  • 奥克兰有近千家餐馆。
    It is said that there are nearly 1 000 restaurants in Auckland?
  • 什么我也要得到她一件遗物,我就赶到拍卖估价人那儿,请他让我查一查售出物品的买主名单。
    I was absolutely determined to have something that had been hers, and I went directly to the auctioneer's to ask if I might inspect the list of items sold and of the buyers' names.
  • 因此,我再跟您一遍,先生,这本书现在归您了,并且我再一次请求您接受它,不要像我从拍卖估价人手里买到它那样从我手里买回去,我还希望这本书能有助于我们之间结成更深厚长久的友谊。”
    I repeat, the book is yours, and I beg you once more to accept it. This way it won' t come to you as it came to me, from an auctioneer, and it will be between us the pledge of a more durable acquaintance and closer bonds.'
  • 对完全征服太空的大胆幻想;对两部詹姆士一世时期的戏剧的一种大胆的解释;当代最大胆的小作者;大胆的投资者;大胆的精神。
    audacious visions of the total conquest of space; an audacious interpretation of two Jacobean dramas; the most daring of contemporary fiction writers; a venturesome investor; a venturous spirit.
  • 他竟然胆敢对我我太肥胖。
    He had the audacity to tell me I was too fat.
  • 他竟然胆敢对我我太肥胖。
    He have the audacity to tell me I am too fat.
  • 他以一种听得见的耳语话。
    he spoke in an audible whisper.
  • 她勉强笑了笑,身体弱得连话别人都听不见。
    Pumping up her smile, she was too weak to speak audibly.
  • 不过到底,从那寂静的小憩中也还听得出人们守候着什么东西出现时的喘气、屏息、紧张,还有加速了的心跳。
    but at any rate, the quiet pause was audibly expressive of people out of breath, and holding the breath, an' having the pulses quickened by expectation.
  • 小鹰,“你这句话的意思,我连一半都听不懂!更主要的是我不相信你自己会懂,”小鹰完后低下头偷偷笑了,其它一些鸟也都偷偷地笑出声来。
    said the Eaglet. `I don't know the meaning of half those long words, and, what's more, I don't believe you do either!' And the Eaglet bent down its head to hide a smile: some of the other birds tittered audibly.
  • 他的口才服了听众。
    His eloquence won the audience.
  • 他的演打动了听众。
    His speech swayed the audience.
  • 这位演者使听众深受感动。
    The speaker electrified his audience.
  • 她的口才说服了听众
    Her eloquence won over the audience.
  • 他的演使听众深为感动。
    His speech affected the audience deeply.
  • 这所中学的视听设备包括一套新的多媒体装置,更不用电影、录音等设备了。
    The school's audio-visual apparatus includes a new set of multi-media device, not to mention films, records, etc.
  • 李洪志散布了很多歪理邪,并做成了大量的音像制品。
    Li Hong zhi has spread many fallacies and absurdities and produced huge amount of audio-visual products.
  • 礼堂里座无虚席。在我们乐队成员轻轻地调试音调的当儿,观众席里还在叽叽喳喳个不停。
    The auditorium filled to capacity and the audience buzzed while we softly tuned our instruments.
  • 出来进行听觉交流的话。
    sounds uttered for auditory communication.
  • 1998年8月12日,又一首歌《只想听你你爱我》勇夺排行榜冠军。
    A second single,“ Just to Hear You Say That You Love Me,” hit No.1 on Aug.12,1998.
  • 说不定他已经死了。
    He may be dead for aught I know.
  • 但是当他研究到这种技巧与鉴别力的起因时,他只到分工为止,他用来明这一点的只是交换、物质资本的增加和市场的扩大这些因素,因此他的论点很快就越来越深地陷入于唯物主义、狭隘观点和利己主义。
    but in his investigations as to the causes of this skill and judgment, he does not go farther than the division of labour, and that he illustrates solely by exchange, augmentation of material capital, and extension of markets. His doctrine at once sinks deeper and deeper into materialism, particularism, and individualism.
  •  马尔萨斯希望限制人口增加,查默斯和托伦斯则近来有一种奇妙的想法,认为资本的累进与生产的无限制扩张都是要不得的,社会福利所严格要求的是制止这方面的进展,西斯蒙第工业发展是对社会有害的;他们所以会发生这类错误见解,只是由于抹煞了生产力发展的世界性趋向。
    Only by ignoring the cosmopolitical tendency of the productive powers could Malthus be led into the error of desiring to restrict the increase of population, or Chalmers and Torrens maintain more recently the strange idea that augmentation of capital and unrestricted production are evils the restriction of which the welfare of the community imperatively demands, or Sismondi declare that manufactures are things injurious to the community.
  • 他借写短篇小而增加其收入。
    He augmented his income by writing short stories.
  • 巴勒斯坦主席的演增加了近东的紧张局势。
    The recent speech of the PLO chairman augmented tensions in the Near East.
  • 她靠当女招待挣钱,补之以学生贷款和一些微薄的资助,“我努力成为一个好母亲,但是这太难了”,她,“我有非常多的家庭作业,晚上总是有大量的书堆在我的床周围伴我入眠。”
    She earned money by waitressing, augmented by student loans and some modest financial aid."I was trying to be a good mother, but it was hard," she says. "I had lots of homework, and I'd fall asleep at night with tons of books around my bed."
  • 伯恩:比如说八月初。
    Say, the beginning of August?
  • 泰西塔斯:“里维亚同她丈夫底智略和她儿子底虚伪都很融洽”就是奥古斯塔斯有智略而泰比瑞阿斯善掩饰的意思。
    Tacitus saith, Livia sorted well, with the arts of her husband, and dissimulation of her son: attributing arts or policy to Augustus, and dissimulation to Tiberius.
  • 菲利浦-奥古斯都所建的这座老卢浮宫,庞大无比,其巨大主塔的周围簇拥着二十三座宛若嫔妃的塔楼,其他许多小塔就更不用了,这座宫殿远远望去,好似镶嵌在阿郎松府邸和小波旁宫那些峨特式的尖顶之间。
    The old Louvre of Philip Augustus, that immense edifice whose great tower rallied about it three and twenty chief towers, not to reckon the lesser towers, seemed from a distance to be enshrined in the Gothic roofs of the Hotel d'Alen鏾n, and the Petit-Bourbon.
  • 又当缪西阿奴斯劝外斯帕显举兵攻委泰立阿斯的时候,他:“我们现在起事,所与为敌者既不是奥古斯塔斯底洞察的判断力,也不是泰比瑞阿斯底极端审慎或隐密”这些特质——权谋或策略与掩饰或隐密——确是不同的习惯与能力,并且是应当辨别的。
    And again, when Lucianus encourageth Vespasian, to take arms against Vitellius, he saith; We rise not, against the piercing judgment of Augustus, nor the extreme caution or closeness of Tiberius. These properties of arts or policy, and dissimulation or closeness, are indeed habits and faculties, several, and to be distinguished.
  • 不久,这位“拾得姹不知怎的,又一去不来,他只是失掉了,也并不穷究。
    Not long after, this "Auntie Picked Up" left him, never to return. No one seems to know why. He himself just said that she's lost again and did not seem to want to pursue the matter.
  • 马基雅弗利的政治学:主张统治者可以肆无忌惮地用各种手段来建立和巩固专制政权的主张。
    the political doctrine of Machiavelli: any means (however unscrupulous) can be used by a ruler in order to create and maintain his autocratic government.