  • 当约翰和吉姆吵时,母亲充当调解人。
    Mother acts as a mediator when John and Jim quarrel.
  • 假如投诉成立,消委会会为消费者和有关商户进行调解,解决议。
    In resolving substantiated complaints, the council acted as mediator between consumers and the traders concerned.
  • 华族的调解人还兼任教育者,训诲议双方遵纪守法。
    Chinese mediators also perform the role of educators of good social conduct. They educate the disputants on how to be a person of good conduct (zuo ren).
  • 据民间传说(姑且不说当代史吧),爱德华·格雷创造了一个注意的短语。1941年战爆发的那天早晨,这位外交大臣从他的办公室窗口向外眺望,看见伦敦的煤气灯光正在纷纷熄灭,不禁带着一丝儿他那因年事越高而显得越严重的忧伤情绪说道:整个欧洲的灯光快要熄灭了,而且在他有生之年再也不会亮了。
    Folk-memory, let alone contemporary history, has attributed to Edward Grey one memorable phrase. On the morning war broke out in 1941, the Foreign Secretary looked out of his office window and noticed the gas-lights of London being extinguished. He observed, with a touch of that melancholy which marked him increasingly as he approached old age, that the lights were going out all over Europe and would not be lit again in his lifetime.
  • 这座纪念碑是纪念战中牺牲者的.
    This memorial commemorates those who died in the war.
  • 这次教堂礼拜是对战中阵亡者的纪念仪式。
    The church service is a memorial to those killed in the war.
  • 刘公岛甲午战纪念地
    Liugongdao Memorial Places of the Jiawu War
  • 立碑纪念战中的死难者
    Raise a memorial to those killed in war
  • 有两次战是我祖父所记得的。
    There have been two wars within the memory of my grandfather.
  • 于许多人变得残忍。
    War brutalizes many men.
  • 我们的国家受到战威胁。
    Our country is menaced by war.
  • 人民正受到战的威胁。
    The people are being menaced by the threat of war.
  • 核战争之威胁
    The menace of nuclear war.
  • 这个国家正受到战的威胁。
    This country is being menaced by war.
  • 少数民族,特别是内蒙民族,在日本帝国主义的直接威胁之下,正在起来斗
    The minority nationalities, and especially the people of Inner Mongolia who are directly menaced by Japanese imperialism, are now rising up in struggle.
  • 报上没提及这两个邻国间端的根本原因。
    There was no mention of the fundamental cause of the dispute between the two naghbouring countries in the neswspaper.
  • 黑森雇佣兵在美国革命战时期,在美国的英国军队中的德国雇佣兵
    A German mercenary in the British army in America during the Revolutionary War.
  • 总是铁面无情的,或是灭亡,或是在经济方面赶上并超过先进国家。
    The war is merciless. It either causes a country to be extinct to catch up with and surpass the advanced country in economy.
  • 他们在党内实行过火斗和惩办主义(所谓“残酷斗”和“无情打击”),结果是严重地损害了党的团结、党的民主和广大党员的积极性,严重地妨碍了党的事业的发展。
    A policy of excessively harsh struggle and wanton punishment (the so-called "ruthless struggle" and "merciless blows") was carried on within the Party. As a result, Party unity, inner-Party democracy and the initiative of rank-and-file Party members all suffered severe damage and the advance of the Party's cause was seriously hindered.
  • 这场吵是一件小事引起的。
    The quarrel rose from a mere trifle.
  • 这位年轻的摩托车传令兵在战中受到了表彰。
    The young motorcycle messenger was mentioned in dispatches during the war.
  • 至于第二个问题,点不是人生的目的是什么,而是人生的目的应该是什么;所以这是一个实际的而不是形而上学的问题,对于“人生的目的应该是什么”这个问题,人人都可以有他自己的观念和价值标准。
    As far as the second question is concerned, the point of dispute is not what is, but what should be, the purpose of human life, and it is therefore a practical, and not a metaphysical question. Into this question of what should be the purpose of human life, every man projects his own conceptions and his own scale of values.
  • 羞恶自有报,只迟与早。
    God mete out justice in his own good time.
  • 1987年,所有参与frye听证会的人士在圣地亚哥召开会议,议的问题是dna鉴定之前血液类型的方法论问题。
    The mother of all Frye hearings took place in San Diego in 1987. At issue was the methodology of pre-DNA blood typing.
  • 关于方法的争论
    An argument over methods.
  • 在战争进行之中
    In the midst of the war.
  • 但是我们问一问,这个任务在激烈的战环境内,是不是能完成呢?
    But we should ask ourselves, can it be accomplished in the midst of fierce fighting?
  • 所以,这种以为革命战的环境不应该进行经济建设的意见,是极端错误的。
    Therefore it is utterly wrong to think that no economic construction should be undertaken in the midst of the revolutionary war.
  • 西部开发还要有中期的奋斗目标,切实加大工作力度,今后五到十年,力在基础设施建设、生态环境保护和建设、产业结构调整、科技教育发展等主要方面,取得明显进展。
    The midterm target of western China development is to work harder to make obvious progress in infrastructure construction, industrial structure adjustment, ecological environment protection, development of science and education in the next five to ten years.
  • 因为战,大量的移民涌入欧洲。
    There was a huge migration of people into Europe because of the war.
  • 网络正颠覆着人类原有的生活方式,在全球大气候下,新加坡为了保持竞能力,在多方面已有放宽管制的迹象。
    The Internet is transforming human life as we know it. In this global milieu, Singapore is gradually loosening its grip in many areas in order to maintain its competitive edge.
  • (四)从斗的工农群众中创造出新的红军部队。
    4.Create new units of the Red Army from among the masses of militant workers and peasants.