| - 但这个问题的解决将指日可待了,因为sun公司即将推出hotspotjava虚拟机(jvm)和动态编译技术。
But it may not be long before this problem is solved as Sun will be unveiling its HotSpot Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and dynamic compilation technology. - 该报告将汇编都市水和卫生项目的最佳做法,补充《世界水发展报告》,并将作为对国际年的一项贡献,正式印发。
It will include a compilation of best practices in urban water and sanitation projects, will be complementary to the World Water Development Report, and will be published and launched officially as a contribution to the Year. - 据新线公司24日介绍,这部收录了许多新出炉的精彩镜头的预告片,将于美国东部时间9月30日午夜12点之后正式搬上网络,让观众先睹为快。
The trailer, a compilation of scenes from the upcoming movie, will be available for a 24-hour period beginning at one minute after midnight, EDT, on Monday, September 30, New Line said in a statement issued on Tuesday. - 国家编制土地利用总体规划,规定土地用途,将土地分为农用地、建设用地和未利用地。
The State shall compile general plans to set usages of land including those of farm or construction use or unused. - 下面列出的是定义代码,必须将它置于一个类定义里,否则无法编译:
Here is the definition, which must be placed within a class definition for it to be compiled: - 在数据保密学中,通过合法访问数据的进程将数据传输给未授权的用户的过程。例如,编译程序在编译期间便可能泄漏专用程序。
In data security, the transmission of data to unauthorized users by processes with legitimate access to data. A compiler, for example, could leak a proprietary program whilst it is being compiled. - 下一代国人要慎防国家、社会生活的相对稳定与安逸,让“不变”的心理得以滋长——安于现状变成自满,自满最终将变成可悲的自大,自大便是危机的开端,此时国家将危在旦夕。
Young Singaporeans must guard against being lulled into a sense of security by our stable and comfortable life and become unwilling to “change”. This may lead to complacency and even arrogance. The latter spells danger and may signal the beginning of a crisis. - 然而,我们也看到他们的不懈努力(如乘公交时也听录音带学习英语对话),清楚意识到我们要是安于现状,不精益求精,最终将让他们迎头赶上并超越我们。
We have also been impressed with the diligence of the Chinese, for example, listening to tapes on public transport to learn conversational English. It is clear that should we become complacent and cease to make progress, the Chinese will catch up and overtake us in no time. - 申诉方可在五(5)天内更正所有的不足之处,超过后行政诉讼将被视为撤回,申诉方再次提交不同的申诉书时不会受到偏见。
The Complainant shall have five (5) calendar days within which to correct any such deficiencies, after which the administrative proceeding will be deemed withdrawn without prejudice to submission of a different complaint by Complainant. - (viii)指定申诉依据的商标或服务标志,并且如果存在,分别描述每个商标对应使用的商品或服务(申诉方也可以分别描述在提交申诉时,有意在将来用于该商标的的其他商品和服务);
(viii) Specify the trademark(s) or service mark(s) on which the complaint is based and, for each mark, describe the goods or services, if any, with which the mark is used (Complainant may also separately describe other goods and services with which it intends, at the time the complaint is submitted, to use the mark in the future.); - 把离婚案归档;将诉讼归档。
file for divorce; file a complaint. - 委员会将要处理这份投诉
The committee will deal with this complaint. - 譬如,国家会根据经济区域的划分,将会从政策的角度推动和加快资金和技术,向中西部地区的引进,由於过去国家的重点建设主要放在中西部地区,这个地区因此形成了雄厚的工业和科技的基础,但是,这个地区的工业存在需要资金和技术改进的问题,潜在的市场存?开发和拓展的问题,而香港的资金、管理经验和海外市场的信息,和市场网络等等的优势与这个地区有明显的互补性,是香港投资者值得注视的一个投资的领域。
For example, our country, through policy initiatives, facilitates and expedites the flow of capital and technology into the central-western economic region. In the past, our country placed much emphasis on developing the central-western region. Thus, a strong industrial and technological base has been formed there. However, industries in this region are still in need of capital and technological improvements. Problems of developing and opening up potential markets remain. As Hong Kong has the advantages of capital flow, managerial experience, access to information of overseas markets, good market network and a unique complementary relationship with this region, its investors should pay greater attention to this area as a field for investment. - 这个孩子将使这个家庭变得完美。
A child would complete the family. - 他们建造一个新的国家公园的工程将于明年完工。
Their project to establish a new national park will be completed next year. - 电影制作即将完成。
The film is on the point of completion. - 这艘新货轮即将完工。
This new freighter is near completion. - 这艘新豪华游艇即将完工。
This new luxuriant yatch is near completion. - 钱将预付一半,完成後再付一半
Money will be paid half in advance and half on completion - 钱将预付一半,完成後再付一半。
Money will is pay half in advance and half on completion. - 我们一定要让他将完成的日子定下来。
We must peg him dram to a definite date for completion. - 完成了这项工程,将消除旱涝威胁。
Completion of this work will remove the threat of drought and water-logging. - 此外,这种层次模型还将降低因特网路由器的成本和复杂度。
In addition, the hierarchical model will reduce the cost and complexity of Internet routers. - oracle9iaswireless将wml转换为作为无线设备通用语言的xml,这样就屏蔽了依赖于设备的复杂性。
Oracle9iAS Wireless translates the WML into XML as a common language for wireless devices that hides device-dependent complexity. - 遵照你的要求我们已将建议撤销.
In compliance with your wishes (ie As you have requested) we have withdrawn our suggestion. - novell公司称netware未来点版本将是2000年兼容的。
In Novell's case, the company said a future point release of NetWare will be year 2000-compliant. - 一旦dmtf在den规范上取得更多一些进展,如定义一个为把目录简表与网络安全和服务质量(qos)政策捆绑在一起而规定数据结构的政策模式,以及随之而来的产品,客户将优先使用符合den的产品。
Customers will make DEN-compliant products a priority once the DMTF makes a little more progress on DEN specifications -- such as defining a policy schema that would specify data structures for binding directory profiles to network security and quality-of-service (QoS) policies -- and products soon follow. - 他涉嫌合谋将她杀害.
He was suspected of complicity in her murder. - 例如,有多种选择的情况下,考虑到后继的工作量,比如引导航空器归航、监控飞行员执行管制指令的情况等,管制员将会选择比引导航空器花费更少精力的调配方案。
For example, in situations where several options are available, controllers typically prefer not to vector one aircraft around another because of the need to re-establish the vectored aircraft back on course as well as determine whether or not the pilot has complied with instructions. Other control actions are considered to be less costly than vectoring, in terms of the follow-up workload required. - 通过将成分装配或者连接在一起形成的。
formed by fitting or joining components together. - 将各个部分装配起来。
put together out of components or parts. - 这位作曲家已将肖邦的小夜曲改编为合奏曲。
The composer has arranged Chopin's nocturnes for the full orchestra.