Chinese English Sentence:
  • 现已独立的乌克兰欲向国外购粮,但是缺乏硬通货-以前由中央专管。现向有盈余的地企业借贷硬通货,如同蚱蜢向蚂蚁借粮,自讨没趣。
    In its independence, the Ukraine is seeking to buy grain abroad but lacks the hard currency that the center once monopolized; it is resorting to asking hard-currency loans from local enterprises with favorable balances, playing grasshopper to the ant.
  • 为达此目的,在敌后,必须坚持游击战争,战胜敌人的“扫荡”,破坏敌人的占领地,实行激进的有利于广大抗日民众的政治改革和经济改革。
    To achieve this objective, behind the enemy lines it is imperative to keep up guerrilla warfare, defeat the enemy's "mopping-up" operations, disrupt the enemy's occupation of the areas he has seized, ant introduce radical political and economic changes beneficial to the masses who are resisting Japan.
  • 让我们来看看这种对立的两个面吧。
    Let us examine both sides of this antagonism.
  • 这是,东西对立正在加剧。
    At that time antagonism between the East and West was growing and the Soviet Union was very sensitive to the changes in the personnel of the State Department.
  • 第三,是由于我们今天征调壮丁的式,还不无强迫的错误,这种错误的继续,造成了动员新兵的极大困难,且使入伍者缺乏坚定的意志与作战的勇气,甚至还可造成民众与政府、军队的对立,给日寇、汉奸以活动的口实与机会;
    Third, some people have used coercion in recruitment -- a mistake that has made it most difficult for us to enlist new recruits and has resulted in those forced to join the army lacking a strong will and the courage to fight, and one that could even cause antagonism between the people, on the one hand, and the government and army, on the other;this would only play into the hands of the Japanese aggressors and Chinese collaborators.
  • 然而西安事变后和平实现是事实,这种情况是由多面促成的(日本进攻的基本针,苏联和英美法的赞助和平,中国人民的逼迫,共产党在西安事变中的和平针及停止两个政权敌对的政策,资产阶级的分化,国民党的分化等等),不是蒋介石一个人所能决定和推翻的。
    But the fact is that peace was attained after the Sian Incident and was the product of several factors (Japan's fundamental policy of invasion, the favourable attitude of the Soviet Union and also Britain, the United States and France towards internal peace in China, the pressure of the Chinese people, the Communist Party's peace policy during the Sian Incident and its policy for ending the antagonism between the two regimes, the differentiation within the bourgeoisie, the differentiation within the Kuomintang, and so on); peace cannot be made or unmade by Chiang Kai-shek alone.
  • 对手或反方
    An opponent or antagonist.
  • (一八)和平实现与两党合作成立之后,过去在两个政权敌对路线下的斗争式、组织式和工作式,应当有所改变。
    When internal peace is achieved and co-operation is established between the two parties, changes will have to be made in the forms of struggle, organization and work which we adopted when the line was one of maintaining a regime antagonistic to that of the Kuo- mintang.
  • 在民主革命阶段内,国内阶级间、党派间、政治集团间的矛盾和斗争是无法避免的,但是可以而且应该停止那些不利于团结抗日的斗争(国内战争,党派敌对,地割据,一面封建的政治压迫和经济压迫,一面暴动政策和不利于抗日的过高的经济要求等等),而保存那些有利于团结抗日的斗争(批评的自由,党派的独立性,人民政治条件和经济条件的改善等等)。
    During the stage of the democratic revolution, it is impossible to avoid contradictions and struggles between classes, parties and political groupings, but it is both possible and essential to put an end to such struggles as are detrimental to unity and to resisting Japan (the civil war, the antagonistic conflict between the political parties, provincial separatism, feudal political and economic oppression on the one hand, and the policy of insurrection and excessive economic demands harmful to the resistance on the other, etc.), and to continue such struggles as benefit unity and resistance to Japan (for freedom of criticism, for the independence of the political parties, for the improvement of the political and economic life of the people, etc.).
  • 南极洲的大部分地不属于任何国家。
    The greater portion of Antarctica is still terra nullius.
