  • 能[会](做某事)
    be able to (do sth.)
  • 在你清醒的时候,你不会表露出你秘密的一面,因为你控制自己的行为;可在你人睡的时候,你睡觉的姿势会展示真实的你。
    You don't show your secret personality when you're awake because you can control your behavior, but when you're asleep, your sleeping position shows the real you.
  • 到陈列柜看看吗?
    Will you kindly step over here to this showcase?
  • 科技产业联交所为工业家、企业家和创业资本家提供一个科技展示及资源中心,以提升本港在创新、发明及量产方面的力;
    The Techmart, a technology showcase and resource centre for industrialists, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists, promoted Hong Kong's capability in innovation, invention and industrialisation.
  • 作为以贸易和金融著称的城市,杜塞尔多夫无疑是用德国马克买到任何一件优质商品的集散地。
    As a town best known for trade and money, it is no surprise that Dusseldorf is a showcase for all the good things the Deutsche Mark can buy.
  • 然而老年人已经经历各种欢乐和忧伤,而且成就了他力所及的一切工作,就他来讲,怕死就有些低贱而卑鄙了。
    But in an old man who has known joys and sorrows, and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble.
  • 《花花公子》杂志,这份素以书中的裸体女性彩页而闻名的男性杂志,3月25日宣布计划开辟画刊专栏"安然女人",为近日丑闻缠身的源巨头--安然公司中的现任和曾经在该公司供职的女雇员提供展现自己风采的机会。
    Playboy, the men's magazine famous for its centerfolds of nude women, on Monday said it is planning a photo spread entitled the "Women of Enron" to showcase current and former employees of the ruined energy company.
  • 提高北京科技创新力,推进高新技术成果的产业化和在人民生活中的广泛应用,使北京奥运会成为展示高新技术成果和创新实力的窗口。
    In doing so, Beijing's capacity in high-tech innovation will be improved and the application of high-tech achievements in production and people's life promoted. Beijing Olympic Games will be a window to showcase our high-tech achievements and innovative capacity.
  • 当然,社会上反对声音仍然不满当局定下的三点基本游戏规则,认为未体现“真正的言论自由”,也质疑当局的诚意,是否只图开个“民主橱窗”而已!
    Of course, one still hears voices unhappy about the three rules of public speaking set by the authorities. Some people criticise the rules for running counter to the spirit of "genuine free speech". They question the sincerity of the authorities, suspecting an attempt to present a mere "showcase for democracy".
  • 平淡无味的圣诞聚会;她是你想象的最温顺最可怜的人群中的一个,没有意愿,也没有力去做,只听从别人的安排。
    a tame Christmas party; she was one of the tamest and most abject creatures imaginable with no will or power to act but as directed.
  • 虽然本周双方的言词都意味着可摊牌,但是按照法律,任何保险公司打算离开该州,必须“有条不紊地撤离”(遵守有关法令),紧张气氛因而降低。
    While the language on both sides this week has the ring of a showdown, the sense of drama is dampened by the "orderly withdrawal" required by law for any insurer wishing to leave the state.
  • 恐怖主义分子以拙劣而卑鄙的手法攻击文明社会的事件,也可发生在其他繁荣大都会,因此世人绝不上恐怖分子的当,受制于隐隐形成的对抗危机,也模糊了打击恐怖主义的焦点。
    The despicable means terrorists employ to attack civilised society can happen in any cosmopolitan city. We should not be fooled by terrorists - by backing off from the showdown that is shaping up and losing our focus on the need to stamp out terrorism.
  • 力看得深入一些。
    with ability to see into deeply.
  • 穿透的力量或能力
    The power or ability to penetrate.
  • 自主选择的力或自由。
    the freedom or ability to choose.
  • 发声力制造这种声音的
    The ability to produce such sounds.
  • 实行或行动能力
    The ability to perform or act.
  • 敏感性感觉或感知的
    The ability to feel or perceive.
  • 力做某事的力量或
    Strength or ability to do something.
  • 拥有一种吸引人的非凡力。
    possessing an extraordinary ability to attract.
  • 没有特别的品质或力的。
    of no exceptional quality or ability.
  • 人有思考的能力。
    Man has the ability to reason.
  • 吞咽症失去吞咽
    Loss of the ability to swallow.
  • 交际的所有力都丧失。
    loss of all ability to communicate.
  • 我真希望我有你一样的力。
    I wish I had your ability.
  • 我不评价他的力。
    I can not evaluate his ability.
  • 她的写作力是无与伦比的。
    Her writing ability is beyond compare.
  • 等价的、当量的具有同等的结合
    Having the same ability to combine.
  • 具有直觉能力的
    Having the ability to so perceive.
  • 是否雇用他取决於他的力。
    Employment is conditional on his ability.
  • 因为他的浮夸,我们不将任何重要的任务委任给他。
    Because of his showiness we cannot trust him with any important assignment.
  • 用人力;在人力所及的范围
    By human means; within human ability