  • 未尝付金额为多少?
    What is the amount outstanding?
  • 保险丝一种由金属构成的防止过电流通过保护电路的一种安全装置,当电流超过限定的电流强度时,金属就会熔化,从而打开电路
    A safety device that protects an electric circuit from excessive current, consisting of or containing a metal element that melts when current exceeds a specific amperage, thereby opening the circuit.
  • 100年以前,有一个伟大的法国科学家名叫安培。
    More than one hundred year ago there is a great french scientist with the name ampere.
  • 很长的在说话或写作中很或很长的
    Ample or lengthy in speech or writing.
  • 湖水袒露宽阔的胸膛么平滑!
    How smooth that lake expands its ample breast!
  • 干了十年的革命战争,对于别的国家也许是值得惊奇的,对于我们却好似八股文章还只作了破题、承题和起讲,许热闹文章都还在后面。
    To wage a revolutionary war for ten years, as we have done, might be surprising in other countries, but for us it is like the opening sections in an "eight-legged essay" -- the "presentation, amplification and preliminary exposition of the theme" -- and many exciting parts are yet to follow.
  • 激光器使偶然的混杂频率的电磁辐射,变为一个或更的高度强化和连续的紫外线、可见光或红外线辐射的分离频率仪器中的一种
    Any of several devices that convert incident electromagnetic radiation of mixed frequencies to one or more discrete frequencies of highly amplified and coherent ultraviolet, visible, or infrared radiation.
  • 被截肢者被截去一个或更个肢体的人
    A person who has had one or more limbs removed by amputation.
  • 在20世纪之前,医学的主要治疗办法是截肢、吗啡,以及跟放血的疗效差不少的粗放治疗法。
    Before 20th century,medicine consisted mainly of amputation saws,morphine and crude remedies that were about as effective as bloodletting.
  • 我们不快乐-维利亚女王。
    We are not amused -Queen Victoria.
  • 大城市有许多娱乐。
    Big cities have many amusements.
  • 她头脑里有许有趣的故事。
    She keep a store of amusing story in her head.
  • 多有趣!
    How amusing!
  • 这些美丽建筑物的屋顶,形式样,煞是有趣,都是与它们所凌驾的普通屋顶全出自同一艺术,终究是同一几何图形的平方或立方的乘积罢了。
    The amusingly varied crests of these beautiful edifices were the product of the same art as the simple roofs which they overshot, and were, actually, only a multiplication of the square or the cube of the same geometrical figure.
  • 杰克和艾咪邀请了许朋友参加他们的订婚晚会。
    Jack and amy invited many friend to their engagement party.
  • 淀粉样变性病以身体不同器官组织的淀粉沉积为特征的失调状况,可能与慢性疾病有关,如类风湿性关节炎、肺结核,或发性骨髓瘤
    A disorder marked by the deposition of amyloid in various organs and tissues of the body. It may be associated with a chronic disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis, or multiple myeloma.
  • 由于克罗斯的淀粉样变性发展缓慢,疾病发作之前她将是70岁的人了。
    And because Cross's amyloidosis was so slow-acting, she would be in her 70s before symptoms set in.
  • 最初克罗斯被诊断为患有另一种不可治愈的疾病,最只能活到40岁。为寻求其他专家的不同意见,波夫莱特在网上查询淀粉样变性方面的专家。
    Initially Cross was diagnosed with a different, incurable form of the disease, which would likely have killed him by age 40. In search of a second opinion, Poblete tracked down amyloidosis experts on the Internet.
  • 谈到维利亚女王看电视是时代上的错误。
    It would be an anachronism to talk of Queen Victoria watching television.
  • 谈到维利亚女王看电视是时代上的错误。
    It will be an anachronism to talk of Queen Victoria watching television.
  • 谈到维利亚女王看电视是时代上的错误.
    It would is an anachronism to talk of Queen Victoria watching television.
  • 芽孢梭菌属细菌,梭菌一种棒状、孢子生殖的细菌,大为梭菌属厌氧细菌,例如土壤中的固氮菌及导致肉毒中毒和破伤风的细菌
    Any of various rod-shaped, spore-forming, chiefly anaerobic bacteria of the genus Clostridium, such as the nitrogen-fixing bacteria found in soil and those causing botulism and tetanus.
  • 灾变论者认为只能杀死恐龙的寒冷黑暗缺氧的环境会最在3-5年内消灭所有的生物。
    The cold dark anaerobic environment that catastrophists would like to believe killed only the dinosaurs would probably have wiped out all life on earth within three to five years at most.
  • 三尾鱼几种属于松鲷科的鲈型海鱼中的一种,尤指生活在大西洋西部暖水域的松鲷,背鳍和臀鳍都很突出,外型很象出来的尾巴
    Any of several chiefly marine percoid fishes of the family Lobotidae, especially Lobotes surinamensis, of warm waters of the western Atlantic, having prominent dorsal and anal fins that resemble extra tails.
  • 其输出的模拟变量等于两个或个输入模拟变量之和或加权和的一种操作装置[功能部件]。
    A functional unit whose output analog variable is equal to the sum, or a weighted sum, of the input analog variables.
  • 一种装置,其模拟输出变量等于两个或个模拟输入变量的和或加权和。
    Device where analog output variable is equal to the sum, or a weighted sum, of two or more analog input variables.
  • 而新型数字机的辐射则要比老式模拟机少得
    Newer digital phones emit less radiation than older analog models of the sort studied.
  • 电信网完成了人工网向自动网、模拟技术向数字技术、单一业务向种业务的转变,技术装备水平进入了世界先进行列。
    With the transition from manual to automatic, from analog to digital and from single to multi services, the telecommunications network has ranked with the internationally advanced in terms of technical installations.
  • 在模拟计算机中,由于一个或个计算元件部分的饱和状态而引起的明显的计算错误,这种错误在相应的计算元件输出上就表现为过载状态。
    A condition existing within or at the output of a computing element that causes a substantial computing error because of the saturation of one or more of the parts of the computing element in an analog computer.
  • 这一研究很快引导我们发现了新的元素,其辐射与铀的辐射相似,但强度要大得
    This study rapidly led us to the discovery of new elements, the radiation of which, while being analogous with that of uranium, was far more intense.
  • 个模拟量输入组合在一起产生一个输出的过程。
    The process of combining multiple analogue inputs to produce a single output.
  • gsm网络使用数线传输和先进的无线越区切换算法,可以得到比模拟蜂窝系统好得的频率利用,因而增加了服务的用户数。
    The use of digital radio transmission and the advanced handover algorithms between radio cells in GSM networks allows for significantly better frequency usage than in analogue cellular systems,thus increasing the number of subscribers that can be served.