  • 南极上寒冷的温度和大气状况促进臭氧的破坏。
    The frigid temperatures and atmospheric conditions above Antarctica favor the destruction of ozone.
  • 大多数法律中都包含这样的语言,即,即使“没有专家证据的先例”,dna鉴定是也是可接受的;它是一个“值得信赖的、可靠的法”。
    Most of the legislation contains language that DNA testing is acceptable "without antecedent expert testimony" that it is "a trustworthy and reliable method."
  • 从时间或世系的角度标记项的一种式。没有前代的项可视为第一代或第n代,以后派生出来的称为n-1,n-2代等。
    A means of referencing items with respect to time and ancestry such that an item without antecedents is designated as the first or n-th generation, and subsequent derivations are designated as n-1, n-2, etc.
  • 产前检查诊所是孕妇进行体检和作运动的地
    An antenatal clinic is a place where women who are expecting babies go for medical examinations and exercises.
  • 向的电视天线;立体声扬声器
    A multidirectional television antenna; multidirectional stereo speakers.
  • 能够接受电视传播频率的全位天线。
    an omnidirectional antenna tuned to the broadcast frequencies assigned to television.
  • 单向流速;单向天线;解决问题的唯一法。
    a unidirectonal flow; a unidirectional antenna; a unidirectional approach to a problem.
  • 全向的能收发所有位的信号的,如天线
    Capable of transmitting or receiving signals in all directions, as an antenna.
  • 额昆虫头壳前最上部
    The anterior, uppermost part of the head of an insect.
  • 口前叶各种蠕虫和软体动物头部在口前的部分
    The portion of the head in earthworms and other annelids that is situated anterior to the mouth.
  • 能转动的能自由移向各种向的,如昆虫的触角、鸟的足趾或者松散附属的花药
    Capable of moving freely in all directions, as the antenna of an insect, the toe of an owl, or the loosely attached anther of a flower.
  • 比如,我在报告中提到了炭疽问题、vx武器以及大射程导弹问题,我曾经指出:“这些问题应该引起伊拉克面的足够重视,而不是将其搁置。”
    I referred, as examples, to the issues of anthrax, the nerve agent VX and long-range missiles, and said that such issues "deserve to be taken seriously by Iraq rather than being brushed aside...".
  • 2月8日和9日在巴格达的会议上,伊拉克面提及了一些重要、悬而未决的解除武装问题,并给了我们一些文件,比如,关于炭疽热病菌和生长物质、vx神经毒气和导弹生产等等。
    At the meeting in Baghdad on 8 and 9 February, the Iraqi side addressed some of the important outstanding disarmament issues and gave us a number of papers, e.g. regarding anthrax and growth material, the nerve agent VX and missile production.
  • 低层次的审美鉴赏仅仅出于对人类学和社会学的兴趣,而高层次的审美鉴赏,也许才对艺术创造的加深井存在于同一水平上,当然这个“水平”是多面的。
    While at its lowest level aesthetic appreciation is merely of anthropological or sociological interest, at its highest level, perhaps, it duplicates artistic creation and exists on the same plane. But certainly that plane is multi-dimensional.
  • 我虽不是人类学家,但我非常欣赏人类学以多层面式分析中国……。
    Even though I am not an anthropologist, I appreciate the plural outlook of this China.
  • (指风)(在北半球按顺时针向、在南半球按反时针向)逐渐转向
    An anti-clockwise direction in the S Hemisphere
  • 呆在一个地期望或者期待某物。
    stay in one place and anticipate or expect something.
  • 欣盼你进一步的消息。
    We anticipate the pleasure of hearing further from you.
  • 他料到对会提出这样一个问题。
    He have anticipate that the other side will ask such a question.
  • 盼不久能收到你的回音。
    We anticipate the pleasure of hearing from you in the near future.
  • 预期双会在将来的会议上取得更丰硕的成果。
    This is an excellent start and I anticipate more good news from future meetings.
  • 保存这些货物并立等你早日答复。
    We are holding over these goods, awaiting your anticipated early reply.