  • 裁缝用天鹅绒给袖镶边。
    The dressmaker faced the cuffs with velvet.
  • 孩子刚才淌水弄湿了我的领带.
    The baby's just dribbled down my tie.
  • 小孩在淌口水。
    The baby is dribbling.
  • 婴孩角流着涎,给他擦擦嘴。
    The baby is dribbling, wipe its mouth.
  • 为了进行语训练,把班分成几个小组。
    The class is chopped up into small groups for oral drill.
  • 他大地喝。;牛饮。
    He drinks like a fish.
  • 让唾液从里流下;流
    To let saliva drip from the mouth; drool.
  • 希刺克厉夫站在门,穿着衬衣衬裤,拿着一支蜡烛,烛油直滴到他的手指上,脸色苍白得像他身后的墙一样。
    Heathcliff stood near the entrance, in his shirt and trousers: with a candle dripping over his fingers, and his face as white as the wall behind him.
  • 垂涎让水从中流出;流
    To let saliva run from the mouth; drivel.
  • 他们打了一口油井。
    They have driven an oil well.
  • 门房位于一大宅子的私用车道的出处的小屋
    A lodge at the entrance to the driveway of an estate.
  • 交汇车行道和街道的交叉点,尤指在农村地区
    The point of intersection of a driveway and a road, especially in a rural area.
  • 我的车驶进母亲家门前的车道时,她已穿好外套等在门了。
    When I pulled into her driveway,she was waiting by the door with her coat on.
  • 我的车驶进母亲家门前的车道时,她已穿好外套等在门了。
    When I pulled into her driveway, she was waiting by the door with her coat on.
  • 最近又在早报上看到李慧敏的文章“越看越可爱的小红点”,称新加坡为“小红点”,当是出自印尼前总统哈比比之
    Recently, another article in Zaobao referred to Singapore as a "lovely little red dot", as former Indonesian president B J Habibie had dubbed it.
  • 都说新加坡是文化码头,不断进外国项目,原来除了“进”,我们的“出”也搞得很不错!
    Singapore has been dubbed as a venue which keeps importing foreign cultural events. But it seems we are doing rather well too in “exporting” our own cultural artefacts!
  • 佩鲁贾意大利中部一城市,位于罗马北部、俯瞰台伯河的丘陵地带。埃特鲁斯坎人的一个重要的定居点,约于公元前310年被罗马人攻陷。公元592年成为伦巴第公国,12世纪成为一个自由的城市。人142,522
    A city of central Italy on a hill overlooking the Tiber River north of Rome. An important Etruscan settlement, it fell to the Romans c.310 b.c. and became a Lombard duchy in a.d.592 and a free city in the12th century. Population,142, 522.
  • 一个能通风的,如在煤矿里就有。
    a duct that provides ventilation as in mines.
  • 有毛缘的,边缘呈须毛状的有毛缘的;加饰边的,如在花瓣或导管开边缘
    Having fimbriae; fringed, as the edge of a petal or the opening of a duct.
  • 苏必利尔美国一城市,位于威斯康星州的西北部,临苏必利尔湖,隔湖是明尼苏达的德卢斯。该市在19世纪80年代发现铁矿后发展起来。人27,134
    A city of northwest Wisconsin on Lake Superior opposite Duluth, Minnesota. The city grew after the discovery of iron ore nearby in the1880's. Population,27, 134.
  • 希冰美国明尼苏达州东北部一个城市,位于德卢斯西北方的梅萨比岭,1917年该市的采矿业达到顶峰,当时市镇向南移了3。2公里(2英里)以便开采一个巨型露天铁矿。人18,046
    A city of northeast Minnesota in the Mesabi Range northwest of Duluth. Its mining industry was at its peak in1917, when the town was moved3.2 km(2 mi) south to make room for a huge open-pit iron mine. Population,18, 046.
  • 惊恐和忧伤使我们哑无言。
    We were struck dumb with horror and grief.
  • 他被她那尖锐的问题弄得哑无言。
    He was struck dumb by her sharp question.
  • 坏消息使我们哑无言。
    The bad news struck us dumb.
  • 他们吓得张口结舌。
    They were struck dumb with fear.
  • 最终事实使得他哑无言。
    The fact struck him dumb at last.
  • 他在事实面前哑无言。
    He is dumb in the face of the fact.
  • 在这样确凿的事实面前,他惊得哑无言。
    In the face of such irrefutable facts, he was struck dumb.
  • 其他人屏住呼吸,直盯盯看着他的动作,惊得目瞪呆。
    In a deep silence and immovable the others watched him dumbfounded.
  • 半夜里有人把这只杂种的母狗扔在西尔夫妇家前门
    Sometime during the night, the little mixed-breed female had been dumped at the Seals front gate.
  • 第六十六条 违反本法规定,将中国境外的固体废物进境倾倒、堆放、处置,或者未经国务院有关主管部门许可擅自进固体废物用作原料的,由海关责令退运该固体废物,可以并处十万元以上一百万元以下的罚款。
    Article 66 Whoever, in violation of this Law, has solid waste from abroad dumped, piled up, or treated within the territory of China, or imports solid waste as raw material without permission of the competent administrative department under the State Council, shall be ordered by the Customs to transport such solid waste back to where it is dispatched and may also be imposed with a penalty of not less than 100,000 yuan but not more than 1,000,000 yuan.
  • 为防止船舶和港污染海洋,各类船舶均按规定装备了油水分离装置,编制了《船上油污应急计划》。
    Besides, a number of sewage treatment plants have been built to control new pollution sources and reduce the amount of land-sourced pollutants dumped into the sea. To prevent marine pollution resulting from ship and port discharge, in addition to the formulation of the Crash Program to Combat Ships' Oil Pollution, oil-water separators have been installed aboard ships of all types in accordance with relevant stipulations, and oil-polluted water treatment equipment, including emergency treatment equipment, has been installed at all sea ports.