  • 肘尺古代的一种长度测量单位,以前等于从中指指尖到肘的前臂长度,或约等于17至22寸(43至56厘米)
    An ancient unit of linear measure, originally equal to the length of the forearm from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow, or about17 to22 inches(43 to56 centimeters).
  • 现在,我们党有二十二年多的历史了,其间经过了三次大的革命战争,我党始终站在最前线,为着民族和人民的解放事业而勇奋斗,我党始终引导着中国革命向前发展、向前迈进。
    Our Party now has a history of more than 22 years, in which it has gone through three great revolutionary wars. It has always stood in the forefront, fighting heroically for the liberation of our nation and people and consistently guiding the Chinese revolution forward.
  • 那个外国人用蹩脚文问怎样去伦敦。
    The foreigner asked in broken English the way to London.
  • 你知道谁是最重要的语作家吗?
    Do you know who is the foremost writer in the English language?
  • 盎格鲁撒克逊语是现代语的先驱。
    Anglo-Saxon is the forerunner of modern English.
  •  国的工业革命在这个转折中起了火车头的作用,亚当斯密的《论财富》则充当了舆论上的先驱。
    England's Industrial Revolution was the vanguard of this transformation, while Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations"was the intellectual forerunner.
  • 国的工业革命在这个转折中起了火车头的作用,亚当斯密的《论财富》则充当了舆论上的先驱。
    England's Industrial Revolution was the vanguard of this transformation, while Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations" was the intellectual forerunner.
  • 重罪,大罪国早期法律规定的几种重罪,这些罪行可处以没收土地、财产甚至失去身体某一部分或死刑
    Any of several crimes in early English law that were punishable by forfeiture of land or goods and by possible loss of life or a bodily part.
  • 红日上方标有“永远向前”的文字样,呈弧形排列,最顶部镶嵌着奥林匹克五环。
    Above the sun, there is a slogan saying "Forge Ahead Forever"in English and it is arranged in a curved line. At the top of it, the Olympic five rings were encased.
  • 红日上方标有“永远向前”的文字样,呈弧形排列,最顶部镶嵌着奥林匹克五环。
    Above the sun, there is a slogan saying “Forge Ahead Forever" in English and it is arranged in a curved line. At the top of it, the Olympic five rings were encased.
  • 我的语已逐渐淡忘,因为我从来不讲语。
    I am forgetting my English because I never speak it.
  • 她决定不去参加聚会,为语考试作好准备。
    She decide to forgo the party and prepare for the english exam
  • 从前国陆军经常把大批士兵派驻在苏格兰的威廉堡。
    In former times the British army kept lots of soldiers at Fort William in Scotland.
  • 前密克罗尼西亚的一个国殖民地。
    a former British colony in Micronesia.
  • 从前,(国的)高级司法官员。
    (British) formerly a high judicial officer.
  • 国)原来巡回卖松饼的小贩。
    (British) formerly an itinerant peddler of muffins.
  • 在言语中不重读的语元音大部分被弱化成无形的中元音。
    Most English vowel sounds which are not given weight in speech become reduced to a rather formless central vowel.
  • 洪水退後地基下陷了(两尺).
    The foundations sank (two feet) after the flood.
  • 四分之一码;九英寸
    One fourth of a yard; nine inches.
  • 四分之一国重量单位;二十八磅
    One fourth of a British hundredweight;28 pounds.
  • 四分之一里;两弗隆
    One fourth of a mile; two furlongs.
  • 汽车在离墙不到一寸的地方停住了。
    The car stopped within a fraction of an inch of the wall.
  • 爱尔兰和国使用的辅助货币单位。
    a fractional monetary unit of Ireland and the United Kingdom; equal to one hundredth of a pound.
  • 水晶石石断片,直径4到64毫米(0。16到2。51寸),尤指天然圆形的石颗粒
    A rock fragment between4 and64 millimeters(0.16 and2.51 inches) in diameter, especially one that has been naturally rounded.
  • 国最近的邻居是法国。
    Britain's nearest neighbour is France.
  • 国最近的邻居是法国。
    Britain's nearest neighbor is France.
  • 国妇女于一九一八年获得了选举权。
    "In Britain, women were given the franchise in 1918."
  • 我们把镑兑换成瑞士法郎。
    We convert our pound into Swiss Francs.
  • 目前的法郎对镑的汇率是8。85法郎兑1镑。
    The current rate of exchange be 8.85 francs to the pound.
  • 他从事自由职业每年可获5000镑.
    His freelance work brings (him) in 5000 a year.
  • 自由职业者的现行酬金是每小时5镑.
    The going rate for freelance work is 5 an hour.
  • 我们有些人会说语,有些人会说法语。
    Some of us can speak English. Others/Some can speak French.