長18米寬15米的舞池,還有兩個10尺長6尺寬的電視屏幕。
    It has a dance floor with a length of 18 meters and a width of 15 meters. It is equipped with two 10ft by 6 ft video screens.
  • 維多利亞瀑布非洲中部偏南的大瀑布,位於贊比亞西南和津巴布韋西北之間的贊比亞河上,有108。3米(335尺)高。它是在1855年11月被大衛·李維斯托發現的
    A waterfall,108.3 m(355 ft) high, of south-central Africa in the Zambezi River between southwest Zambia and northwest Zimbabwe. The falls were discovered by David Livingstone in November1855.
  • 阿陀斯山位於希臘東北部的一座山峰,海拔約2,034米(6,670尺),它是實際上獨立的阿陀斯山修道院社區所在地,該修道院最初建於10世紀
    A peak, about2, 034 m(6, 670 ft) high, of northeast Greece. It is the site of the virtually independent monastic community of Mount Athos, originally founded in the tenth century.
  • 波拿峰美國阿拉斯加州南部海拔高5,032。5米(16,500尺)的一個山峰,在蘭格爾山脈的南端,靠近加拿大國界。它是該山脈的最高峰
    A peak,5, 032.5 m(16, 500 ft) high, of southern Alaska at the southern end of the Wrangell Mountains near the Canadian border. It is the highest elevation in the range.
  • 比利牛斯山脈歐洲西南部山脈,從比斯開灣沿着法國與西班牙邊境,到地中海在皮科·德·皮妮特,它高達3,406·2米(11,168尺)
    A mountain range of southwest Europe extending along the French-Spanish border from the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean Sea. It rises to3, 406.2 m(11, 168 ft) at Pico de Aneto.
  • 乞力馬紮羅山非洲最高山,位於坦桑尼亞東北部靠近肯尼亞邊境處。兩座被雪覆蓋的山峰高達5,898。7米(19,340尺),其中較高的山峰於1889年第一次被攀登
    The highest mountain in Africa, in northeast Tanzania near the Kenya border, rising in two snow-capped peaks to5, 898.7 m(19, 340 ft). The higher of the two peaks was first climbed in1889.
  • 二月七日,帝國主義支持的北洋軍閥吳佩孚、蕭耀南等,殘酷地屠殺京漢鐵路的工人,造成了二七慘案。
    On February 7 the Northern warlords Wu Pei-fu and Hsiao Yao-nan, who were backed by British imperialism, butchered the strikers. This became known as the February 7th Massacre.
  • 住宿加早餐的價錢是20鎊, 全食宿25鎊.
    The price is 20 for bed and breakfast, 25 full board.
  • 語中有些副詞可作形容詞用。
    Some English adverbs function as adjectives.
  • 牡丹25寸世界製式全功能彩色電視機。新面目,新感覺。
    Peony 25 international system, full functional color television. New face, new feeling.
  • 我們要加大開支,幫助各州和各社區培訓勇善戰的警察和消防隊員,改善他們的裝備條件。
    We will increase funding to help states and communities train and equip our heroic police and firefighters.
  • 重溫忘了一半的英語
    furbish up one's half-forgotten English
  • 他們進行勇鬥爭已有多年了。
    They have put up a gallant fight over the years.
  • 勇而又有禮貌的紳士。
    a gallant or courtly gentleman.
  • 勇的戰士;對攻擊者進行勇的抵抗。
    a gallant warrior; put up a gallant resistance to the attackers.
  • 勇頑強地抵抗攻擊者
    Put up a gallant resistance to the attackers.
  • 1941年12月幾百水兵勇頑強堅持但終被日軍奪取的島嶼。
    in December 1941 the island was captured by the Japanese after a gallant last-ditch stand by a few hundred US marines.
  • 部隊表現得很英勇。
    The troops behaved gallantly.
  • 他因勇戰鬥被授予軍功十字勳章。
    He was awarded the Military Cross for gallantry in combat.
  • 他喜歡在他女友前逞雄。
    He likes to display gallantry in front of his girlfriend.