  • 法院判定的在双方异后一方付给另一方的生活费用。
    court-ordered support paid by one spouse to another after they are separated.
  • 法院判定的在父母异后一方付给抚养孩子一方的费用。
    court-ordered support paid by one spouse to the other who has custody of the children after the parents are separated.
  • 星期天的旅游者一清早就乘车开了。
    Sunday trippers spun away early in the morning.
  • 她一怒之下开了这个国家。
    She got her spunk up and left the country.
  • 他结了帐就开旅馆了。
    He squared up and left the hotel.
  • 他们跟出纳员结清帐目,开旅馆。
    They squared up accounts with the cashier.
  • 我一直很清楚“佳乐”早晚是留不住的,但是,开自己心爱的东西,纵然你知道应该这样做,可还是舍不得呀!。
    I had known all along that I would eventually have to release Squeak. Still, it is hard to let go of something you've treasured -- even when you know it's the right thing to do.
  • 由于我的助手告诉人们我即将婚,因此他先于我晋升,他暗害了我。
    I was stabbed in the back by my assistant who got promotion it preference to me because he told them about my forthcoming divorce.
  • 远离β稳定线的核素
    nuclides far from β-stability
  • 他能在很远的地方射杀牡鹿,其距之远,在我认识的人当中,无人可比。
    He can kill a stag at a longer range than anyone else I know.
  • 今天,许多妇女选择婚,因为她们认为作辛迪士会比留在僵死的婚姻里生活得更好。
    Today many women choose to get divorced because they think they will have a better life as a SINDI than by staying in a stale marriage.
  • 机场离城很远。
    The airport stands far apart from the city.
  • 要弄清楚,我们的生活不能脱社会的生活水准。
    We must see clearly that our living standard cannot be separated from the living standards of society in general.
  • 而来自视近距为准则这种文化背景的阿拉伯人则可能认为美国人有些“冷淡”。
    The Arabs, on the other hand, coming from a culture where much closer distance is the norm, may be feeling that the Americans are being “standoffish”.
  • “我必须弄清楚不装防火警报器的主意是怎么回事,”负责审查消防人员分析报告的第一副市长里兹诺夫说。“我从小到大就同有开过防火警报器。”
    "I'd (I would) have to come to grips with the idea of no fire alarm boxes," said First Deputy Mayor Stanley Brezenoff, who will review the fires officials' analysis. "I grew up with them."
  • 毕宿五,金牛座α星位于金牛座的一颗双星,地球68光年,为天空中最亮的星之一
    A double star in the constellation Taurus,68 light-years from Earth, and one of the brightest stars in the sky.
  • 她目不转睛地看着他她而去。
    She stared after him as he left her.
  • 赛跑时,运动员过早地开起跑线,是一种犯规。
    A false start in a race is when a runner leaves the starting line too soon.
  • 饥饿的农民背井乡,移居国外。
    The starving peasants emigrated from their country.
  • 大企业,首先是中央企业,需要注意的是不要脑子发热,一脑袋的贪新贪大,追求堂而皇之的形式,脱中国的现实。
    People managing large enterprises, those managing the central ones in particular, should take care not to be rash and go in for new, large projects and stateliness in disregard of China's reality.
  • 在远距点之间传输物体图象(固定的或移动的)的一种通讯方式。
    a communication that transmits images of objects (stationary or moving) between distant points.
  • 离炉子远点,杰克!
    Stand clear of the stove, Jack!
  • 离开炉子,危险。
    Stay off the stove, it's dangerous.
  • 请不要跑到叫得应的距以外去。
    Please stay within hearing.
  • 开港口,拖船就开轮船。
    The tugs left the steamer as soon as they were free of the harbor.
  • 45分钟过去了,我开始冒火,那两个女人已经在30分钟前会见完毕开了。
    Forty-five minutes went by, and I was steaming. The two women had met with him and left thirty minutes earlier.
  • 记住,驾驶汽车的基本原则是双手从不脱方向盘。
    Remember, when driving a car the goldend rule is never taken both hands off the steering wheel.
  • 后来我很悲哀:医务人员为防传染,父亲悄然世时,没让我握着他的手。
    Later I mourned that the hospital,in their sterile wisdom,had not let me hold his hand as he had slipped away.
  • 我们必须努力做好工作,把受他们蒙蔽的群众(其中许多是天真的青年)同这些反革命分子、坏分子分开来,要按照法律,对这些反革命分子、坏分子进行严肃的处理。
    We must strive to clearly distinguish between people (many of them innocent young people) and the counter-revolutionaries and bad elements who have hoodwinked them, and whom we must deal with sternly and according to law.
  • 但是慢慢地我就同这场喧闹分开来了,我停止饮酒,看着这个二十岁的美丽的女人喝酒,她的谈笑粗鲁得就像一个脚夫,别人讲的话越下流,她就笑得越起劲,我心情越来越忧郁了。
    But, little by little, I cut myself off from the uproar, my glass had stayed full and I had grown almost sad as I watched this beautiful creature of twenty drink, talk like a stevedore, and laugh all the louder as what was said became more shocking.
  • 化学刺激物的运动。
    movement away from a chemical stimulus.
  • 开学校后服了两年兵役。
    He did a two-year stint in the army when he left school.