Chinese English Sentence:
  •  第十四条 境商业银行申请取得托管人资格的,应当向中国证监会、中国人民银行和国家外汇局报送下列文件:
    Article 14. Domestic commercial banks should submit the following documents to CSRC, PBOC and SAFE to apply for custodian status:
  •  外资商业银行境分行在境持续经营三年以上的,可申请成为托管。
    Domestic branches of foreign-invested commercial banks with more than three years of continual operation are eligible to apply for the custodian qualification.
  •  托管人应当在开立人民币特殊账户五个工作日,将有关情况报中国证监会和国家外汇局备案。
    Within five working days after the opening of the RMB special account, the custodian should report to CSRC and SAFE for filing.
  • 托管人负责合格投资者在境证券投资的资金结算,并在开立人民币结算资金账户五个工作日将有关情况报中国证监会和国家外汇局备案。
    The custodian shall be responsible for the settlement of QFII's domestic securities investment, and shall file with CSRC and SAFE the relevant situation within five working days after opening a RMB settlement account.
  • 托管人在代为申请开立证券账户时,应当持合格投资者的委托书及其证券投资业务许可证等有效文件,并在开立证券账户五个工作日将有关情况报中国证监会备案。
    When applying for a securities account on behalf of the QFII, a custodian should bring the QFII' mandate and its Securities Investment Licence and other valid documents, and file with CSRC the relevant situation within five working days after opening a securities account.
  • ,共有11宗旧式婚姻和35宗新式婚姻补办登记。
    During the year, 11 customary and 35 modern marriages were post-registered.
  • 企业和服务提供商可在mobilestudio上添加一些自己的东西,改变其外观和容以将其集成到现有的门户。
    Enterprises and service providers can brand the Mobile Studio and customize its look-and-feel and content in order to integrate it with existing portals.
  • 箭石由灭绝的与乌贼有血亲关系的头足纲动物的壳形成的尖锥状化石
    A cone-shaped, fossilized internal shell of any of an extinct genus of cephalopods related to the cuttlefish.
  • 乌贼骨乌贼的钙质壳,作为笼中鸟的饮食补充物或把它碾碎成粉用作上光剂
    The calcareous internal shell of a cuttlefish, used as a dietary supplement for cage birds or ground into powder for use as a polishing agent.
  • 头足纲动物软体动物门的一种海生软体动物,如章鱼、鱿鱼、乌贼或鹦鹉螺,有可缠绕的触须、较大的头和眼,大多数种类都有一个作保护或防卫用的容纳深色液体的存墨囊
    Any of various marine mollusks of the class Cephalopoda, such as the octopus, squid, cuttlefish, or nautilus, having a large head, large eyes, prehensile tentacles, and, in most species, an ink sac containing a dark fluid used for protection or defense.
  • 一位灭虫专业人员说,他有一个灭蛇的办法,但是这一办法需使用氰化物,因而可能会使房子在两年不能住人。
    An exterminator said he had a method that involved the use of cyanide and would render the house uninhabitable for two years.
  • 间情期发情期性欲不活跃阶段
    The sexually inactive period of the estrous cycle.
  • 生物体存在的节律性活动。
    a daily cycle of activity observed in many living organisms.
  • 旋转的圆部一点产生的摆线。
    a cycloid generated by a point inside the rolling circle.
  • 霰弹一个装弹丸的金属制圆筒,当圆筒发射后这些弹丸会散开;霰弹
    A metallic cylinder packed with shot that are scattered when the cylinder is fired; case shot.
  • 那是四汽缸引擎,精确地说,是四汽缸燃机。
    It's a 4-cylinder engine, or to be exact, a 4-cylinder, internal-combustion engine.
  • 径洞、管或圆柱体的
    The interior diameter of a hole, tube, or cylinder.
  • 发条盒一圆柱形物,装含有主发条的表的零件
    The cylinder within the mechanism of a timepiece that contains the mainspring.
  • 口径圆柱体侧圆的直径,如管道
    The diameter of the inside of a round cylinder, such as a tube.
  • 把…包或象是包在囊
    To enclose in or as if in a cyst.
  • 被包在囊中采取包在囊的形式或被包在囊
    To take the form of or become enclosed in a cyst.
  • 生物系统学利用从细胞生成、生化的和其他实验研究中所得数据而研究有机体或人口的分类关系,尤指在一进化结构范围
    The use of data obtained from cytogenetic, biochemical, and other experimental studies to assess the taxonomic relationships of organisms or populations, especially within an evolutionary framework.
  • 细胞的细胞质的循环。
    the circulation of cytoplasm within a cell.
  • 中心球在中心体中心粒周围的大量细胞质
    The mass of cytoplasm surrounding the centriole in a centrosome.
  • 白色体一种在植物细胞细胞质中的无色素质体,淀粉聚集在其周围
    A colorless plastid in the cytoplasm of plant cells around which starch collects.
  • 质在某些细胞,尤指是活动细胞中可辨别得出来的细胞质的粘性略小的中心部分
    A central, less viscous portion of the cytoplasm that is distinguishable in certain cells, especially motile cells.
  • 溶酶体一种被膜包住的小器官,存在于大多数细胞的细胞质中,含多种水解酶,在细胞消化中起作用
    A membrane-bound organelle in the cytoplasm of most cells containing various hydrolytic enzymes that function in intracellular digestion.
  • 星状体在细胞浆形成的星状结构,在有丝分裂期间有棱形纤维环绕中心体
    A star-shaped structure formed in the cytoplasm of a cell and having raylike fibers that surround the centrosome during mitosis.
  • 我每天都要用手洗衣。
    I dab out my underclothes every day.
  • 父亲一边写一边把信的部分容念给母亲听。
    As he wrote, Daddy read parts of his letter out loud to Mother.
  • 把短剑插回鞘内.
    Put the dagger back in its sheath.
  • 每个纸箱都衬防水纸,因而不会被潮湿和雨水侵蚀。
    Each is lined with waterproof paper, so that can not be spoiled by dampness or rain.