Chinese English Sentence:
  • 入其室,不闻忠犬唁唁之声。不见司阍势利之色,其门,亦不看见不干净之石狮子,惟如憺漪子所云:“譬如周,程,张,朱辈拱揖列席于虑羲氏之门,忽有曼倩子瞻,不衫不履,排闼而入,相与抵掌谐谑,门外汉或啧啧惊怪,而诸君子必相视莫逆也。”
    When one enters the door, he does not hear the barking of faithful dogs and he does not see the face of snobbish butlers and gatekeepers, and when he leaves, he doesn't see a pair of "unchaste stone lions" outside its gate. The situation is perfectly described by a writer of the seventeenth century: "It is as if Chou, Ch'eng, Chang and Chu are sitting together and bowing to each other in the Hall of Fuhsi, and suddenly there come Su Tungp'o and Tungfang Su who break into the room half naked and without shoes, and they begin to clap their hands and joke with one another. The onlookers will probably stare in amazement, but these gentlemen look at each other in silent understanding.
  • 第七,努力扩大进口贸易,加强引进外资的工作。
    Seventh, striving to expand export, and strengthening the introduction of foreign capital .
  • 现在是第七局,两好球三坏球,两人局。
    The count is three and two with two away in the seventh.
  • 匆匆写几部中篇小说
    Knock out several novelettes
  • 他偶然说了这些话。
    He dropped several such remarks.
  • 他在几处画廊展作品。
    He exhibits in several galleries.
  • 他们分别得了同一结论。
    They had all severally reached the same conclusion.
  • 一九九九年二月五日,基金在遣散费方面的保障提高至5万元,超5万元者另可获发余额的50%。
    On February 5, 1999, the fund's coverage for severance payment was raised to $50,000 plus 50 per cent of any entitlement in excess of $50,000.
  • 电视新闻和工会在无线电台所购买的时段提了这个问题:老板们离职时有黄金降落伞滥发大笔离职金。为什么不应该要求他们在解雇一般工人之前预先警告呢?
    As television newscasts and A.F.L.-C.I.O. radio spots present the issue, why shouldn't bosses with their "golden parachutes" of lavish severance pay be required to give average working stiffs some warning of layoffs?
  • 此外,当局也修订《破产欠薪保障条例》,提高遣散费特惠款项的限额,并使劳工处处长在厘定特惠款额时有较大弹性。处长可参考雇员减薪前的工资水平,以及雇主就此事所作的承诺来作决定。
    The Protection of Wages on Insolvency Ordinance was also amended to increase the limit of ex gratia payment for severance pay, and to give the Commissioner for Labour greater flexibility in determining the amount by referring to an employee's wage level before wage deduction and the employer's undertaking on this matter.
  • 我不能,我有点事得去,请你妈妈听你弹吧。
    Can't. I have to go and see a man abut a horse, Ask you mother to listen to you.
  • 不料,演饱受炮轰。
    But it was severely criticised.
  • 对法律作的严肃惩罚的减少。
    the reduction is severity of a punishment imposed by law.
  • 粗鲁、口恶言,与国会不相称。
    so rude and abusive as to be unsuitable for Parliament.
  • 疼痛作为伤害、疾病或感情的混乱的结果以各种不同严重程度现的令人不快的情感
    An unpleasant sensation occurring in varying degrees of severity as a consequence of injury, disease, or emotional disorder.
  • 库比兹是幸运的。医生用最先进的诊断工具替他作了检查。该工具能确定中风的严重程度,并精确地指回流大脑的血流阻塞的情况。
    Fortunately for Kubitz, his doctors examined him with a state-of-the-art diagnostic tool that indicated the severity of his stroke and showed precisely where the flow of blood to his brain was interrupted.
  • 优化口产品结构,推动口市场多元化。搞好进口调控,有效利用外资。整顿市场秩序,严厉打击假冒伪劣行为。继续抓好治乱减负工作。
    We shall optimize export product mix, promote the diversification of export market, improve import regulation and control, effectively use foreign funds, rectify the market order, crack down on counterfeiting with severity, continue to cleanup fees and charges to relieve the burden on the enterprises.
  • 他对我口出恶言。
    He made many abusive remarks to me.
  • 废水从排水管道中流的物体
    An outflow from a sewer or sewage system.
  • 污水,污物从下水道中排
    The waste material and water carried in sewage.
  • 他发一连串的咒骂。
    He let fly a torrent of abuse.
  • *增建深层管道,把香港区排的污水送到昂船洲处理;
    * building more deep tunnels to collect sewage from Hong Kong Island for treatment at Stonecutters Island;
  • 发出一连串的谩骂
    Fire off a string of abuse
  • 在月光下,树木投了长长影子。
    The trees threw long shadows in the moonlight.
  • 通过向墙壁投射影子演的戏剧。
    a drama executed by throwing shadows on a wall.
  • 在暮色中闪现的一个人影
    A shadowy figure glimpsed in the twilight
  • 一个影影绰绰现在毒品地区边缘的身影
    A shadowy figure who lived on the borderland of the drug scene.
  • 最近港元的外汇市场及股票期货市场现了大量的投机活动,政府注意到,这些炒卖活动有明显的关连,不单只对货币市场造成混乱,而且还扯高息口,妨碍了本港经济能够顺利地调整,令普罗大众蒙受损失。
    Over the past week there have been massive speculative activities in the Hong Kong dollar market and the stock and futures markets. We have been keeping a watchful eye on these activities, and have come to the firm conclusion that there has been an abundantly clear linkage between the currency play and the play in the stock and futures markets. They have brought along instability to the Hong Kong dollar market and artificially forced up the interest rate. Such destabilizing activities disrupt the course of our economic adjustment.
  • 银白色软质碱金属元素,以天然化合物形式大量存在,燃烧时发黄色火焰,能与水发生强烈反应,见于海水和矿盐(岩盐)中。
    a silvery soft waxy metallic element of the alkali metal group; occurs abundantly in natural compounds (especially in salt water); burns with a yellow flame and reacts violently in water; occurs in sea water and in the mineral halite (rock salt).
  • 宁冈及永新西部、遂川北部(以上均目前割据地)产最多的木材和茶油,仍然运不去。
    Timber, tea and oil, which are all produced abundantly in Ningkang, western Yunghsin and northern Suichuan (all within our areas at present), cannot be sent out.
  • 自喷井一种喷涌大量气体或石油的井
    One that gushes, especially an abundantly flowing gas or oil well.
  • 奔流突然且充足地流,如从围墙中涌;洪水
    To flow suddenly and abundantly, as from containment; flood.